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Post 16 Feb 2018, 8:36 pm

It is on a temporary homepage,, since I am having a bit of trouble editing my main website. Its been a while since I have put a new variant out there, but I have a good excuse. I have been working on this brute! Its huge and has several unusual rules. Dawn of the Enlightenment is a global variant set in 1701, at the beginning of the Great Northern War and the War of the Spanish Succession. It has several Powers with possessions stretching around the world while others are compact, half strength units outside Europe, high seas provinces to foster fluidity on the map, and variable victory criteria so that smaller Powers have a reasonable chance of winning..

PM me or email me at zendip18AToptonlineDOTnet if you are interested in playing. If you have difficulty reading the rules on the map, or difficulty magnifying on the temporary webpage, I can email you the map and a stand alone rules page.

As always, even if you do not want to play, comments, criticism and suggestions are always welcome.
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Post 18 Feb 2018, 8:24 am

Is Redscape this inactive? If not players coming forward, I was at least expecting some comments. :(
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 19 Feb 2018, 6:57 am

David, it is a ghost town for Dip these days. I'll advertise at the other active sites that use robot GM's - maybe we'll bring some in who appreciate human GM'd games.
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Post 19 Feb 2018, 7:53 am

Hello SLOTerp.

I am already advertising on reddit, Webpliplomacy, ViDiplomacy and Playdiplomacy. What other sites are you talking about?

P.S. We are at 11 players signed up, so we only need 4 more.
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Post 19 Feb 2018, 10:01 am

Looks great David: A new global variant but with a lower number of players. I have to pass myself. but I hope you get some interest from others with experience in world variants.
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Post 19 Feb 2018, 1:39 pm

David E. Cohen wrote:Hello SLOTerp.

I am already advertising on reddit, Webpliplomacy, ViDiplomacy and Playdiplomacy. What other sites are you talking about?

P.S. We are at 11 players signed up, so we only need 4 more.

You got the two I'm familiar with covered (V & Web Dip). Looks like you've had success filling the field. Do you plan on running the game through here? If so, I can set up a forum for you for turn & map postings.
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Post 19 Feb 2018, 2:21 pm

I may run it here. Is there a limit for map size, both absolute size and/or file size, since each map runs slightly over half a meg and the map size is 6,000x3,300?
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Post 19 Feb 2018, 3:32 pm

Try attaching it here. I can change the parameters if needed.
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Post 19 Feb 2018, 4:31 pm

Here it is:
DotE v1.2.png
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Post 19 Feb 2018, 4:34 pm

Ok, What I get is a shrunken pichture but when clicked it give me a window with a section of full sized map, which I can drag around easily, for a view of all parts of the image. Not the best thing, but workable I guess.
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Post 19 Feb 2018, 6:10 pm

That is one huge map!

I'll set a forum up for you.
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Post 20 Feb 2018, 4:27 am

It is as small as I can make it! :laugh: It is the whole world after all. In fact, it took me a long time to find the current map. The projection is not terribly distorted and water areas are minimized. The map I was using for preliminary work was over a third larger.
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Post 22 Feb 2018, 3:34 pm

We now have 13 confirmed playtesters with 1 more tentative, so we need 1 or 2 more players for a complete roster.
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Post 05 Mar 2018, 7:36 pm

We have a full roster! For those wanting to observe, I will be posting results in the ACD-Games yahoogroup and on the Redscape website. Additionally, if you want to be an Official Observer (and get first crack at any replacement positions that might become available), email me at zendip18AToptonlineDOTnet and I will add you to the email list.