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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 19 Nov 2014, 7:05 pm

Post it here guys. I'll put some thoughts down in the next day or two.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 21 Nov 2014, 6:11 pm

Red car review:

First, congrats to Fabio. Incredibly well run race.

The build
I went cheap on top speed because this course looked so... short. I figured there wouldn't be many chances to hit 160. In hindsight, I think I could've upped Top by 1 and maybe dropped one in start speed?

The bid
I figured with a short course, running from the front would be advantageous. I assumed I would have to go high on the bid to be in the front row for a couple of reasons. 1) Fabio would outbid everyone else, like he did in Silverstone. Thus, I would have to outbid everyone else to get in the first row. 2) The Silverstone racers would up their bids in general given the larger field (from 9 to 12). Fabio didn't do #1 and the rest didn't do #2. I overshot the nearest bidder, Kal, by 1.5 points. Fabio got in the 2nd row with just over half my bid.

Lap 1
I really wished I had gone slower in turn 4 - some additional wear might've been burned off behind me. With narrow tracks, that seems like a viable strategy. On the other hand, getting through SEAT before everyone else gave me quite an early lead.

Lap 2
It was in the big straight where I could've used the higher top speed. As the front runner, there's no one to slip, meaning you need more muscle to take advantage of the straights. I got a little worried about Tim catching up to me sitting on equal wear but, still more worried about Fabio and his huge wear advantage & faster car. Fabio would've caught me earlier than he did if I hadn't made that mistake in turn 16 (calling for SP instead of wear in a corner). I got the roll and saved a wear.

Lap 3
About the beginning of this lap I realized Fabio had me dead to rights. Without traffic to foul his ride, it was his race to lose. Fabio does not beat himself. The rest of this lap was just waiting for the inevitable. I was a bit concerned about Rando making a run but there was just too much traffic in his way - if the cars hadn't of bunched up in front of him, Rando would be 2nd, not me.

No one is required to write EOG's but I hope you choose to. I look forward to reading them.

A very enjoyable race - thanks to all who participated. On to Spa-Francorchamps!
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Post 24 Nov 2014, 5:36 pm

Changing drivers mid race, I thought I had a good chance to push with the amount of wear I had, but as it's been for me at times, it was just not enough. Got use out of most of the car although, tho I did end the race with a few skill points remaining. For the situation as I came in, an 8th is respectable, and definitly was fun!
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Post 24 Nov 2014, 8:25 pm

Having just gotten out of the infield care center, I am able to talk with the media.

The Grey Goose Vodka car was in great shape and the crew was tip top. This was my fault entirely in that last two turns...

We started out quickly and made the first lap without incident. Towards the end of the first lap I was jammed by two cars and that really screwed up our acceleration down the straightaway. We were staying in the 3rd/4th position. We had to make a risky move at the end of the race, and I guess the car couldn't do what I asked of it. Next race will be different. We are looking forward and not backwards.

I would like to thank the race organizers and race attendants. They make racing here a joy.

Brad (The Wolf) Bauska
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Post 25 Nov 2014, 7:31 am

Lap 1, I was happy to conserve wear. Yep, I allowed some cars to pass me, that was by design.

Lap 2 I should have clawed back some of those cars. I let traffic bother me more than it should have. On this short track there's not too much opportunity to pass.

Lap 3 was time to use my prodigious wear pile. But spending 4 wear in one move might have been overdoing it a bit. Moving from 7th to 3rd was good, but I ran out of track. My bad. Hey, at least I threw some fear into Mr. Polcen. Thanks, Mike, for running a fun race!
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Post 12 Jan 2015, 12:08 pm

Standings ... ?
Mike, can you post the cumulative standings after two official races?
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 12 Jan 2015, 12:09 pm

They're posted in Pit Row:
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 12 Jan 2015, 12:12 pm

I just changed the forum description to include 'standings'.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 13 Jan 2015, 1:05 pm

Created this chart, just as a goof. I could probably work on the formatting but if you can read it, its pretty interesting.

You can clearly see Cody's crash and Brad's late race spinout. Nice climb by Tim, coming from the back to reach 2nd place. Late climb by Randy is pretty impressive.