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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 06 Dec 2024, 2:08 pm

Turn 17 notes:

Segment 2:
Reb aim: 4 Knife, +0 BR skill = 4

Segment 3:
Reb draws 1 Delay card for Ling Ho Cover Up: Lose Aim (no effect)
John Henry and El Jefe draw 1 Delay card each for John Henry entering El Jefe's hex
John Henry: 0 delay, El Jefe: 0 delay

Segment 4:
El Jefe draws 2 Delay cards for crossing Window hexside: 1 delay

End Of Turn:
John Henry delay reduced from 1 to 0
Ling Ho delay reduced from 1 to 0
El Jefe delay reduced from 3 to 1

Train draw: 84 >8 no train

Next deadline: Turn 18 due Monday, December 9 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Dodge City Railroad turn 17 legend.png
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Dodge City Railroad turn 17 results.png
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 09 Dec 2024, 2:39 pm

Turn 18 notes:

Segment 2:
Ling Ho aim: 2 Pail, +2 BR skill = 4
Reb takes a BODY hit:
LIGHT 3: 2 delay, -2 endurance

Reb aim: 4 Knife, +0 BR skill = 4
Ling Ho takes as ARM hit:
DROP: 2 delay
OTHER HAND: no effect
OTHER ARM 1: will subtract 1 from aim for any attack involving OH

Owner draws 1 Delay card for entering Innocente's hex:

Segment 4:
John Henry aim: 3 Bear Hug, +2 BR skill, +3 Strength = 8
Ling Ho takes a SIDE hit:
LIGHT 2: 2 delay, -2 endurance

Segment 5:
Ling Ho Sidestep canceled: delay

Reb aim: 4 Knife, +0 BR skill = 4
Ling Ho takes an ARM hit:
STUN 1: Wild Shot (no effect)
OTHER HAND: no effect
OTHER ARM: will now subtract 2 for any attack involving OH

End Of Turn:
Owner delay reduced from 2 to 1
Ling Ho delay reduced from 4 to 2
Ling Ho endurance reduced from 23 to 21
Reb delay reduced from 2 to 1
Reb endurance reducedfrom 16 to 14

Train draw: 55 > 9 no train

Note 1: As soon as Ling Ho drew card 108 that was the last Malfunction, the deck was reshuffled.

Note 2: The Bear Hug must ba against an opponent in the same hex. Since I mistakenly allowed it
earlier I will continue to allow it for this showdown. But it will be enforced (assuming I don't
forget again) in future showdowns.

Next deadline: Turn 19 due Wednesday, December 11 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Dodge City Railroad turn 18 legend.png
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Dodge City Railroad turn 18 results.png
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Post 11 Dec 2024, 2:16 pm

Turn 19 notes:

Segment 2:
El Jefe aim: 5 Bare Hands, +0 BR skill = 5
Owner takes a SIDE hit:
LIGHT 1: 2 delay, -2 endurance

Segment 3:
Reb draws 1 Delay card for Ling Ho cancelling his Jab: 2 delay

Segment 5:
John Henry aim: 1 Spade, +3 Strength, +4 Strength, +2 BR skill = 10
Ling Ho takes a BODY hit:
LIGHT 3: 2 delay, -2 endurance
LOSE AIM: no effect

El Jefe aim: 5 Bare Hands, +0 BR skill = 5
Owner takes a CRIT hit:
LIGHT 3: 4 delay, -4 endurance
LOSE AIM: no effect

Owner Jab canceled: delay
Ling Ho Coverup canceled: delay

End Of Turn:
Owner delay reduced from 7 to 3
Owner endurance reduced from 20 to 14
Ling Ho delay reduced from 4 to 2
Ling Ho endurance reduced from 21 to 19
Reb delay reduced from 3 to 1

Train draw: 102 > 9 no train

Next deadline: Turn 20 due Friday, December 13 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Dodge City Railroad turn 19 results.png
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Post 13 Dec 2024, 2:26 pm

Turn 20 notes:

Segment 3:
El Jefe aim: 5 Bare Hands, +0 BR skill = 5
Owner takes a SIDE hit:
LIGHT 1: 2 delay, -2 endurance

Segment 5:
John Henry aim: 1 Spade, +3 Strength, +4 Strength, +2 BR skill = 10
Ling Ho takes a BODY hit:
LIGHT 3: 2 delay, -2 endurance
LOSE AIM: no effect

El Jefe aim: 5 Bare Hands, +0 BR skill = 5
Owner takes a CRIT hit:
LIGHT 3: 4 delay, -4 endurance
LOSE AIM: no effect

Reb aim: 4 Knife, +0 BR skill = 4

Owner Block canceled: delay
Ling Ho Get Up canceled: delay

End Of Turn:
Owner delay reduced from 9 to 4
Owner endurance reduced from 14 to 8
Ling Ho delay reduced from 6 to 3
Ling Ho endurance reduced from 19 to 15
Reb delay reduced from 1 to 0

Train draw: 14 > 10 no train

Note: Reb caused Ling Ho to Drop on turn 18. I had not given him a VP for that. Corrected.

Next deadline: Turn 21 due Monday, December 16 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Dodge City Railroad turn 20 legend.png
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Dodge City Railroad turn 20 results.png
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Post 16 Dec 2024, 2:11 pm

Turn 21 notes:

Segment 3:
El Jefe aim: 5 Bare Hands, +0 BR skill = 5
Owner takes a BODY hit:
LIGHT 2: 1 delay, -1 endurance

Reb aim: 4 Knife, +0 BR skill = 4

Segment 5:
John Henry aim: 1 Spade, +4 Strength, +2 BR skill = 7
Ling Ho takes a BODY hit:
LIGHT 3: 4 delay, -4 endurance
LOSE AIM: no effect

Ling Ho aim: 2 Pail, +2 BR skill = 4
Reb takes an ARM hit:
LIGHT 2: 3 delay, -3 endurance
OTHER HAND: ne effect

El Jefe aim: 5 Bare Hands, +0 BR skill = 5
Owner takes a SIDE hit:
LIGHT 1: Lose Aim (no effect)

Reb aim: 4 Knife, +0 BR skill = 4
Ling Ho takes a CRIT hit:
STUN 3: 8 delay, -8 endurance
SERIOUS 1: will draw 1 Delay card at the beginning of each turn

Owner Block canceled: delay

End Of Turn:
Owner delay reduced from 5 to 2
Owner endurance reduced from 8 to 7
Ling Ho delay reduced from 15 to 7
Ling Ho endurance reduced from 15 to 3
(This is the first turn Ling Ho finishes with more delay than endurance)
Reb delay reduced from 3 to 1
Reb endurance reduced from 14 to 11

Train draw: 95 > 10 no train

Next deadline: Turn 22 due Wednesday, December 18 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Dodge City Railroad turn 21 legend.png
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Dodge City Railroad turn 21 results.png
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Post 18 Dec 2024, 2:04 pm

Turn 22 notes:

Segment 3:
El Jefe aim: 5 Bare Hands, +0 BR skill = 5
Owner takes a BE(CRIT) hit:
LIGHT 3: 2 delay, -2 endurance
LOSE AIM: no effect

Reb aim: 4 Knife, +0 BR skill = 4
Ling Ho takes a BE(SIDE) hit:
STUN 3: 6 delay, -6 endurance

Segment 5:
John Henry aim: 1 Spade, +4 Strength, +2 BR skill = 7
Ling Ho takes a GUN hit:
LIGHT 6: 5 delay, -5 endurance
GUN HAND: no effect
GUN ARM 1: will (would) add 3 to aim for any shot/attack using GH

El Jefe aim: 5 Bare Hands, +0 BR skill = 5
Owner takes a BE(SIDE) hit:
LIGHT 1: 2 delay, -2 endurance

Owner Block canceled: delay

End Of Turn:
Owner delay reduced from 7 to 3
Owner endurance reduced from 7 to 2
(This is the first turn Owner finishes with more delay than endurance)
Ling Ho delay reduced from 15 to 7
Ling Ho endurance reduced from 15 to 3
(This is the second turn Ling Ho finishes with more delay than endurance)
Reb delay reduced from 1 to 0

John Henry gets +2 VPs for inflicting the most endurance loss on Ling Ho

Train draw: 36 > 11 no train

Holiday schedule:
December 23, 25, 30, January 1: soft deadline
On rhese days no reminder will be sent. If I have all moves I will put the turn out

December 20, 27: hard deadline

January 3: back to normal

Next deadline: Turn 23 due Friday, December 20 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Dodge City Railroad turn 22 legend.png
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Dodge City Railroad turn 22 results.png
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Post 20 Dec 2024, 2:05 pm

Turn 23 notes:

Segment 3:
El Jefe aim: 5 Bare Hands, +0 BR skill = 5
Owner takes a BODY hit:
LIGHT 2: 1 delay, -1 endurance

Reb Swing canceled: No Target

Segment 5:
John Henry aim: 0 Aim Markers, +2 BR skill = 2

El Jefe aim: 5 Bare Hands, +0 BR skill = 5
Owner takes a BE(SIDE) hit:
LIGHT 1: 0 delay, -0 endurance

Owner Block canceled: delay
Reb Jab canceled: No Target

End Of Turn:
Owner delay reduced from 4 to 2
Owner endurance reduced from 2 to 1
(This is the second turn Owner finishes with more delay than endurance)
El Jefe gets +2 VPs for inflicting the most endurance loss on Owner

Train draw: 99 > 11 no train

Holiday schedule:
December 23, 25, 30, January 1: soft deadline
On rhese days no reminder will be sent. If I have all moves I will put the turn out

December 20, 27: hard deadline

January 3: back to normal

Next deadline: Turn 24 due Monday, December 23 (soft) at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Dodge City Railroad turn 23 legend.png
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Dodge City Railroad turn 23 results.png
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Post 27 Dec 2024, 2:10 pm

Turn 24 notes:

Segment 3:
John Henry draws 2 Delay cards for crossing Window hexside: 2 delay
Reb Swing canceled: No Target

Segment 5:
Reb Jab canceled: No Target

End Of Turn:
John Henry delay reduced from 2 to 1

Train draw: 28 > 12 no train

Holiday schedule:
December 23, 25, 30, January 1: soft deadline
On rhese days no reminder will be sent. If I have all moves I will put the turn out

December 20, 27: hard deadline

January 3: back to normal

Next deadline: Turn 25 due Monday, December 30 (soft) at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
Dodge City Railroad turn 24 legend.png
Dodge City Railroad turn 24 map.png
Dodge City Railroad turn 24 results.png
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Post 01 Jan 2025, 2:09 pm

Turn 25 notes:

Segment 2:
Reb draws 1 Delay card for entering Ling Ho's hex: Lose Aim (no effect)

Segment 4:
El Jefe draws 1 Delay card for Sprint: 0 delay

Segment 5:
Reb Duck canceled: no target

End Of Turn:
John Henry delay reduced from 1 to 0

Train draw: 5 < 12 train arrives
Reb gets +2 VPs for being in F6 when the train arrived

Note: Train marker doesn't align with tracks. Not my fault. :)

Final Points:
Side A: 0 / 3 = 0
Owner +0: +1 Knock Out Innocente, +0 Passed Out -1 Clerk Passed Out
Clerk -1, +0 Passed Out, -1 Owner Passed Out
Reb +1, +2 In F6 when train arrived, +1 Knock Down Ling Ho, -1 Owner Passed Out, -1 Clerk Passed Out

Side B: 4 / 1 = 4
John Henry +4: +2 Knock Out Innocente, +2 Knock Out Ling Ho

Side C: 3 / 2 = 1.5
Innocente +1: +1 Knock Down John Henry, +0 Passed Out
El Jefe +2: +2 Knock Out Owner, +1 Knock Down John Henry, -1 Innocente Passed Out

Side D: 1 / 2 = 0.5
Ling Ho 0: +0 Passed Out

As usual we will take a 2ish week break. Let me know if you're playing the next showdown and any
showdown requests.
Showdown 1 as published (everyone has a C45, there are no attributes, all terrain is clear)
Showdown 6, Raid (will take volunteers for any side B character)
Showdown 8 Campfire (add NCO to side B as seventh character)
Showdown 17 Hurrahing the Town

Of course, you are free to suggest something else.
Dodge City Railroad turn 25 legend.png
Dodge City Railroad turn 25 map.png
Dodge City Railroad turn 25 results.png