House Cards:
Mace Tyrell +2 Combat Strength
Special Ability: If you win this battle you may immediately place a support or defense order in this area, removing any orders that were there.
Arianne Martell +1 Combat Strength
Special Ability: If you lose this battle by 2 or less strength, both you and your opponent must retreat at the end of the battle.

Special Ability Resolution:
Tyrell - TBA
Martell - TBA

Battle Resolution:
Tyrell Combat Strength +2 Leader +2 Knight +1 Footman +1 Support +2 HC = 7
Martell Combat Strength +1 Footman +1 HC = 2

Tyrell wins 7 v 2

Martell's Power Token is removed.

Special Ability Resolution:
Tyrell may immediately place a support or defense order in this Starfall.
Tyrell places No new order in Starfall.
Martell Lost by more than 2 strength, SA is not applicable.

Martell Retreats to Yronwood.