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Post 05 Apr 2024, 5:50 am

Tim runs the straight at 140.

Brent takes the red 80 line and the 80s at 100 for 1w.

Curtis starts at 140 then stands on the brakes to hit 120 (l2sk = 9 OK) then takes the outside 80s, starting the blue line, for 2w.

Chris B. takes the red 80 line at 100 for 1w.

James runs at 140 onto the red line.

Chris L. tries for 120 (test ACC = 11 FAIL) but the engine bucks and he only does 100.

John does 120 and pulls outside of Chris L.

Jim speeds up to 120 (thanks to the blue line ahead) and spends 1 more wear over the 100/80 line.

Dave B. does 80 over the 60 and the blue line for 1w.

Dave I. does 60 over the outside 60 and the blue line for free.

Franklin does 80 over the red line and the outside 60s for 1w.

Next plot due Monday, 8 April @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 26.png
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Post 08 Apr 2024, 5:55 am

Tim runs at 140, crossing the line to start Lap 3.

Brent speeds up to 120.

Curtis gets the jump at 160, speeding up with the corner/120 line for wear paid and moving into P3.

Chris B. takes the 80s at 100 (paid).

James takes the red 80 line and the 80s at 120 for 2w.

Chris L. takes the outside 80s then the blue line at 120 for 2w.

John takes the red 80 line at 120 for 2w then goes to the outside 100s and pulls into P6.

Jim takes the 100 line at 80 for 1w.

Dave B. does 140 and starts the red line.

Franklin gets the jump at 140 and with a slip pulls inside for P9.

Dave I. runs at 120.

Next plot due Wednesday, 10 April @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 27.png
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Post 10 Apr 2024, 6:27 am

Tim runs into the corner on the inside 60 line for 2w.

Brent maintains 120.

Curtis does 140.

Chris B. does 140.

James does 140 and gets a slip.

John speeds up to 140 over the 100 (paid).

Chris L. speeds up to 140 over the 120 line (paid).

Jim finishes the red line then swings out to the 100s at 100 (paid).

Franklin does 100 on the outside 80s then takes the inside 80s for 1w.

Dave B. takes the red 80 line at 100 then the 100s for 1w.

Dave I. takes the outside 80s at 100 for 1w and starts the blue 120 line.

Next plot due Friday, 12 April @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 28.png
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Post 12 Apr 2024, 6:17 am

Tim slows to 80 and takes the 80 line for free.

Brent does 100 over the 60 line for 2w.

Curtis does 100 over the 80 line for 1w.

James gets the jump at 140 and grabs the 60 line.

Chris B. slows to 100.

John and Chris L. run in parallel at 140.

Jim does 140 down the straight.

Dave B. and Franklin run in parallel at 160 and make it 3-wide at Start/Finish, making for great TV and giving the crowd a show.

Dave I. speeds up on the blue 120 line to 140 (paid).

Next plot sue Monday, 15 April (Tax Day!) @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 29.png
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Post 15 Apr 2024, 5:31 am

Tim runs onto the next line at 120.

Brent finishes the 60 line at 100 (paid) then takes the 80 line for 1w.

Curtis finishes the 80 line at 100 (paid).

James takes the 60 line at 100 for 2w and starts the 80 line.

Chris B. takes the 60 line at 80 for 1w.

Chris L. takes the 80 line at 100 for 2w and pulls into P6.

John takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Dave B. runs at 160 and takes P8.

Franklin (NPR1, warning) does 160 for P9.

Jim slows to 120.

Dave I. runs at 160.

Next plot due Wednesday, 17 April @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 30.png
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Post 17 Apr 2024, 5:27 am

Tim runs the 100 lines at 100 for free.

Brent speeds up to 120 and starts the first 100 line.

James takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w and pull into P3.

Curtis takes the 60 at 80 for 1w.

Chris B. finishes the 60 line at 80 (paid) and then takes the 80 line for free.

Chris L. finishes the 80 line at 120 (paid) then takes the outside 80s through Luco for 2w.

John runs the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Franklin takes the 80 line at 120 for 2w and P8.

Dave B. runs the outside 80s at 120 for 2w.

Jim takes the outside 80s at 100 for 1w.

Dave I. takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Next plot due Friday, 19 April @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 31.png
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Post 18 Apr 2024, 6:06 am

Minor correction: Dave B. overbraked (-60) and so spent a wear. No changes to any positions or the deadline.
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 31.png
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Post 19 Apr 2024, 5:20 am

Arg. Sorry drivers, not sure why I can’t get this right.

Dave B. went 120, not 100, over the 80s for 2w.

Because this is so late, deadline is now Monday, 22 April @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 31.png
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Post 22 Apr 2024, 5:57 am

Tim takes the 120s at 120 for free.

Brent, James, and Curtis take the 100 lines at 100 for free.

Chris L. gets the jump at 140; he takes the long way and grabs the line.

Chris B. does 120 and runs to the inside.

John takes the 60 space at 60 for free.

Franklin takes the 80s at 80 for free.

Jim finishes the 80s at 100 (paid) then starts the 80 line.

Dave I. finishes the 80 line at 100 (paid) and moves to the middle lane for P10.

Next plot due Wednesday, 24 April @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 32.png
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Post 24 Apr 2024, 6:26 am

Tim runs the 120s then the 140 line at 120 for free.

Brent runs the 120s at 120 for free.

James and Curtis tske the 120s at 140 for 1w.

Chris B. takes the 100s then the 100 line for free.

Chris L. takes the 80s at 100 for 1w and pulls into P5.

John takes the first 100 line art 100 for free.

Franklin runs onto the line at 100.

Dave B. takes the long route to start the arrow at 120.

Jim gets the jump at 100 over the 80 line for 1w and P10.

Dave I. takes the 80s at 80 for free.

Next plot due Friday, 26 April @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 33.png
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Post 26 Apr 2024, 5:25 am

Tim takes the 140 line at 120 for free.

Brent runs the 120s and the blue 140 line at 120 for free.

James also takes the 120s and starts the blue line for free.

Curtis takes the 120s for free and gets a slip for P3.

Chris L. and Chris B. takes the 120s at 120 for free.

John finishes the corner at 100 on the second 100 line for free.

Franklin, Dave B., and Jim takes the two 100 lines at 100 for free.

Dave I. takes the 100 lines at 120 for 1w.

Next plot due Monday, 29 April @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 34.png
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Post 29 Apr 2024, 5:53 am

Tim runs the 80 line at 80 for free.

Brent stays on the blue 140 line at 100 for free.

James does 140 and leave the blocked line for 2w and P2.

Curtis maintains 120 over the 100s for 1w.

Chris L. does 140 over the 120s for 1w and then takes the blue line.

Chris B. does 120 over the 120s/140 line for free and gets a slip.

John does 120 over the 120s for free.

Franklin does 120 over the 120s for free and gets a slip.

Dave B., Jim, and Dave I. do 120 over the 120s for free.

Next plot due Wednesday, 1 May (!) @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 35.png
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Post 01 May 2024, 5:41 am

Tim runs to the corner at 100.

James takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Curtis starts at 120 then late brakes (2sk = 4 OK) to 100 and takes the line for 1w.

Brant runs the 80 line at 80 for free.

Chris L. maintains 140 on the 140 line for free and runs onto the 80 line.

Chris B. speeds up to 140 on the 140 line for free and also starts the 80 line.

Franklin gets the jump at 140 over the 120s/140 line for 1w and P7.

John takes the 120s/140 line art 120 for free.

Dave B. runs the 120s /140 line at 120 for free.

Jim takes the 120s art 120 for free.

Dave I. finishes the 120s then hits the next set of 120s at 120 for free.

Next plot due Friday, 3 May @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 36.png
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Post 03 May 2024, 5:54 am

Tim takes the outside 60 and then the blue 100 line at 60 for free.

James runs at 100 over the outside 60 for 1w.

Curtis and Brent run at 100.

Chris L. and Chris B. take the 80 line art 100 for 1w.

Franklin and John do 120 onto the red line.

Dave does 140 over the 140 blue line for free.

Jim slows to 100 and runs the inside 120/100s for free.

Dave I. does 120 over the 120s/140 line for free.

Next plot due Monday, 6 May @ 11 AM ET (US). Time extended as I will be busy in the morning, so the result will be late.
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 37.png
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Post 06 May 2024, 10:03 am

Tim stands on the GO pedal to hit 120 (test ACC = 9 OK).

James speeds up with the corner to 120 over the 80 line (paid).

Curtis takes the 60 and the 80 blue line at 100 for 2w.

Brent takes the red 60 line and the outside 60s at 100 for 2w.

Chris L. slows to 60 and take the outside 60 for free.

Chris B. starts at 100, then tries to late brake to 80 (11 FAIL, 1w) but the brakes slip and he’s forced to skid. He then takes the red 60 line at 80 but with no wear left takes a Chance (7 SPIN) and spins. Because of his ACC speed (lower than Start), he will be doing 40 next turn (but has a choice of paths). He does pick up P5.

(Note that was an error on Chris B.’s status box last turn - however, the error showed -4 wear instead of 1 wear.)

Franklin takes the 80 line at 80 for free.

John takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w and pulls outside of Franklin.

Dave B. takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Dave I. gets the jump at 120 then late brakes (2sk = 6 OK) to 100 and grabs the line.

Jim does 100 to the inside.

Next plot due Wednesday, 8 May, back at the normal time of 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Race 3  Turn 38.png