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Post 08 Jan 2024, 7:15 am

Turn 14 Summary

Tatum heads towards lap two at 120. Baker pulls alongside at 140. Rund picks up the orange wing at 140.

Needham clears Forsthaus on the line at 100 for two wear. Schultz follows at 100 and also clips a couple of tires.

Bauska gets the initiative at 120. He late brakes with a wear and tosses two more on the Forsthaus line. Peeples plots 100 then slams the brakes to 80 (natural 8). He dives inside for two wear.

Beckman pulls up to Forsthaus on the line at 120. Schulz, at 140, takes inside position.

Harley gets initiative at 180. He chips in 2s on the late brake (modified 2) and makes it a three-wide going into Forsthaus. Kennington grabs the racing line at 140.

Fritz, at 140 and the bonus, has the wing of the black machine. Blanchett, at 160, selects the middle lane.

Brandt grabs the dice cup with 2s to hit 200 (modified 9). Whew... that was close!

Turn 15 Deadline: Wednesday, January 10th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 10 Jan 2024, 8:27 am

Turn 15 Summary

Baker gets the initiative at 180 and crosses into the 2nd lap. Tatum tucks in at 160. Rund pulls up to orange at 160 and the bonus.

Needham pushes the nose across in the lap 2 at 160. Schultz challenges at 160 and the bonus.

Peeples and Bauska trade paint towards the S/F line at 140 each.

Harley has the initiative at 100. He wants the line but he's not on the line and burns two wear on the outside. Schulz drops to 80 and clears Forsthaus on the inside for two. Beckman, also at 80, finds a clear line at a cost of a wear.

Fritz goes outer rail at 100 and sheds two wear for the privilege. Kennington drops a wear at 80 on the line and clears.

Blanchett wants the line at 100 but that dog won't hunt. With no back-up plans, he runs the outside for the same two wear.

Brandt picks up the Forsthaus line at 180.

Turn 16 Deadline: Friday, January 12th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 12 Jan 2024, 8:08 am

Turn 16 Summary

Baker runs the Bethelem racing line at 140.

Tatum stays on his wing at 120 and the bonus. Rund, at 120, creates the anchor of the mini conga.

Needham pulls up to Bethlehem at 180 on the inside. Schultz tucks in at 160.

Peeples crosses into lap 2 at 180. Bauska picks up his wing at 160.

Schulz runs down the straight at 140.

Harley moves up the board at 180. Beckman falls behind at 120.

Fritz gets the initiative by pushing his engine with 2s* (modified 3). He tucks in behind the #43. Kennington, at 140, gets the double bonus.

Blanchett takes an RM plot of 120 (NPR #1: Warning). Brandt clips two tires at 100 to clear Forsthaus.

* I forgot to take off Brent's skill on the chart. Will correct with next turn. Thanks to Brent for notifying me.

Turn 17 Deadline: Monday, January 15th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 15 Jan 2024, 10:17 am

Turn 17 Summary

Baker sheds a wear at 100 through the Esses and opts for the inside. Tatum clears the Esses at 80. Rund, also at 80, gets hung in the corner.

Needham over-brakes with 1s (modified 6) to 100. He dives into the Esses for a wear. Schultz, at 120, scrubs two wear in the Esses.

Peeples runs Bethlehem on the line for free at 140. Bauska stays on his wing at 120 and the bonus.

Harley pulls up to Bethlehem on the inside at 180.

Schulz, at 180 and the double slip, clears Bethlehem on the line for a wear. Kennington tries to keep his engine going at 180 but he sees smoke instead (natural 11).

Fritz pulls in behind the #27 at 160 and the double bonus. Beckman has the wing on the #88 at 160 and the slip.

Blanchett drops the hammer and nudges his engine to 200 with 1s (modified 3). He catches the conga line. Brandt joins the field in lap 2 at 180.

Turn 18 Deadline: Wednesday, January 17th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 17 Jan 2024, 6:20 am

Turn 18 Results

Baker sets up Eichholz on the line at 100. Tatum takes the top spot at 120 via the Quarry line. Rund clears Quarry on the inside at 80.

Needham takes an RM plot of 100 (NPR #1: Warning) and shuffles to the outer rail in Quarry. Schultz, at 120, burns off some speed in the Esses before jumping on the Quarry line.

Peeples clears the Esses at 80. Bauska is also able to clear at 80.

Schulz, at 120, burns off speed on the outside of the Esses for two wear and settles in behind orange. Harley, also at 120, clips two tires in the Esses.

Fritz scrapes two wear at 120 in the Esses. Kennington advances as far as he can at 120 and the bonus (personal defaults) at a cost of two wear.

Beckman plays it safe at 100 and gains a space with the slip. Blanchett maybe plays it too safe and clears Bethlehem at 100. [Edit] I just noticed the decel by 100, or a 40 mph over-brake. That's one wear and a dice roll (natural 10), per Bob's personal defaults. Damage - yikes!

Brandt sets up Bethlehem on the line at 180.

Turn 19 Deadline: Friday, January 19th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 19 Jan 2024, 8:21 am

Turn 19 Summary

Baker gets the initiative at 120 and sheds two wear on the Eichholz line. Tatum burns one on the outer rail at 100.

Rund clears Eicholz at 100 via the line at a cost of one tire. Needham, also at 100, clips a tire on the line. Schultz careens around the outside of Eichholz at 120 for two wear.

Peeples runs the Quarry line for free at 120 before picking up the next line. Bauska, also at 120, follows orange's lead.

Schulz takes the Quarry line at 120 before settling inside of the #44. Harley clears Quarry on the line at 120.

Fritz, at 120, opts to pay the wear in Quarry on the inner rail and has position on the #27. Kennington, at 120, clears the Quarry line.

Beckman is through the Esses for free at 80.

Blanchett conserves wear at 80. Brandt, at 100, gets pushed to the outside for a wear.

Turn 20 Deadline: Monday, January 22nd @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 22 Jan 2024, 6:13 am

Turn 20 Summary

Baker is through the Jordanrampe complex at 120. Tatum clears the first Jordanrampe corner at 120.

Rund picks up the racing line at 140. Schultz accelerates to 140 and tucks in on the #64.

Needham is out of Eichholz at 100. Peeples runs the Eichholz line at 80 for free.

Bauska has the initiative at 100. He clips a tire on the outer rail and picks up the wing on the orange #2. Schulz, at 80, clears on the outside for free.

Fritz, at 100, burns two wear on the inside. Harley under speeds the corner at 60.

Kennington, at 100, goes outer rail for a wear. Beckman runs the Quarry line at 120 for free and opts for the inside lane.

Blanchett is out of the Esses at 80 and is into Quarry on the line. Brandt clears the Esses at 100 and goes outer rail in Quarry.

Turn 21 Deadline: Wednesday, January 24th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 24 Jan 2024, 6:13 am

Turn 21 Summary

Baker clears Eymatt on the line at 100. Tatum, at 120, scrubs a wear and gets hung on the line.

Rund picks up the Eymatt line at 120. Schultz, also at 120, takes the bonus for inside position.

Needham clears the Jordanrampe curves at 120. Peeples is through the 1st Jordanrampe on the line at 140.

Bauska clears Jordanrampe 1 at 120 and the bonus. Fritz takes the line at 120.

Schultz takes inside position on the #7 at 140. Kennington plots 140 but the RM says no. He is re-plotted to the lowest legal speed of 120.

Harley picks up his speed to 80 and finishes the line. Beckman, at 80, goes outer rail for free through Eichholz.

Blanchett dives into Eichholz on the line at 100 for a wear. Brandt, at 120, gets pushed to the outer rail at a cost of two wear.

Turn 22 Deadline: Friday, January 26th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 26 Jan 2024, 6:49 am

Turn 22 Summary

Baker runs the Tenni line at 120 for free. Tatum stays on his wing, also at 120.

Schultz, at 100, goes outer rail and sets up on the outside. Rund has the line at 100 and grabs the next one.

Needham clears Eymatt at 100 on the racing line. Peeples, at 120, gets pushed to the outside for a wear.

Bauska finds an open line in Eymatt and sheds a wear to use it at 120.

Schulz picks up the Eymatt line at 120. Fritz grabs the wing on the #43 at 100.

Kennington takes an RM plot of 120 (NPR #2: 1w penalty).

Harley nicks his last wear at 140 in Jordanrampe. Beckman sets up the Jordanrampe line at 120.

Blanchett clears Eichholz at 100. Brandt pulls alongside at 120.

Turn 23 Deadline: Monday, January 29th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 29 Jan 2024, 11:16 am

Turn 23 Summary

Baker picks up the Wohlenrampe line at 160. Tatum stays coupled to Tim's bumper at 160.

Rund clears Tenni at 120. Schultz, also at 120, refuses to release him.

Needham burns a wear on the Tenni line at 140 and joins the mini-conga line.

Peeples clears Tenni on the racing line at 120. Bauska sheds a tire on the inside at 120.

Schulz rockets through Eymatt on the line at 140 for two wear. Then he spends two more to clear Tenni on the outside. Fritz runs the Eymatt line for free at 100 and gains a bonus space (I forgot to note that on the chart - got that one, Jason?!).

Kennington clears Eymatt on the line at 100. Harley does the same and stays on his wing.

Beckman sets up the Eymatt line at 120.

Blanchett scrubs a wear at 140 through Jordanrampe. Brandt, at 120, picks up his bumper.

Turn 24 Deadline: Wednesday, January 31st @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 31 Jan 2024, 6:59 am

Turn 24 Summary

Baker hits the high-speed blue lines at 180. Tatum, at 160, takes a slip to stay with the leader.

Rund clears Wohlenrampe at 180 on the blue line. Schultz, also at 180, sticks with the #64.

Needham strategically plots 140 and uses the double slip to re-couple with the #15 (Jason's wiggling, waggling, and shimmying has no effect on shaking the veteran).

Bauska picks up the Wohlenrampe line at 180. Peeples plots 180 then late brakes with the dice (natural 4). He pulls in on the Dodge's bumper. Schulz, at 180, takes the middle lane.

Fritz give the engine at nudge to 160 with 1s (modified 5). He burns two wear in Tenni.

Kennington sheds a wear in Tenni at 140. Harley stays right on him at 120 and the bonus.

Beckman clips two tires on the Eymatt line at 140. He then nicks another on the Tenni line.

Blanchett clears Eymatt on the line at 100. Brandt, at 120, goes outer rail for a wear.

Turn 25 Deadline: Friday, February 2nd @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 02 Feb 2024, 7:27 am

Turn 25 Summary

Baker clears Wohlenstrasse on the blue line at 180. Tatum, also at 180, stays attached.

Rund runs the Wohlenstrasse at 180 for free. Schultz, at 160 and the double bonus (plus a wiggle and a waggle and one shimmy) goes outer rail for free and picks up Rob's bumper again.

Rando clears Wohlenstrasse at 140 with the single bonus on the inside.

Bauska clears Wohlenrampe then dives into Wohlenstrasse on the blue line at 160.

Schulz runs the Wohlenrampe line at 180 then scrubs two wear in the Wohlenstrasse 140's. Peeples goes blue line at 180 but gets shoved to the outer rail in Wohlenstrasse for a wear.

Fritz goes blue line to blue line at 180.

Kennington give his compromised engine at shove at 160 (natural 7). He clears Wohlenrampe. Harley keeps the pace at 140 and the bonus.

Beckman finds a bumper at 180.

Blanchett burns a wear at 140 on the Tenni line. Brandt stays on Bob's tailpipe at 120 and the bonus.

Turn 26 Deadline: Monday, February 5th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 05 Feb 2024, 6:40 am

Turn 26 Summary

Baker clears Glassbrunnenrampe at 180 on the racing line. Tatum, at 160 and a single slip, is on the line.

Rund reaches for the dice cup to hit 200 (natural 9 - whew!). Schultz, at 180 and the double bonus, challenges the #64.

Needham takes the dice cup from Rob and tosses in a skill to hit 200 (modified 3).

Schulz is out on the straight at 180. Bauska pulls up behind at 180.

Peeples picks up Brad's exhaust at 180. Fritz, at 180, takes the line and has Stephen's bumper. We've got ourselves a convoy!

Kennington continues to press his engine at 160 (natural 8). Harley, also at 160, stays on his bumper.

Beckman, at 180, dives inside on Wahlenstrasse for two pellets.

Blanchett drops the hammer to 200 w/ 1s (modified 9 - whew!) and coughs up a wear in Wohlenrampe. Brandt, at 140 and the double bonus, can't quite keep up.

Turn 27 Deadline: Wednesday, February 7th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)
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Post 07 Feb 2024, 6:44 am

Turn 27 Summary

Baker picks up the Forsthaus line at 140. Tatum stays on him, also at 140.

Rund clears G-rampe at 160 on the line. Shultz, at 160, spends a wear in the corner to gain position.

Schulz hits G-rampe on the line at 180 to clear. Bauska, at 160, takes the double bonus and spends the wear to challenge.

Peeples sets up the G-rampe line at 180. Fritz, at 180 and the double bonus, goes off-line.

Kennington continues to press his beleaguered engine at 160 (natural 8). Beckman, at 180, tucks in front of the #88. Harley picks up his speed to 180 and pulls even with the smoking Chevy.

Blanchett clears W-strasse on the line at 180. Brandt does the same, also at 180.

Turn 28 Deadline: Friday, February 9th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC).

I just can't take these corner names any more. Arghhhh! Whatever happened to good 'ol fashioned 'dead man's curve'?
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Post 09 Feb 2024, 7:51 am

Lots of brake lights at Forsthaus. I can only imagine what's going to happen when they hit that corner at the end of the race (I'll keep the dice cup warm). Which, by the way, we are entering the final lap next turn and Jason has just joined the fun at the front.

Turn 28 Summary

Baker shaves off two wear at 100 on the Forsthaus line. Tatum conserves and spends one at 80.

Rund has the initiative at 140(!). He late brakes with 1w and 1s (modified 4) then burns two more wear on the red line. Schultz plots 120. He late brakes (natural 7) then tosses 2s onto the table and grabs the dice cup for a chance roll (modified 2)! I forgot to remove the skill from the chart - it will be remedied next turn.

Needham plots 120 before late braking (natural 7) to 100. He deposits two pellets on the red line.

Bauska grabs the Forsthaus line at 140. Schulz, also at 140, dives inside.

Fritz, at 140, sets up behind the Coast Guard Dodge. Peeples runs the G-line at 160 and pulls in behind the BLM Chevy.

Beckman eases up on the gas pedal to 160 and uses the G-rampe line for free. Harley can't use all of his 180 so he late brakes to 160 (natural 5) and stays on line. Kennington gets distracted and takes an RM plot of 140 onto the line (NPR #3: 2w penalty). One more mishap and the veteran will get flagged off the track.

Both Blanchett and Brandt cruise towards G-rampe at 180 apiece.

Turn 29 Deadline: Monday, February 12th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. UTC)