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Post 31 Jul 2023, 1:48 pm

Only the leader clears Becketts but how much of an advantage with that be?

Turn 27 notes:6

Kennington slows to 120 for the racing line
Ales sheds one wear in the 140/120s at 140
Rando gets the intitaive at 160 then brakes to 140 onto the Becketts line

Schultz does 140 into the 140 for free
Harley tries for 160 but is blocked so he brakes onto the racing line
Polcen does 140 to hang on to the wing of the yellow machine

Next deadline: turn 28 due Wednesday, August 2 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC VIII turn 27.png
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Post 02 Aug 2023, 1:14 pm

Kennington gains a 2 car length lead on the tightly packed chasers

Turn 28 notes:6

Kennington exits the chicane at 160 down Hanger Straight
Ales maintains 140 through the final 120 space wear paid
Schultz has the initiative at 140 knocking off one wear in the 120s

Rando aims for a slip next turn by taking the 120s at speed
Harley blasts through Becketts at 160 trading two wear for two positions
Polcen uses the line and a slip at 120 to challenge for P5

Next deadline: turn 29 due Friday, August 4 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC VIII turn 28.png
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Post 04 Aug 2023, 2:12 pm

The leader clears the corner, after a DNF the rest of the pack groups up

Turn 29 notes:6

Kennington clears Stowe on the racing line at 160 shedding two wear
Harley tries for 180 but a few clunks then silence signals the end of the race for him
Ales starts the line into the corner at 160

Schultz gets a slip and moves to the inside and P2 for now
Polcen opens up to 180 getting the initiative
Rando uses a slip at 160 to make it 2x2 into the corner

Next deadline: turn 30 due Monday, August 7 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC VIII turn 29.png
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Post 07 Aug 2023, 1:07 pm

The wear numbers are pretty close with 6 corners remaining

Turn 30 notes:

Kennington starts the line into Vale at 140
Ales sheds one wear on the Stowe line at 140 choosing the middle lane
Schultz drops one wear through the 100s at 120

Polcen gets the initiative at 160 knocking off two wear through the Stowe line
Rando throws in one wear through the Stowe line at 140 and gets a slip to make it 3-wide

Next deadline: turn 31 due Wednesday, August 9 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC VIII turn 30.png
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Post 09 Aug 2023, 1:43 pm

Rando makes an aggressive move and it pays off with P2 and a challenge for the lead

Turn 31 notes:

Kennington runs the Vale line at 120 shedding two wear
Rando starts at 160, brakes to 140 and depends on his tires to stay attached to the track
Polcen drops two wear through the 60/80 at 100

Ales does not have the line available so takes the 80s for two wear
Schultz, likewise, must take the 80s at 120 trading two wear to clear the corner

Next deadline: turn 32 due Friday, August 11 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC VIII turn 31.png
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Post 11 Aug 2023, 3:21 pm

The two leaders get a gap on the rest of the field

Turn 32 notes:6

Kennington runs the Abbey green racing line at 160 for free
Rando does the same but is unable to get behind the leader
Polcen rounds the Club and clears Abbey on the green line at 160

Schultz sheds one wear on the red line at 180
Ales gets a slip but the only place open for his 160 move is the outer lane

Next deadline: turn 33 due Monday, August 14 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC VIII turn 32.png
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Post 14 Aug 2023, 2:27 pm

Everybody slows to set up for the tightest combination on the track

Turn 33 notes:6

Kennington is hard on the brakes to get to 100 dropping one wear on the Village racing line
Rando also brakes hard to stay on the wing of the black machine shedding one wear on the line
Polcen starts the line behind Rando at 120

Schultz exits Abbey at 140 and moves to the inside at corner entrance
Ales starts the racing line behind the blue race car at 140

Next deadline: turn 34 due Wednesday, August 16 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC VIII turn 33.png
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Post 16 Aug 2023, 2:28 pm

The front 3 are nose to tail as they head for the final two corners

Turn 34 notes:

Kennington sheds one wear through The Loop 100s at 120
Rando takes the same route at the same speed for the same wear
Schultz careens around the Village 60 at 100 for one wear and dice

Polcen throws in one wear through each corner 80s
Ales knockes off one wear at 100 through the Village 80s and clears The Loop in the 100s

Next deadline: turn 35 due Friday, August 18 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC VIII turn 34.png
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Post 18 Aug 2023, 1:36 pm

2x2 into the final corners

Turn 35 notes:

Kennington covers Wellington Straight at 160
Rando does the same using a slip to pull even
Polcen pushes to 180 and chooses the inside lane

Schultz also pushes to 180 and stays even with the blue machine
Ales does 160 and loses the pack

Next deadline: turn 36 due Monday, August 21 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC VIII turn 35.png
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Post 21 Aug 2023, 2:03 pm

Luffield wreaks havoc as three cars spin in the corner

Turn 36 notes:

Kennington starts at 120 then late brakes to 100 with dice spending his final wear in the 80s/100 (NPR)
BUT, this is NPR(2) so he owes a wear and instead spins at the end of the move
Rando at 100 sheds his final two wear around the inside of Luffield and the lap lead

Schultz plots 140 and brakes to 120 for two wear and chance into the Luffield 60. He ends up facing the infield
Polcen with the corner blocked attampts to force his way past Kennington at 120. That fails and he has no way to slow except to spin
Ales approaches Luffield at 120 with two wear in the bank and three spinners in front of him

NOTE: Both Polcen and Schultz will do 20 next turn. The danger of taking a point away from Start Speed
Kennington will do 60 next turn

Next deadline: turn 37 due Wednesday, August 23 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC VIII turn 36.png
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Post 23 Aug 2023, 2:58 pm

One more spin and one more turn should do it

Turn 37 notes:

Rando pushes his engine hard as he flies across the finish line to lead the final lap
Kennington restarts at 60 moving to the inside
Schultz finishes the inside of the corner at 20

Polcen gets one space ahead recovering from his spin but he tries to block Ales from a forced pass
Ales hits the 80s at 120 shedding his final two wear and squeezes past Polcen
But there is a "3" in his dice roll and Polcen has 0 wear, so he spins again

Next deadline: turn 38 due Friday, August 25 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC VIII turn 37.png
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Post 25 Aug 2023, 6:43 am

A points tie makes Rando this year's RROC champion

Turn 38 notes:

Ales cruises across the finiah line at 160 for P2 for the lap
Kennington pushes to 140 but it's too little too late

Schultz pushes to 100 and just noses across the line
Polcen gets pointed straight but the second spin killed his lap

This is the end of this year's competition. I'd like to congratulate Rando on a commanding
lap win which allowed him to win RROC by a tie-breaker (best finish on lap 3). Thank you all
for competing and I hope to see you back next year for RROC IX.

Next deadline: turn 38 due Friday, August 25 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
RROC VIII turn 38.png