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Post 25 Aug 2023, 1:44 pm

Several positions change as the mid-pack fockeys for lane

Turn 39:
Kennard hugs the inside of Stavelot at 140 and no charge
Harley takes the Fegnes line at 80
Schultz sheds one wear through the racing line
Rund tucks in behind Harley at 80 through the line

Bernhardt drops one wear through the Fegnes 80s and grabs the wing of the red machine
Bauska at 100 takes the line for one wear
Harley hits the chicane at 120 for two wear in the 80s
Welage finishes the Poulon line at 120 and starts the next line

Moratto finishes the Poulon 140s at speed
Harrington takes the Poulon line at 140
Collins follows the blue race car through the line at 140
LaMorte is two wear lighter after being pushed through the 120s at 160

Next deadline: turn 40 due Monday, August 28 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 28 Aug 2023, 1:57 pm

P2-P5 in a tight pack

Turn 40:
Kennard speeds down the straight at 160
Harley leads a parade through the Stavelot 140s at 140
Schultz follows the light green car and stays even
Rund also follows and uses the slip to make it 3-wide

Bauska clears Stavelot around the 160s at speed
Bernhardt uses a slip at 140 through the 140s to pick up one spot
Kubala finishes the Fagnes 80s at 120 wear paid and starts the 140s
Moratto has the initiative through the Fagnes 80s at 100 for one wear

Welage also drops one wear through Fagnes on the line to pick up P8
Harrington relies on his bald tires to get him through the Fagnes line at 100 and they stick
Collins clears Fagnes on the line at 100 shedding one wear
LaMorte is uses a wear to get to 100 but is forced into the 80s with Collins on the racing line

Next deadline: turn 41 due Wednesday, August 30 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 30 Aug 2023, 1:51 pm

The dice keep the chase pack nearly intact

Turn 41:
Kennard slows to 120 and chooses the middle lane
Rund tries to push down the straight but his engine protests
Schultz also pushes his top speed and is able to pull even with the now-crippled red machine
Harley maxes his damaged engine at 140 and joins the queue

Bernhardt grabs high gear and challenges for P4
Bauska exits Stavelot at 160 and tucks in behind Bernhardt
Kubala can accelerate to 140 to finish the Stavelot 140s
Welage also takes the 140s around the corner for free

Harrington gets the initiative at 160 running the 160s and settling behind Welage
Moratto takes the 140s at speed and uses a slip to hold P9
Collins sheds one wear around the 140s at 160 and catches the group in front of him
LaMorte is locked at 100 to finish Fagnes and start the Stavelot 160s

Next deadline: turn 42 due Friday, September 1 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 01 Sep 2023, 1:46 pm

Kennard easily outpaced the field the final time through sector 2
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Post 01 Sep 2023, 1:48 pm

Two tight packs evolve as the race winds down

Turn 42:
Kennard sheds one wear in the Bus Stop 80s at 100
Schultz approaches the corner at 120 choosing the middle lane
Rund at 120 grabs the racing line
Bernhardt keeps to the inside at 120

Harley gets a slip at 120 and slots into P2 on the inside for now
Bauska at 120 and a slip catches the wing of the black race car
Kubala does 120 down the straight
Welage mindful of his brakes only does 160 but catches the yellow machine

Moratto does 140 and keeps to the inside
Harrington does 160 and with a slip makes it 3-wide
Collins does 160 with a slip to join the second pack
LaMorte finishes the Stavelot 160s at speed

Next deadline: turn 43 due Monday, September 4 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 04 Sep 2023, 12:50 pm

The leader stares down the final corner while the rest negotiate the Bus Stop safely so far

Turn 43:
Kennard cruises down the straight at 160 and sets up for the final corner
Schultz is first out of the 3-way at 120 shedding two wear in the 80s
Rund makes the same move as Schultz for the same 2 wear cost
Harley slows to 80 and drops one wear through the 60/80

Bernhardt drops 2 wear through the 80s at 120 but can't quite get to the inside
Bauska takes the 80s at speed and uses a slip to gain a space
Welage is first out of the other 3-wide at 120 using 2 wear on the line
Kubala at 100 takes position in the middle lane

Harrington is hard on the binders to get to 100 and starts the Bus Stop racing line
Moratto at 120 takes the inside as it's the only spot available
Collins at 100 takes up the racing line behind the blue race car
LaMorte makes up some ground at 160

Next deadline: turn 44 due Wednesday, September 6 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 06 Sep 2023, 1:22 pm

Some unexpacted braking through the Bus Stop; the leader eyes the finish line

Turn 44:
Kennard spends his last wear on the La Source racing line at 100
Schultz pushes his engine for 160 and starts the line
Rund at 140 is on the wing of the black machine
Bernhardt uses a slip from Rund to grab P3 in the middle lane

Bauska pushes to 160 but then late brakes choosing the middle lane
Harley gets the slip from Bernhardt at 140 and tucks in between the pink and green cars
Welage can accelerate to 140 for paid wear on the racing line
Moratto drops his last wear through the 60/80 at 80 choosing to block the line

Kubala runs the Bus Stop 80s at speed
Harrington wanted 80 but with the 2-wide ahead has to hit the brakes
Collins starts at 100 then brakes to 80 on the racing line
LaMorte clears the Bus Stop and joins the pack at 120 on the line for two wear

Next deadline: turn 45 due Friday, September 8 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 08 Sep 2023, 1:22 pm

We have a winner and a big pack heading into the final corner

Turn 45:
Kennard sails across the finish line at 160 for the win
Schultz sheds his final two wear around the racing line at 120 and seals P2
Bernhardt drops one wear around the La Source 80s at 100 and chooses to stay outside
Rund slows to 80 through the 80s for free using a slip to finish inside the pink race car

Harley clears the final corner on the racing line at 80
Bauska late brakes to 80 hitting the 60 space for his final wear
Welage starts the La Source line at 120
Kubala gets the initiative at 140 staying on the inside

Moratto exits the Bus Stop at 120 and grabs the wing of the yellow machine
Collins pushes his acceleration to 160 and moves up two positions
Harrington gets a slip at 120 to stay in the pack
LaMorte at 160 tightens up the back pack

Next deadline: turn 46 due Monday, September 11 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 11 Sep 2023, 2:05 pm

As expected plenty of dice and brakes, one failure and one forced pass

Turn 46:
Schultz cruises to P2 at 140
Bernhardt tries to push for 160 but his engine does not cooperate
Rund uses the initiative he now has at 140 to cross the line in P3

Bauska pushes his acceleration off La Source reaching 160 and crossing in 5th
Harley has no room to use the slip at 140. He brings his damaged car home in P6
Welage drops his final wear on the La Source line at 100
Collins starts at 100 for the initiative then hits the brakes onto the racing line

Kubala brakes hard to 80 and swings wide in the corner
LaMorte squeezes past Kubala at 120 shedding his last two wear picking up 4 positions
Moratto plots 100 but must late brake with no room for him in the corner
Harrington plots 80 to avoid the mess choosing the middle lane

Next deadline: turn 47 due Wednesday, September 13 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 13 Sep 2023, 1:27 pm

P9-P12 still undecided, who will go for the dice/points?

Turn 47:
Welage crosses the finish line at 120 in P7
LaMorte finishes the 80s at 120 wear paid
Collins completes the racing line at 80 but doesn't quite get all the way inside

Kubala rounds the 80s at speed and grabs the wing of the orange machine
Harrington depends on his Firestone's to hold the corner on the inside at 80
Moratto runs the racing line at 80

Next deadline: turn 48 due Friday, September 15 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
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Post 15 Sep 2023, 10:00 am

That's a wrap, folks. Good race.

Turn 48:
LaMorte cruises to a 4-point P8 at 140
Harrington pushes to 160 to maintain his P9 finish
Collins also pushes to 160 but it's not enough

Kubala even with the push cannot improve his P11 finish
Moratto settles for the final position at 120

This wraps up the first race of season 10. Information on race 2 in a following email.
Congratulations to the podium finishers

A "Post race comments" forum is open on Redscepe if anyone would like to add thier comments.
Spa C3 turn 48.png
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Post 15 Sep 2023, 10:06 am

The final speeds. All fairly even across the field.
C3 summary.png