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Post 06 Jun 2023, 11:52 am

Curtis fastest through sector 1
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Post 07 Jun 2023, 7:08 am

Curtis takes the 80 line at 120 for 2w.

Jim finishes the 140 line at 140 for free.

Dave B. takes the 140s at 140 for free.

Dave I. gets the jump at 160 on the 140 line for 1w and takes over P4.

Chris L. takes the 120s at 140 for 1w.

Tim takes the 140 line at 140 for free.

Brent takes the 140 line at 160 for 1w.

Chris B. takes the 140 line at 140 for free.

Franklin maintains 140 over the 120s (paid) and starts the 140 line.

John maintains 120 over the 100s (paid).

James maintains 120 over the 120s for free.

Next plot due Friday, 9 June @ 9 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Season 10 Race 1 Turn 8.png
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Post 10 Jun 2023, 6:46 am

Curtis speeds up with the corner to 140 (paid) then heads into the 160s.

Jim takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Dave B. and Dave I. also take the line at 100 for 1w.

Chris L. takes the line at 80 for free.

Tim B takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Brent does 120 into the outside 80 for 2w.

Chris B. starts the line at 120.

Franklin, John, and James take the 140 line at 140 for free; James also gets a slip.

Next plot due Monday, 12 June @ 9 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Season 10 Race 1 Turn 9.png
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Post 12 Jun 2023, 6:44 am

Curtis speeds up to 160 for free over the 160s.

Jim does 140 over the 140s for free.

Dave I. does 160 over the 160s for free.

Dave B. does 140 over the 140s for free and with a slip pulls outside of Jim.

Chris L. takes the 140s at 140 for free.

Tim takes the 100 portion of the 80/100 line at 120 (paid) and then goes into the 140s for free.

Brent maintains 120 over the 80s (paid) then enters the 140s for free.

Chris B. takes the 80/100 line at 100 for 1w.

Franklin slows to 80 and takes the 80/100 line for free.

James gets the jump at 120 and takes the 80s for 2w to clear the corner.

John does 100 into the 80s for 1w.

Next plot due Wednesday, 14 June @ 9 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Season 10 Race 1 Turn 10.png
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Post 14 Jun 2023, 6:59 am

Curtis runs the straight at 140.

Jim, Dave B. and Dave I. run at 160, with Dave I. getting a slip to go 3-wide.

Chris L. also does 160.

Tim speeds up to 140 on the 140 corner for free.

Brent also speeds up to 140 in the 140 spaces for free.

Chris B. takes the 140s at 140 for free.

James takes the 160s at 160 for free.

Franklin takes the 140s at 140 for free.

John finishes the 80s at 100 (paid) and goes into the 160s for free.

Next plot due Friday, 16 June @ 9 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Season 10 Race 1 Turn 11.png
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Post 16 Jun 2023, 6:46 am

Curtis takes the 80s at 120 for 2w.

Jim starts at 140 then slams on the brakes to hit 120 - and they fail (late brake 1sk = 11 FAIL, 1w) so he wears down the tires to slow down and takes the 80 line for 2w.

Dave B. also starts at 140 and stands on the breaks to hit 120 (late brake 2sk = 3 OK) and takes the 80 space for 2w.

Dave I. reads the room and slows to 100, grabbing the line.

Chris L. does 160 and pulls inside of Dave I. for P4.

Tim does 160 down the straight.

Brent does 140 and gets a slip to stay behind Tim.

Chris B. does 160 and pulls behind Brent.

Franklin and James race at 180 in parallel down the straight.

John finishes the corner at 160 for free.

Next plot due Monday, 19 June @ 9 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Season 10 Race 1 Turn 12.png
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Post 17 Jun 2023, 6:31 am

Fairly even speeds through sector 2 for the first time.
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Post 19 Jun 2023, 6:27 am

Curtis speeds up to 160.

Jim does 120 over the 100 portion of the line (paid).

Dave B. does 120 over the 80s (paid) and pulls outside of Jim.

Chris L. and Dave I. do 100 over the 80s for 1w.

Tim does 100 over the 80/100 line for 1w.

Brant does 120 over the 80s for 2w and pulls into P6.

Franklin and James do 140 towards Bus Stop. Franklin in the middle and James onto the line outside.

John does 180 down the straight.

Next plot due Wednesday, 21 June @ 9 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Season 10 Race 1 Turn 13.png
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Post 21 Jun 2023, 6:24 am

Curtis takes the 80 line at 120 for 2w.

Dave B. grabs the line at 140 and pulls into P2.

Jim grabs the start of the line behind Dave B. at 120.

Chris L. runs to the inside at 160 for P3.

Dave I. takes the middle at 160 for P4.

Brent and Tim run at 160 out of Bus stop.

Chris B. speeds up with the corner to 120 (paid).

Franklin and James do 120, Franklin over the 80s for 2w and James over the 80 line for 2w.

John takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Next plot due Friday, 23 June @ 9 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Season 10 Race 1 Turn 14.png
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Post 23 Jun 2023, 7:19 am

Curtis speeds up to 160.

Dave B. takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Chris L. takes the inside 60 at 100 for 2w and pulls into P2.

Dave I. takes the outside 80s at 100 for 1w.

Jim takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w and pulls into P4.

Tim takes the 80 line at 120 for 2w.

Brant takes the inside 60 at 100 for 2w.

Chris B. grabs the line at 140.

Franklin takes the middle lane at 160.

James takes the inside lane at 160 and pulls into P8.

John speeds up to 180.

Next plot due Monday, 26 June @ 9 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Season 10 Race 1 Turn 15.png
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Post 26 Jun 2023, 7:13 am

Drivers, I forgot to note that Curtis crosses Start/Finish last turn to begin Lap 2.

Curtis takes the green 140 line at 160 for 1w.

Chris L. does 160 and also grabs the green and inner red lines.

Dave B. does 160 and runs onto the out red 140 line.

Jim does 160 and runs onto the green 140 line.

Dave I. grabs the start of the green 140 line.

Brent does 160 and pulls behind Dave I.

Tim does 160 and with a slip goes inside for P5.

James and Franklin take the inside 60 at 100 for 2w each, maintaining their relative positions.

Chris B. takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w and pulls behind Franklin.

John takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Next plot due Wednesday, 28 June @ 9 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Season 10 Race 1 Turn 16.png
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Post 28 Jun 2023, 7:21 am

Curtis maintains 160 down the straight.

Chris L. does 160 on the green 140 line for 1w.

Dave B. does 140 on the 140 red line for free.

Jim does 160 on the 140 green line for 1w and pulls into what will be P4…

Tim takes the 120 red line at 160 for 2w and ends behind Jim.

Dave I. takes the red 120 line at 160 for 2w and with a slip pulls behind Chris L. for P3!

Brent takes the 140 green line at 140 for free and gets a slip.

Franklin stands on the GO pedal to hit 180 (test ACC, 2sk = 3 OK) and takes the green 140 line for 2w, pulling into P8

James speeds up to 140 and grabs the green and inner red lines.

Chris B. does 160 and with 2 slips takes the outer 140 red line for 1w.

John Cranks it up to 180 and starts the green 140 line.

Next plot due Friday, 30 June @ 9 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Season 10 Race 1 Turn 17.png
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Post 28 Jun 2023, 1:34 pm

The first lap is in the books
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Post 30 Jun 2023, 6:41 am

Curtis starts the 80 line at 140.

Chris L. maintains 160.

Dave I. also does 160 and with a slip pulls outside of Chris L.

Jim slows to 140; those 20 brakes are a real handicap at a high-speed track.

Tim stands on the gas to hit 180 (test Top = 5 OK) and gets the jump, pulling behind Chris L. for P4.

Dave B. does 160 with a slip and pulls outside of Tim.

Brent does 160 and with a slip pulls outside of Jim.

Franklin maintains 180 over the 140 green line (paid).

Chris B. stays at 160 over the 140 red line (paid).

James does 180 over the 140 green line for 2w and pulls outside of Brent.

John slows to 140 and takes the 140 green line for free.

Next plot due Monday, 3 July (!) @ 9 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Season 10 Race 1 Turn 18.png
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Post 07 Jul 2023, 5:14 am

Curtis does 100 on thr 80 line for 1w then over the 100s for free.

Chris L. does 100 over the 80 line for 1w.

Dave I. does 100 over the outside 80 for 1w.

Tim starts at 120 then late brakes to 100 (6 = OK) and grabs the line.

Dave B. does 100 and goes outside.

Jim does 120 and takes the inside for P4.

Brent does 100 and starts the line.

Franklin starts at 180, then the spotters shout “no room!” over the radio and he late brakes (2sk = 4 OK) to 160 and pulls inside for P7.

James keeps his foot in at 180 and pulls behind Brent and into P9.

Chris B. does 160 and keeps inside.

John speeds up to 180.

Since this is a somewhat odd holiday, as some folks in the US have today off, and most people do tomorrow, the next plot will not be due on FRIDAY, 7 July @ 9 AM ET (US).
Redscape C2 Season 10 Race 1 Turn 19.png