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Post 19 Feb 2024, 6:48 pm

How many?
Should Trump debate?
Should Biden debate?

Personally, I want 3. I don't want the questions front loaded to the candidates. Let's see how well they both can think on their feet. Perhaps RealClear Politics could moderate... Any other non-biased news entities
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Post 19 Feb 2024, 9:06 pm

Three sounds about right in theory. But should they debate? I would guess that both of them will decide on what they see is in their best interests. If I'm Biden I agree to one debate just to show that he's mentally competent. He's got nothing else to prove and one debate would be enough for that.
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Post 20 Feb 2024, 6:20 am

If I am Biden, I do not debate unless it is COMPLETELY scripted.
If I am Trump, I want three debates, and I castigate Biden if it is any less

Trump should ask for anytime, any place with non-biased moderators. That eliminates FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC.

AP, RealClear and would be a great triumvirate of media.
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Post 20 Feb 2024, 9:22 am

Trump ain't sounding that great nowadays either...not that he's ever sounded that lucid

He also has a complete lack of knowledge base besides a narrow range of things related to his business--completely incapable of being president. I guess if shouting people down and insulting people is a sign of being a good debater, he's a good debater...
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Post 20 Feb 2024, 1:13 pm

All the more reason for Biden to want to debate. Let's show the electorate what Trump and Biden are. Would you agree that the moderator should be non-bias (as I gave three examples)?
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Post 20 Feb 2024, 1:18 pm

Off topic, but here goes:

"Personally, I crossed the rubicon in November, concluding that Biden should stand down if he wasn’t going to be able to run a normal reelection campaign — meaning, things like conduct a Super Bowl interview. Yes, it's a huge risk and, yes, Biden can still win. But he's losing now and there's no plan to fix the problems other than hoping that the polls are wrong or that voters look at the race differently when they have more time to focus on it. Neither is so implausible and it is likely to be a close race. But even the most optimistic Democrats, if you read between the lines, are really arguing that Democrats could win despite Biden and not because of him. Biden is probably a below-replacement-level candidate at this point because Americans have a lot of extremely rational concerns about the prospect of a Commander-in-Chief who would be 86 years old by the end of his second term. It is entirely reasonable to see this as disqualifying. The fact that Trump also has a number of disqualifying features is not a good reason to nominate Biden. It is a reason for Democrats to be the adults in the room and acknowledge that someone who can't sit through a Super Bowl interview isn't someone the public can trust to have the physical and mental stamina to handle an international crisis, terrorist attack or some other unforseen threat when he'll be in his mid-80s.
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Post 20 Feb 2024, 2:13 pm

Nate's a smart dude. Lots of people don't like him, but that doesn't mean he's wrong.
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Post 20 Feb 2024, 11:27 pm

Given the threat Trump poses to our way of life, the only thing that happens is who can beat Trump. Nothing else matters. And I don't see that type of analysis from Silver. Biden has done reasonably well as president, the economy is good, he passed significant legislation, he's the incumbent, he appeals to centrist voters. And somehow the Dems are just goimg to find somebody who will do better because voters have concern about Biden's mental sharpness? Who would it be? Newsom? A California liberal? Biden is Trump's Kryptonite and changing to someone else is way too risky.

In any case, if someone is going to argue that Biden shouldn't run, propose an alternative and argue they have a better chance of winning. I don't see it...but that's the argument that needs to be made if you want Biden to bow out.
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Post 21 Feb 2024, 5:26 am

Your viewpoint is scary, Freeman. It has been my contention that BOTH are not a good fit for America. Americans should voted for what is best for the republic. I am fine with ANY matchup not involving either one of the candidates. Sadly, that is not happening. I am stuck with the reality of what is happening.

Biden v Trump


At least three debates would show Americans the reality of what they are voting for.
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Post 21 Feb 2024, 6:56 am

You're not scared enough of a Trump presidency. You're willing to endanger our democracy because you don't like Biden and that for 4 years we'll have modestly different policies. That's scary to me. Our country is doing fine under Biden's presidency and if his mental status becomes an issue we have mechanisms to deal with that. Not so with an autocratic like Trump.

If Republicans pick another candidate then we can talk about Biden withdrawing...
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Post 21 Feb 2024, 7:11 am

That is exactly what I am talking about, Freeman.

I have said it enough times that I think it is understandable. I do NOT like Trump. He has done some good things, just like Biden.

You are unable to differentiate your dislike for Trump from the inadequacies of Biden.

I think we can both agree that we do not like Trump. I would hope that we could agree on the inadequacies of Biden. His mental faculties are dwindling. That is evident. Debates would show what he is capable of. If it is to the good, and I am wrong, then great! Good on him!

I am just asking you to admit that debates are beneficial and Biden's mental acuity is dwindling.

Your continued shift to Trump=Bad reminds me of another person (who is from Canada) on Redscape.
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Post 22 Feb 2024, 7:01 am

If I can somewhat speak for Freeman, or at least fully speak for myself: It's very clear that Biden doesn't have the mental ability to do the job. However, Trump is an unhinged dangerous lunatic who might destroy our country or the world because he is a man child who cannot control his emotions. I don't mean this hyperbolically. We can say that if allowed to play the Portland Sea Dogs would not win the World Series, but they have a much better chance than your local little league team.
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Post 22 Feb 2024, 1:04 pm

Agreed, RJ.
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Post 22 Feb 2024, 1:22 pm

I would just add that it would one thing if Biden were just running for president. But essentially it's "The Biden Adminstration" at this point and that's comprised of many able people that he has assembled that can help shoulder the load. The Biden Administration has done reasonably well and I don't see why that will change much even if he assume he is less hands-on next term. We'll be fine. The fears regarding Biden's mental sharpness harming our national interests are much exaggerated...

The fears regarding what the "unhinged dangerous lunatic" will do...arent.
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Post 28 Jun 2024, 6:03 pm

Freeman, Do you still hold to your perception of Biden's acuity?