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Post 24 Jan 2024, 3:46 pm

I keep hearing of multiple businesses closing in California. Surely this isn't happening to the extreme that Fox News is stating, but it is on CNN as well. I guess there is some truth to that then. Just to make sure, I would like Freeman's eyewitness viewpoint on businesses closing due to crime in the State of California. Is it as bad as portrayed on these two mediums?

Is In-N-Out closing for a valid reason?

My kids main memories from their San Fran trip was the homeless guy puking at their feet as they got out of the van at the first stop, and having to step over needles.

Some first hand viewings would be enlightening, Freeman. I look forward to it.
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Post 24 Jan 2024, 11:58 pm

We get a few homeless where I live. Not a big deal. There are always going to have people who are struggling. Anyway, we have a messed up economic system that is making rent too high for people to afford. If people don't like homelessness, maybe they should stop voting for Republican economic policies that steer too much wealth towards the rich and allow rampant exploitation of consumers/renters/etc? Just a thought...

There was some crime at the local CVS that caused it to stop being 24 hours but the problem is that CVS is way understaffed. I'm not sympathetic. They used monopoly power to eliminate smaller competitors and make them the only game in town (unless there is a Walgreens) and then they try to understaff to maximize profits but having a store that looks like are there are no employees in it is not a way to deter crime...

Anyway, crime is not a big deal here. California is still a way better place to live than in the Red states. I mean, come on.