- bbauska
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28 Sep 2023, 5:11 am
Do people on Redscape believe President Biden concerning the Hunter Biden money transfers? Do they believe POTUS was not involved during the Vice Presidency?
Wire transfers during July and August 2019 show that the debate comment made by Biden
“My son has not made money in terms of this thing about… what are you talking about — China. I have not had — the only guy that made money from China is this guy — the only one. Nobody else has made money from China.” clearly is false.
https://twitter.com/alx/status/1706841826198536517?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1706841826198536517%7Ctwgr%5Ec1f30d4109cc31f526b94feb5ecada61ae518771%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthefederalist.com%2F2023%2F09%2F27%2Fwire-transfers-from-chinese-oligarchs-to-hunter-biden-listed-joe-bidens-home-address%2F$260,000 transferred to the POTUS home address? This is as "slam-dunk" as it gets.
- geojanes
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28 Sep 2023, 12:47 pm
bbauska wrote:$260,000 transferred to the POTUS home address? This is as "slam-dunk" as it gets.
This is not at all "slam-dunk." Adult children (including my own) use their parents address for all kinds of things. I know there's a stack of mail for my kid in my apartment right now, much of which I have idea idea what it is. That's his business, not mine.
I would not be surprised if Hunter was involved in all kinds of bad things, but the fact that the beneficiary of the wire, Hunter Biden, used his father's address, is not a slam-dunk, it's not even all that strange. Yes, he was a little old for that, but he's also a drug addict and maybe didn't have a stable address?
Did you read something different?
- bbauska
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28 Sep 2023, 4:53 pm
Yes. Pres. Biden said he "My son has not made money in terms of this thing about… what are you talking about — China. I have not had — the only guy that made money from China is this guy — the only one. Nobody else has made money from China."
That is a lie. He is saying he had no knowledge. He has $260,000 wired to his home from China. He is on the phone with China. There are many more instances.
To say he has NO knowledge is unbelievable.
So yes, I do read something different. I need 2 different choices. America needs 2 different choices.
- geojanes
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29 Sep 2023, 5:13 am
bbauska wrote:Yes. Pres. Biden said he "My son has not made money in terms of this thing about… what are you talking about — China. I have not had — the only guy that made money from China is this guy — the only one. Nobody else has made money from China."
That is a lie.
You don't know this is a lie. He may have believed this is true and he was just wrong. His son may have lied to him.
Your desire for more choices and concern over the situation are legit, but this is not the smoking gun you are making it out to be.
- bbauska
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29 Sep 2023, 7:07 am
Then he is a fool to not see the situation that Hunter Biden placed him in. If Pres. Biden is clouded that much by such misplaced loyalty to Hunter by disregarding clear warning signs as these, are these considered presidential quality to you?
To me it is not.
Either he is complicit, a fool or incompetent due to willful senility.
I have to say, I used to see him as a kindly, blithering grandpa. The more I see of POTUS, the more my view changes. That is sad.
- geojanes
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29 Sep 2023, 7:56 am
bbauska wrote:Then he is a fool to not see the situation that Hunter Biden placed him in. If Pres. Biden is clouded that much by such misplaced loyalty to Hunter by disregarding clear warning signs as these, are these considered presidential quality to you?
He wouldn't be the first parent to have their judgment clouded by their love of family. I expect you've been around long enough to see this happen to people you know, and it's both tragic and regrettable, but very human.
Given your choices, I choose fool. Otherwise smart and savvy people can be extraordinarily foolish when it comes to their family and their loyalty and love of it, especially with their children, who usually have their unconditional love.
- freeman3
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29 Sep 2023, 10:48 am
The Repubs will nominate the corrupt con man who is at least a de facto Russian agent who has been indicted on 91 felony counts, an authoritarian, an insurrectionist, someone who has tried to subvert our democratic institutions, and whose business has just been declared to have engaged in fraudulent practices and Democrats are supposed to be worried that Biden might be tarnished by what Hunter Biden did? You indicate that you just want two better people than Biden and Trump, but the energy behind your posts are always towards being anti-Biden--not towards Trump though you dont support him--and the effect of what you're proposing would make it more likely Trump would be in the White House. So it doesn't seem Trump being in the White House would bother you THAT much.
Well, it would bother me. If the Repubs insist on nominating an authoritarian (Trump, Rawaswamy, DeSantis) I will vote for the non-authoritarian who has the best chance of beating them (and I don't understand how anyone that believes in democracy, freedom, the Constitution would vote otherwise) Period. End of story. Which right now is Biden. Everything else is just noise.
- bbauska
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29 Sep 2023, 4:05 pm
And there is the first "Oh yeah? Trump is worse!"
Thank you, Freeman...
- freeman3
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30 Sep 2023, 7:17 pm
He's a lot worse and it simply won't do in my view to be naive about considering options that will make it more likely he'll be president. Yeah, let's stick to moral principles and refuse to nominate Biden due to whatever supposed taint he gets from his son's misdeeds...meanwhile, Repubs are going to nominate a guy who has done things a million times worse but we're supposed to assume that somehow whatever *pure* alternative we come up with will beat Trump.
Does it make sense for Dems to do that?
- bbauska
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01 Oct 2023, 5:22 am
I guess I am looking for reality from the left. At least call the man what he is. Bumbling, incoherent, doddering, and fool. I have no problem about Trump being call many things, or the comparison between the two.
However, to continue to defend Pres. Biden from an attack from Trump that I am not making is silly! I do NOT support Trump. I want ANYONE else on the Right.
Can you at least call Biden what he is?
- freeman3
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01 Oct 2023, 1:07 pm
A reasonably successful president based on legislative accomplishments, the economy, Ukraine. He has some senior moments to be sure but he can still handle himself in public answering questions reasonably well. They don't have to hide him somewhere. Not something I'm concerned about at all when Trump is the alternative. Or DeSantis. Or Rawaswamy.
- geojanes
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03 Oct 2023, 5:55 am
I try and avoid "whataboutism." Trump is a danger to democracy, yes, but Brad has legit complaints about Biden, so it's best to address those issues directly, rather than just saying, "Trump is worse." Trump is worse, but it's off-topic.
IMO, what underlies the complaint is the complete fecklessness of the democratic party. People should have choices, but no legit candidate can run against Biden, not because he's so great, but that the democratic party wouldn't let them and still have a career in the mainstream of the party.
It's what they do. They discourage primaries! The democratic party is actually anti-democratic. I feel it deeply because they're going to discourage candidates to primary the Mayor and Governor in NY, and it sucks, because they are both TERRIBLE. It's wrong, the democratic party has completely lost its way when it comes to elections.
Not like it makes Brad's complaint any better, but it's how we got here.
- freeman3
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03 Oct 2023, 8:46 am
Some legitimate complaints about the Democratic Party. I really detested the whole super delegate thing and how the DNC favored Hillary over Bernie in 2016.
But politics IS all about comparing people. Trump IS going to be the Republican nominee unless perhaps he is in jail. Trump DOES pose a threat to our democracy. Biden IS the guy who has the best chance to beat him. So I am not going to analyze any supposed faults of Biden in isolation regardless of when people cry whataboutism. Republicans are just trying to make it more likely that Trump is going to win when they say Biden is not competent (not saying thats Brad's motivation here). I can't know how I would feel about Biden if Trump were not running. That's an alternative world somewhere...
Last edited by
freeman3 on 03 Oct 2023, 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
- freeman3
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03 Oct 2023, 8:51 am
And by the way I've seen enough of dementia up close to know Biden doesn't have dementia. Not even close.
- bbauska
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03 Oct 2023, 9:18 am
As have I. My grandmother died of/with it. I see beginning stages in Biden. He does NOT have full blown dementia. But there are beginning stages.