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Post 03 Nov 2021, 7:12 am

I did not see the close NJ election for governor.

I certainly did see the VA election go to Youngkin. I thought education comments by McAuliffe saying that the school does not need to take parents' education wishes under advisement was the clincher.
“I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” -Terry McAuliffe

I guess parents DO think the School Boards are subject to parents control.

Also, "Defund the Police"" candidates lost nationwide. (Not a surprise to me.)
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Post 03 Nov 2021, 9:24 am

I guess that's one interpretation. Another one is the GOP scared white suburban women in Virginia with this made-up CRT bogeyman...
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Post 03 Nov 2021, 9:27 am

Well, I hope that the Democratic Party continues your way of thinking...

After all, it worked for them last time!

What is your viewpoint on the NJ race that was supposed to be 8-10% easy win for Murphy and Ciatterelli is leading with 97% in? Was it CRT there as well?
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Post 04 Nov 2021, 2:05 am

bbauska wrote:Well, I hope that the Democratic Party continues your way of thinking...

After all, it worked for them last time!

What is your viewpoint on the NJ race that was supposed to be 8-10% easy win for Murphy and Ciatterelli is leading with 97% in? Was it CRT there as well?

It's a shame that Democrats are not being more introspective. Although there are new dimensions to the culture wars (CRT / gender) mostly this is a referendum on Biden. He was elected because of centrist Democrats but he is letting the progressives dictate policy. He should have insisted that Congress pass the infrastructure bill 3 months ago.

He also hasn't shown competence as it relates to Afghanistan and the southern border. If Democrats can't show they can govern sanely, they will only win when running against Trump.
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Post 04 Nov 2021, 6:39 am

Personally, I hope Trump does not run in 2024. Someone like Sen. Tom Cotton (younger, more energy, less baggage) would be great.

The more the Dems run against Trump, the more the party will be seen as battling the past.

I saw Virginia being a referendum on whether the Government has the say over the people, or the people have a say over the Government.
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Post 07 Nov 2021, 4:24 pm

Biden has a pretty progressive program that in my view was necessary if we want to dial down tensions in this country. If we can get BBB that's 300 billion dollars in badly needed investments in hard and soft infrastructure that will almost certainly be a big boost to the economy (unlike cutting corporate taxes which mainly resulted in stock buy-backs to increase stock price). He's making things a little fairer for the working and middle-class. And the economy is already humming. Obviously, Republicans cant run on cutting taxes for the rich or increased military spending or leasing out national parks for oil they constantly rile up people on social issues without any real policies.

RJ and I argued about whether cutting regulations and taxes by Trump would change the country's growth. And it didn't change anything significantly. We kept chugging along at a sluggish growth because nothing fundamental had changed. Our economy is largely built on consumer demand and cutting taxes for corporations and wealthy does not change that.

But now we finally get to see what actual liberal policies will do. It doesn't matter what RJ and I argue with regard to whether they will work not because all that matters is how the economy will do in the real world. I think I said at the time, well, I don't think Trump's policies are going to change anything but if the economy starts chugging along at 4% growth or even 3% over several years I might have to change my mind about such policies. Well, those policies didn't work. But it's great to see what happens when in the real world policies are implemented. They were tried, they didn't work--maybe time for something new? Trial and error is a good thing.

My guess? We're going to have a great economy and the threat of Trump or Hawley or whatever potential dictator comes along will wither away...

And things like Afghanistan or the "border" will be minor issues at best. People will be happy that Biddn got us out of Afghanistan and the border will rile up some but for most they will be happy their lives are better under Biden.

Better under Biden? I like the sound of that...
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Post 01 Dec 2021, 4:38 am

bbauska wrote:I saw Virginia being a referendum on whether the Government has the say over the people, or the people have a say over the Government.

I suppose the question is, regarding school curricula and books on reading lists, is whether banning things that "the people" (or let's be clear, a vocal minority of people) don't like is a good precedent.

Parental "control" of education is no less pernicious than government "control". It should be down to professional educators, and should be about giving a wide range of opportunities and a wide appreciation.

I get that US history is an open wound for many. I get that there are scared white people who think that teaching the full facts of the racial history of the US is somehow an attack on current white Americans, or is divisive. But it is unhealthy to deny the history that brings the US to it's current position. As well as the laudable parts (Independence from a the colonial overlords, democracy, winning the Civil War, being on the right side in WWII etc), the bad parts are a factor in how the USA got to be what it is today.

that isn't "CRT". It's truth.