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Post 02 Oct 2020, 7:34 pm

I am contemplating 3 scenarios that may now arise given the fact that the President of the United States is sick:

1. The Don has the sniffles for two days and is immediately back in action.

Fallout? The virus has been overblown all this time just as he always suspected. The whole thing has been a ploy to dethrone him.

2. The Don struggles with the virus for months but eventually recovers.

Fallout? I have no idea but there are enough elements in place for a perfect storm that I cannot rule out the breakdown of the rule of law.

3. The Don does not survive his illness.

Fallout? He becomes an overnight martyr for the far right for the next 100 years.

Other scenarios?
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Post 02 Oct 2020, 8:51 pm

I think it's pretty clear already that he has a severe case. They are plenty able to treat him at the White House but he has already gone to the hospital. CNN quoted one adviser as saying he has some breathing issues and that makes sense as a reason for him to go to Walter Reed.

As much as I detest the man...I still have empathy for him getting Covid. I think we would all be better off if he went through this six months ago. Then I think he would have been more concerned about people dying and less about the economy. Normally, he has difficulty imagining what other people are going through but if it happened personally to him it might be different.

I think he'll have a tough 2 or 3 weeks but given the top-notch medical care he'll receive I think he'll get through it. I think it will hurt him politically. He has bet a lot on minimizing the severity of the disease: The White House was careless with regard to precautions and set a terrible example. The optics are terrible if he has a severe case. Thats the scenario I see: he'll look like a weak, old, not so tough president who took foolish risks with himself and America.

The thing about Covid is that we live in a time of human history when it's just rare for a healthy adult to get struck down by a virus in a few weeks. Thats scary in its randomness. Yes, a lot of people die of cancer or heart attacks but at least that is something that takes a long time to happen (it may come on suddenly but it's been brewing in your body for a while). But you could be on a certain life path and Covid can come out of nowhere and youre dead.
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Post 03 Oct 2020, 5:31 am


I think it's pretty clear already that he has a severe case. They are plenty able to treat him at the White House but he has already gone to the hospital.

I'm also hearing that they are just being cautious. How are you so sure? Thanks
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Post 03 Oct 2020, 6:34 am

Maybe I overstated the case a little bit. But I would say there are several reasons to think his case is not mild:

(1) They can treat him at the White House. The president's physician has an office there. Trump knows it looks bad going to the hospital. So why does he need to go to the hospital? It seems to me the most likely reason is that there is a concern his condition might worsen quickly and the hospital is a better place to be if that happens. Thst doesnt sound like a mild case

(2) The indication from one adviser he had some trouble breathing

(3) His symptoms came on so suddenly. Immediately he has severe fatigue, fever and possibly trouble breathing.
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Post 03 Oct 2020, 10:29 am

It doesn't help his re-election prospects. His attitude to the threat of the virus is now personally and dramatically disproven. As his aides and GOP Senators fall ill, this is reinforced.
Perhaps if he dies and Pence stands as the candidate the election tightens. Perhaps not. But the VP debate now becomes more interesting

Three GOP Senators have been stricken since the Rose Garden ceremony of the Scotus nomination, and are now in quarantined. A couple more and the confirmation of Amy may be stalled. Or even stopped. Not that would be significant.