I see that Ricky gave up arguing and resorted to essentially ad hominem attacks. Nice. His communist heroes get questioned and he cant stand it. And that it is all I was really doing was to ask questions.
really? You have a cartoon impression of China.
Ricky, it is important to find out happened. Because the effects have been catastrophic and China needs to take steps to prevent something similar happening again
You actually believe that China isn't interested in preventing viral out breaks? Why? Other than some cartoonish image of what life in modern China is actually like and how people actually interact with their government. Here's a thought; they all get health care at no cost; and for most of them its good quality health care.
And if a viral epidemic occurs a responsible government, worried about the lives of their citizens, would act
exactly as China did. A nation worried about the epidemic becoming a pandemic would share information about the viral out break. Which China did. (They sequenced the genome and published it in record time. South Korea had a test 48 hours later. The US? 8 weeks.)
Right now, the conservative media are doing all they can to deflect from the actual causes of the high per capita death rate in the US. Consequently they offer up scenarios involving nefarious Chinese activity with no evidence... They simply state ; "the chinese are making up numbers". Balls.There are foreign scientists in Wuhan who refute this, and those making the claims have nothing to offer. (This in a nation where the President didn't want an infected cruise ship to dock because it would make the numbers worse in the US)
China are being blamed even though they provided a warning and demonstrated an effective way of dealing with the virus. Countries that dealt effectively with the warning, like Czechia and Austria and Norway are already slowly returning to normal.
Countries that refused to deal responsibly are paying a higher toll; including economically.
Conservative media are attacking the modelling that forecasts the range of infections and deaths.... blaming the models for the economic consequences of a lock down .... and trying to claim that because the death rate is lower so far ... that the lock down wasn't really required. (Logic Along the lines of no one gets measles anymore so why get a vaccination...)
China need to regulate wet markets and improve sanitary conditions. But I think the have the resolution to do so, and actually affect change. Holding them to account on this is valid.
But you have no evidence beyond conspiracy level musings to suggest that China has acted nefariously.
If they wanted to harm , why are they donating so much medical supplies to other nations? (Besides replying in kind to those nations that sent help to them in January.)