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Post 20 Jan 2020, 10:26 am

They couldn't decide so they picked two: Warren and Klobuchar

It was a real stick in the eye to Bernie. They said that he can't and doesn't compromise, so he won't be able to get anything done.

While both Warren and Sanders have true believer fans, I think the difference between them is really superficial. The NYT seemed to think it was considerably wider. Wondering if others have thoughts.
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Post 20 Jan 2020, 10:36 am

Apparently the NYT Editorial Board members' "top two candidates" picks - 30 votes in total - are as follows:

Warren: 8
Klobuchar: 7
Booker: 6
Buttigieg: 4
Biden: 3
Sanders: 1
Bloomberg: 1

NYT is a business, and one big difference is that Warren calls herself a capitalist, while Bernie does not.
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Post 20 Jan 2020, 3:10 pm

I like that they endorsed Klobuchar. A moderate with experience gets my vote.

The big difference between Sanders and Warren is that Sanders is honest. Both of them scare me, but at least Sanders has integrity.
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Post 20 Jan 2020, 6:09 pm

Who is Bernie going to compromise with...the Republicans? If Democrats want to get anything done, they have to control the Senate and House. Republicans will not compromise at all. Not going to happen. And I'm quite sure Bernie will be willing to compromise with more moderate Democrats as long as the compromise doesnt gut what he is trying to do.

I prefer Warren. I think her background allows her to come up with concrete solutions that put into practice her ideological convictions. I think she can do that better than Bernie. She is probably more electable.But I could live with Bernie--he would be my #2 choice. I'm curious as to RJ's doubts about Warren's integrity. The Indian thing? What else?

I like Klobuchar. I have always had a good reaction to her on a personal level. Not really sure why. But she is too moderate for me. We need significant changes to our economy. But out of the moderate camp I have preferred her above all of the other moderates since the beginning.
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Post 21 Jan 2020, 10:40 am

I would prefer Sanders the most, as he cannot get ANYTHING done, and that is fine with me.

Warren is a proven liar
Klobuchar is nice, but unknown (maybe a good thing?)
Buttigieg seems not ready for primetime
Biden is a gaffe machine (I would love the Trump/Biden matchup. That is good TV!)
Sanders truly believes his position
Bloomberg is too much into the government control (e.g Soda)

I respect Sanders the most.
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Post 22 Jan 2020, 9:39 am

Ray Jay wrote:I like that they endorsed Klobuchar. A moderate with experience gets my vote.

The big difference between Sanders and Warren is that Sanders is honest. Both of them scare me, but at least Sanders has integrity.

Agree that integrity just oozes out of Bernie, and I'm guessing that's one reason why HRC dissed him the other day. Politics is not a good field for someone who has a lot of integrity. She was critical because he didn't get stuff done. Well, if you have integrity, the compromises necessary to get stuff done may not be acceptable. Those that have dirtied themselves with that business look at those who didn't with contempt.

I'm not sure about the take on Warren's honesty, though. I completely discount the whole native thing, because you are what you're parents tell you, and lots of folks in Oklahoma claim native ancestry as a part of their family lore. What else you got?
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Post 24 Jan 2020, 8:54 am

That's a fair point on native American ancestry. I just read Wikipedia and it does seem less of an issue than I had thought.

My view is that her Medicare for all plan without raising taxes on the middle class is disingenuous. She refuses to look at the economic impacts dynamically even though that is within her capability level.

I'm also unimpressed by this latest spat with Sanders. If he did say that, why didn't she report it over a year ago when it happened? Why is it all of a sudden remembered now while her campaign is losing ground. When Sanders spoke what he believe, her immediate go to was that he called her a liar, which he did not do.
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Post 03 Feb 2020, 8:36 am

I could absolutely care less what the editorial board of the NYT thinks about any topic under the sun. The NYT editorial board is so entirely insular, that they have completely lost touch with reality. This group of self aggrandizing emperors have been without clothing since 2016.

I endorse Tulsi Gabbard. The fact that she hasn't been included is scandalous.

Be that as it may, Bernie is the ONLY candidate worth a damn after Tulsi. I'll take integrity any day, especially now, when American politics is so desperate.

As for crystal balling what Bernie will be able to accomplish, please stop. That's impossible to ascertain.

As a side note, I can only hope that the money I sent to Tulsi is used to pay her lawyers to effectively sue Hillary, above the law, Clinton.
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Post 05 Feb 2020, 11:30 am

It looks like Buttigieg may have of, sort of, won Iowa. Muzak lovers of the world: unite!
That was a rippppping good speech by Trump last night, eh?

We now know what went wrong with the Iowa caucus results...

Putin: "So Iowa...that was you guys?"
Russian hacker: "Of course. We wanted to show the inefficiency of the democratic system. They can't even count votes, anymore!
Putin: "In Russia, much simpler. Never any delays. I just tell the vote counters what the results should be...
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Post 07 Feb 2020, 10:27 pm

What I find interesting is the popularity among REPUBLICANS for taxing the uber-rich. Warren's 2% tax on wealth over 50 million got 53% Republican support in one poll. A democratic plan like that combined with middle-class tax relief, student loan forgiveness/help...might be quite popular.

And I don't get Biden's strategy here. For right thing, Buttigieg is the guy he really has to go after. The race is likely to split into one moderate vs one liberal. Buttigieg and he are the moderates. He would be the youngest president ever by quite a lot; he was mayor of a town of 125,000 people; and his big calling card, his military service in Afghanistan, was serving in intelligence in a desk job. Then there is his wealthy supporters (e.g. fundraiser in a wine cellar) and lack of support from Hispanic and black voters. Is he really ready to deal with Trump? Come on, man...

I like Warren...but if it's going to be a moderate I'll take Biden.
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Post 11 Feb 2020, 8:41 am

freeman3 wrote:I like Warren...but if it's going to be a moderate I'll take Biden.

I'm still hoping Michael Bennett will catch on fire.
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Post 12 Feb 2020, 2:23 am

Gosh...Buttigieg annoys the heck out of me. Every time he talks it just seems rehearsed to me. Amy Klobuchar--likeable, experienced, pragmatic. I would like to take a chance on Sanders..but it just seems so risky when the alternative is Trump. So if Warren fades...maybe I would prefer Klobuchar? I am not certain, but I like her. I like the things she says. She says the things that I am thinking. I support Sanders' policies more but it won't matter if he doesnt win. So, for now, I'm not really sure.
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Post 12 Feb 2020, 11:36 am

I already did not like Bloomberg trying to buy the Democratic nomination. But that 2015 video where he justifies stop and frisk and the consequences for minorities with such casual disregard for the effects of that policy on minorities, indicates a level of bias/prejudice against minorities that should disqualify him from the nomination.
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Post 13 Feb 2020, 2:44 pm

freeman3 wrote:I already did not like Bloomberg trying to buy the Democratic nomination. But that 2015 video where he justifies stop and frisk and the consequences for minorities with such casual disregard for the effects of that policy on minorities, indicates a level of bias/prejudice against minorities that should disqualify him from the nomination.

If he's the nominee against Trump, I'm still voting for him, but I don't think he will be the nominee.
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Post 14 Feb 2020, 7:02 am

freeman3 wrote:I already did not like Bloomberg trying to buy the Democratic nomination. But that 2015 video where he justifies stop and frisk and the consequences for minorities with such casual disregard for the effects of that policy on minorities, indicates a level of bias/prejudice against minorities that should disqualify him from the nomination.

I agree that Bloomberg's remarks are insensitive, but from a policy perspective I tend to believe that stop and frisk does more good than harm. If you were to poll people who live in poor urban areas in the US, I wonder whether they generally support the police taking a hard line for the sake of their safety. I don't know … I just wonder. Prejudice is bad, but safety is priceless.