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Posts: 3675
Joined: 17 May 2013, 3:32 pm

Post 04 Apr 2018, 9:26 am

Who knew the gun was more lethal than the knife...
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Joined: 26 Jun 2000, 1:13 pm

Post 04 Apr 2018, 11:08 am

More effective, to be sure.

Much like the ability to broadcast speech more effectively today through social media than back in 1787. The progressive nature of invention does not change the evil that is in the hearts of men. It just makes it more effective.

You can broadcast hate and vitriol over social media. It does not make it good, just effective and evil.

Oh, and protected in many cases. (1st Amendment)
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Posts: 3675
Joined: 17 May 2013, 3:32 pm

Post 04 Apr 2018, 11:59 am

Civilization has been the best way to make people better. Homicide rates are a fraction of what they used to be. Why people think it is progress-instead of the clubs wielded by cave men--to have people walk around with guns of mass destruction is beyond me...