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Post 23 May 2016, 1:42 pm

My parents made me go to church, Sunday School, and vacation bible school until I was 13. But religion was never discussed in the home. Exposure to religion but not indoctrination I guess you could say.
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Post 25 May 2016, 12:25 pm

Sassenach wrote:So what you're saying is that failure to impose a choice upon me constitutes err... imposing a choice upon me ? We'll have to agree to disagree about that one.

Either way, I'm glad that it's the approach they took.

Thing is, that's pretty much the same approach my parents took. But in the UK, state schools also had daily assemblies which usually included acts of worship, we had religious studies which from my recollection started off with Bible stories when I was in infants school, we have religious programming on the BBC, and so it's not hard to be exposed to Christianity here. I was a cub scout and in St John's Ambulance, both of which had religious links, and so I did go to church with them sometimes