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Post 11 Mar 2023, 1:18 pm


1. Jason
2. James
3. Chris
4. Tim
5. Rob
6. Jim
7. Kevin
8. Doug
DNF - Mike (crash)
DNF - Don (retire)

Grid / Bid

1. Don 8.5 (7w+3s)
2. Jim 8.5 (5w+7s)
3. Rob 8.0 (6w+4s)
4. Chris 6.5 (4w+5s)
5. Kevin 6.5 (2w+9s)
6. Tim 3.0 (0w+6s)
7. Jason 0.5 (0w+1s)
8. Doug 0.5 (0w+1s)
9. James 0.0
10. Mike 0.0
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 1:30 pm

T1: Five cars push the start and succeed. Both Don and Jim clear Startcurven.

T2: Don spends early to take the outright lead.

T3: Opel separates the field.
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 1:35 pm

T4: Kevin fails a late brake test!

T5: The primary chase pack dumps wear in Hansen.

T6: Jim lets Don go. Doug spins on a chance roll and never gets to the forced pass attempt!
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 1:40 pm

T7: Don is by himself after clearing Sodra. Rob bottles up Gislaved.

T8: Mike moves up three spots.

T9: Sodra gets crowded.
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 1:48 pm

T10: The back markers line up on the straight. Except for Doug (not a team player).

T11: Don is in lap 2. Chris and Jim battle.

T12: While Laktar is a slow corner, it opens up the track for a sprint to the line.
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 1:53 pm

Wear count at start of lap 2

James 17
Kevin 16
Tim 22
Chris 10
Jim 10
Rob 10
Don 5
Jason 18
Mike 17
Doug 17

T13: Jim pulls ahead of Chris.

T14: Rob wisely uses the narrowing part of the track to force Mike off-line.

T15: The interesting features of this track continue to bedevil Mike. He errs and could have been where Kevin is.
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 1:57 pm

T16: Don may be feeling some pressure from Jim & Chris.

T17: Jim & Chris ease off. Rob stays in command of the chase pack by spending three.

T18: Jason uses Rob's playbook.
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 2:02 pm

T19: Jim pulls to the inside of Don for the race lead!

T20: Don takes it right back.

T21: Jim & Chris fall off Don's torrid pace.
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 2:06 pm

Note: The turn marker is one down for the duration. Jeez, Jason :rolleyes:

T22: The back markers are strung out on the straight.

T23: Rob and Mike join the podium battle.

T24: Half the party is now in the final lap.
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 2:13 pm

Wear count at start of lap 3

James 12
Kevin 9
Tim 10
Chris 4
Jim 3
Rob 2
Don 0
Jason 12
Mike 3
Doug 8

T25: Mike gets caught out again on the same line as last lap. Don's fault, this time. Doug broke the line and paid a retroactive wear so he could plot 160.

T26: The leaders have little or no wear.

T27: Mike is the new race leader!
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 2:25 pm

This series of turns is a complete mess...

T28: Mike spins on a chance roll. With no line available, Jim spin on a chance roll. Don fails his brake test and spins w/ no wear. Chris uses his last two wear and pulls off the forced pass on Jim's spun car. A new race leader! Rob plays it safe and pulls up as the cars behind get stacked up.

T29: Jim and Mike block the racing lines. Rob burns his last wear. Jason squeezes through and threatens Chris. Doug pulls off the forced pass on a blocking Mike but takes damage and spins. Tim and Kevin find open spots while James enjoys the view.

T30: With the wear advantage, no one can stop Jason. Don performs a pass on the blocking Doug.
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 2:32 pm

T31: James weaves his way through traffic. Where did he come from?!

T32: Jason takes the lead and will not give it up. James from last to third in two turns.

T33: Don spins on a chance while Mike passes his.
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 2:37 pm

T34: Plenty of cars pushing their engines on the big straight. Don pulls off the track.

T35: Jason is cleared for take-off. The chase pack gets stacked up at Norra. Jim damages his engine.

T36: Jason wins! The podium is set with only two more cars clearing Laktar. Mike crashes.
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 2:43 pm

T37: James' bigger car beats Chris to the line. It's three-wide behind them. Doug damages the brakes.

T38: Tim gets initiative for fourth, passing both an engine and brake test to do it. Rob does the same for fifth. Jim gets the car across for sixth and Kevin seventh. Doug will take eighth.

The podium!
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Post 11 Mar 2023, 2:49 pm

As quirky as this track was, I liked it. There are some interesting choices to make and everyone seemed to be in contention in the last lap.

Thanks to both Chris and Jason for assisting. It was a fun race and I enjoyed the company.