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Post 24 Mar 2023, 4:28 pm

Turn 27 is due Monday at 6pm.

Brent cranks his engine to it's absolute limit and continues his Meteoric charge as he passes 3 drivers and makes it to 2nd as the rest of the pack redlines as they do their best to keep up.

Rob attempts to push his engine from 80 to 160. He succeeds with a 2.

Marshall attempts to push his engine from 80 to 140 with 2 Skill. He succeeds with a modified 6.

Greg attempts to push his engine from 80 to 140. He Succeeds with a 8.

Brent attempts to push his engine to a Top speed of 200 with 1 Skill. He succeeds with a Modified 8.

Rando attempt to push his engine to a Top Speed of 180. He succeeds with an 8.

Tony spends 2 Wear going 120 thorough the 80 Lane of Luffield.

Curtis spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of Luffield.

Kelly spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of Luffield.
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Post 27 Mar 2023, 2:24 pm

The three fastest separated by less than 1.5mph
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Post 27 Mar 2023, 6:01 pm

The chase pack works through the corner behind them with differing options, as Rando uses his slip to overcut Rob, and Marshall has to make evasive maneuvers as wheels it out. Further back, smoke is seen from Kelly's car.

Rando gets a slip off Brent

Marshall attempts to push his engine to a Top speed of 180. He succeeds with a 7.
Marshall spends 2 Wear going 180 through the 140 lane of Copse.

Kevin pushes his engine from 100 to 160 using 2 Skill. He succeeds with a modified 9.

Larry gets a slip off Kevin.

Curtis gets a slip off Larry.

Kelly attempts to push his engine from 100 to a Top Speed of 180 using no skill. He succeeds in accelerating with an 8, but fails at reaching the top speed with an 11. This causes him to plot 160 and his Top Speed is reduced to 140.
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Post 29 Mar 2023, 5:52 pm

Brad leads the field into Becketts-Chapel and the drivers squeeze tightly into the corner, with the second group trying to catch up.

Rob spends 1 Wear going 160 into the 140 lane of Becketts.

Kevin spends 1 Wear going 160 into the 100 Green Racing Line of Copse

Larry gets a slip off Kevin
Larry spends 1 Wear going 160 through the 120 Racing Line of Copse.

Tony spends 1 Wear going 160 through the 100 Green Racing line of Copse.

Curtis gets a slip off Tony.

Kelly pushies his damaged engine to a top speed of 160 with no skill. He succeeds with a 4.
Kelly spends 1 Wear going 160 through the 100 Green Racing Line of Copse.
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Post 31 Mar 2023, 5:23 pm

Brad leads the feild down the Hanger Straight as the line packs and conga's behind him. In the rear pack, drivers bob and weave to avoid Kevin and make it through Becketts-Chapel.

Brent spends 1 Wear going 140 through the 100 Racing Line of Chapel.

Kevin attempts to late brake from 140 to 120 using no skill as he enters Chapel. He succeeds with a 9.

RM Note: Your turn request was 140 when you have no wear and the safe speed on the line in the second segment is 120. Default for that is easiest die roll, which is to Late Break as you approach the space.

Tony spends 2 Wear going 160 through the 120 Lane of Chapel.

Larry spends 1 Wear going 140 through the 120 Lane of Chapel.

Curtis gets a slip off Larry.
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Post 03 Apr 2023, 4:20 pm

Taking a bit of a Do or Die approach Brad wheels his car into Stowe and is able to hold control of it as the field lines up on Hangar for the corner, and packs up in the back.

Brad attempts to run Stowe along the 100 Racing Line at 140 using 1 Skill. He succeeds with a modified 5.

Rob gets a slip off Brent

Rando gets a slip off Brent.

Kelly attempts to redline his damaged engine to 160 Top speed using 1 Skill. He succeds with a modified 4.
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Post 05 Apr 2023, 9:10 am

Bauska had a 4+ second lead at the line for lap 2
C3 summary.png
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Post 05 Apr 2023, 3:58 pm

challenge for the lead as Brent burns tires through Stowe and pulls inside of Brad as the two roll to Vale two abreast. Further back the field packs it tight through Stowe as they navigate the corner.

Turn 32 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Brent spends 2 Wear going 160 through the 100 Racing Line of Stowe.

Rando gets a slip off Rob

Marshall gets a slip off Rando

Tony spends 2 Wear going 160 though the 120 Lane of Stowe.

Curtis gets a slip off Tony.
Curtis spends 1 Wear going 140 through the 120 Lane of Stowe.

Larry gets a slip off Kevin.

Kelly pushes his engine yet again to a damaged top of 160 with no Skill. He succeeds with a 9.
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Post 07 Apr 2023, 5:08 pm

Turn 33 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Brent uses whats left of his tires to complete the crossover and cements his lead, as Brad slots in behind him. Approaching Vale, the field is three wide as Tony, Curtis and Greg run side by side.

Brent spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of Vale.

Brad attempts to late brakes from 100 to 80. He succeeds with a 6.

Rando attempts to late break from 140 to 120 using 1 Skill as he approaches Vale. He succeeds with a 1.
Rando spends 2 Wear going 120 into the 80 Racing line of Vale.
Rando spends 1 Wear late breaking from 120 to 100.

RM Notes: As Rando spent 2 Wear cornering, he may accelerate to 140 in the coming turn.

Rob spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of Vale.
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Post 10 Apr 2023, 5:09 pm

Turn 34 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Brent leads Brad in the direction of Abbey as the field navigates Vale and Club. At the back, Disaster strikes as Greg's attempt to force it into the first part of the chicane of Vale. Unfortunately it's too much on his tries and he spins out. Drivers deftly dodge as he ends up bouncing across the gravel trap before smashing into the barrier behind, ending his race.

Brad attempts to push his engine from 80 to 140 using no skill. He succeeds with a 4.
Brad gets a slip off Brad.

Tony spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of Vale.

Curtis spends 1 Wear Late Braking from 120 to 100 as they approach Vale.
Curtis spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of Vale.

Greg attempts to chance the corner going 100 into the 80 Lane of Vale. He fails with a 11 and crashes out of the race (DNF).

Kevin attempts to avoid crashing into Greg using 2 Skill, and with a -2 Modifier. They succeed with a Modified 4.

Kelly spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of Vale.
Kelly attempts to avoid crashing tino greg with a -2 Modifier. They succeed with a Modified 6.

Larry spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of Vale.
Larry attempts to avoid crashing into Greg with 1 Skill, and with a -2 Modifier. They succeed with a Modified 5.
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Post 12 Apr 2023, 9:19 am

The top speeds very close the final time through sector 1
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Post 12 Apr 2023, 3:40 pm

Brad dives inside of Brent as he challenges for the lead as the Village-Loop Complex looms, with Rando not too far behind. Further back, the pack packs it three wide into Abbey with two behind and they setup for their own packing a Village.

Turn 35 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

RM Note: There have been reports from C2 that one driver will be leaving, so relegation spots for C3 have been updated.

Marshall attempts to push his engine from 80 to 140 using no skill. He succeeds with a 7.

Kelly attempts to push his engine to a Damaged Top of 160 using no skill. He succeeds with an 8.

Kevin gets a slip off Curtis.
Kevin attempt to push his engine from 80 to 140 using 1 skill. He succeeds with a modified 9 (:O).
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Post 14 Apr 2023, 4:38 pm

Chaos at Village as the Brad looses it in try to out break Brad, and Kelly threads the needle in the ensuing chaos!

RM Note: So I figured it was better for Clarity. Kelly has told me they will not be returning, so Kelly is marked as out, and there are 2 relegations marked at below.

Brad attempt to Hard Break from 140 to 80. He fails with a 11, his dec is reduced by 20 and due to no where, he spins in place.

Rando Late Breaks from 120 to 100 using 2 Skill as he enters Village. He succeeds with a modified 5.
Rando spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 60 Racing Line of Village.

Kelly attempts to push his top to his damaged top speed of 160 using no skill. He succeeds with a 2.
Kelly attempts to force pass Curtis. Curtis does not block (No Default). He succeeds with a 6.
Kelly spends 2 Wear going 160 into the 120 space of Village.
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Post 18 Apr 2023, 3:35 pm

Rando wheels out of The Loop and pulls aside to challenge Brent for the lead, as cautious driving up front leads to a pileup in The Loop among the rest.

RM Note: Apologies, I scatter brained finishing the turn yesturday. Due to this, Turn 37 is due Thursday by 6pm.

Kelly spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of The Loop.

Curtis spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of Village
Curtis spends 1 Wear late braking form 120 to 100 at the entrance of The Loop.

Tony spends 1 Wear going 100 through the Outside 80 Lane of Village.

Larry spends 2 Wear going 120 through the Middle 80 Lane of Village.
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Post 20 Apr 2023, 9:12 pm

The two leaders wheel through Brooklands side by side and setup for a final decision for the win likely though Luffield. The cars then battle for the final podium positon on the Wellington Straight.

Turn 38 is due Saturday by 8pm Eastern. Late start cause I have other stuff...also apologies for late responses.

Kelly redlines his engine to a Damaged top of 160. He succeeds with an 8.