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Post 15 Jun 2022, 3:52 pm

Turn 1 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

In qualifying James blazed ahead of the competition with a final time of 1:10.100, beating 2nd place Rob by 8 tenths of a second. Curtis qualifies third with a 1:11.404. Behind them was stiff competition as drivers 4th through 8th all qualified with 3 tenths of each other with Kelly securing the position!

As so race day has come, and drivers complete their formation lap and come to the line. With everyone in their spots the lights come on, 1,2,3,4,5 and THEIR OFF HERE WE GO!
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Post 17 Jun 2022, 4:14 pm

Turn 2 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

They roar off the line as the lights go out, with James leading the field into the Paddock Hill Bend. As they take off, there are gasps from the crowd and rear pack dodges around Kelly who seems to have spun their tires and isn't going anywhere on their weak launch engine, having only not be passed by Kevin who also seems to have mis-shifted!

James pushes his start to 80 using 2 Skill. He succeeds with a Modified 6.

Rob pushes his start to 80 using 3 Skill. He succeeds with a Modified 8.

RM Note: Due to entering on the line, Rob can accelerate to 100 next turn.

Curtis pushes his start to 80 using 2 Skill. He succeeds with a Modified 2.

Kelly pushes his start to 40 using 1 Skill. He fails with a Modified 9. He Mis-Shifts and plots 20 less than his start(Which is 0).

RM Note: This is a Mis-Shift not a Stall, so Kelly can use their full acceleration next turn.

RM Note: Larry had requested Inside, Middle, Outside. With Curtis in the way I gave him middle and ran him along the line as it makes sense.

Brent pushes his start to 80 using 2 Skill. He succeeds with a modified 7.

Marshall pushes his start to 80 using 2 Skill. He succeeds with a modified 6.

Greg pushes his starty to 80 using 1 Skill. He succeeds with a modified 6.

Kevin pushies his start to 80 using 2 Skill. He fails with a modified 9, Mis-Shifting and plotting 20 below start (Which is 40).

Brad pushes his start to 80 using 3 Skill. He succeeds with a modified -1. (Yes a -1. He rolled snake eyes)
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Post 20 Jun 2022, 5:07 pm

James smokes his tires as he barrels into Druids, as the field makes 2 nearly neat lines through Hailwoods Hill.

Turn 3 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern.

RM Note: Standings will begin to be reported next turn.

James spends 2 Wear going 100 through the 40 Racing Line of Druids.

Larry spends 1 Wear going 120 through the 80 Racing Line of the Paddock Hill Bend.

Brent spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of the Paddock Hill Bend.

Greg spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of the Paddock Hill Bend.

Tony spends 1 Wear going 120 through the 80 Racing Line of the Paddock Hill Bend.

Rando spends 2 Wear going 140 through the 80 Racing Line of the Paddock Hill Bend.

Brad gets a Slip off Greg.

RM Note: Kelly, while by default would take any slip, cannot take a slip due to going 0 in the previous turn.
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Post 22 Jun 2022, 3:45 pm

James rolls up Graham Hill as the field squeezes it's way through Druids.

Turn 4 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern.

Larry spends 2 Wear going 100 through the 40 Racing line of Druids.

Rob spends 2 Wear going 80 through the 40 Lane of Druids.

Curtis spends 2 Wear going 80 through the 40 Lane of Druids.

Brent spends 2 Wear going 80 through the 40 Lane of Druids.

Rando spends 2 Wear going 100 through the 40 Racing Line of Druids.

Greg spends 1 Wear going 80 through the 40 Racing Line of Druids.

Marshall spends 2 Wear going 80 through the 40 Lane of Druids.

Tony spends 1 Wear going 80 through the 40 Racing Line of Druids.

RM Note: NPR Warning. Tony went 80 due to limits of his breaks.

Kelly spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of the Paddock Hill Bend.
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Post 24 Jun 2022, 3:28 pm

Turn 5 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

The field stays compact as drivers wheel wide to avoid rear ending the leaders, and Rob challenges for the lead!

Rob spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of The Graham Hill Bend.

Curtis spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of The Graham Hill Bend.

Larry spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of the Grand Hill Bend.

Brad spends 1 Wear going 60 through the 40 Lane of Druids.

Kevin spends 2 Wear going 80 through the 40 Lane of Druids.
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Post 27 Jun 2022, 3:41 pm

Turn 5 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Some shuffling among the front as drivers picked their paths through Surtees.

Rob spends 2 Wear going 100 through the Inside 60 Lane of Surtees.

James spends 1 Wear going 100 through 60 Racing Lane of Surtees.

Larry spends 2 Wear going 100 through the Inside 60 Lane of Surtees.

Curtis spends 2 Wear going 100 through the Inside 60 Lane of Surtees.

Brent spends 2 Wear going 100 through the Inside 60 Lane of Surtees.

Rando spends 2 Wear going 100 through the Inside 60 Lane of Surtees.

Greg spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 60 Racing Line of the Graham Hill Bend.

Marshall spends 1 Wear going 80 through the 60 Lane of the Graham Hill Bend.

Brent spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of the Graham Hill Bend.
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Post 29 Jun 2022, 9:01 pm

Apologies all. I had the stuff earlier but had a bit of a scatterbrained night. Turn 7 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern, but will be soft.

The front group packs itself tightly into Hawthorne, with Rob leading the group and they wind through. Back at Surtees, choice of line shuffles the back group.

Rob spends 1 Wear going 140 through the 100 Racing line of Hawthorne

James spends 1 Wear going 140 through the 100 Racing line off Hawthorne

Curtis gets a slip off Rob

RM Note: Curtis got the slip cause James elected not to take it, being it would of put him off line for no real gain.

Brent gets a slip off Larry

Rando gets a slip off Brent

Greg spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 60 Racing Line of Surtees.

Marshall spends 2 Wear going 100 through the Inside 60 Lane of Surtees.

Brad spends 2 Wear going 100 through the Inside 60 Lane of Surtees.

Kevin spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of Surtees.

RM Note: As he has spent 1 Wear in the corner, Kevin is allowed to accelerate to 120 next turn.

Kelly spends 2 Wear going 100 through the Inside 60 Lane of Surtees.
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Post 01 Jul 2022, 5:54 am

The tight section of the course keeps the sector 1 speeds down
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Post 01 Jul 2022, 4:27 pm

Rob burns rubber and stretches out his lead, as cars run two by two on the run up to Westfield.

Turn 8 is due Monday at 6pm Easter. As it's Independence Day, Deadline will be Soft.

Rob redlines his engine to reach a speed of 160 using 2 Skill. He succeeds with a Modified 9.
Rob spends 1 Wear going 160 though the 140 Lane of Westfield

Brent spends 2 Wear going 160 through the 120 Lane of Hawthrones.

Larry spends 1 Wear going 140 through the 100 Racing Line of Hawthornes.

Rando gets a slip off Larry

Greg spends 1 Wear going 140 through the 100 Racing Line of Hawthornes.

Marshall spends 1 Wear going 140 through the 120 Lane of Hawthornes.
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Post 04 Jul 2022, 4:30 pm

Thanks everybody for getting your moves in! Turn 9 will be due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern.

Rob forces it into Strilings as the field forms up three wide out of Sheene's Curve.

Rob spends 2 Wear going 120 through the Inside 80 of Stirlings.

Curtis gets a slip off Brent.

Rando gets a slip off Larry

Brad spends 1 Wear going 140 through the 100 Racing Line of Hawthrones.

RM Notes:

Brent: No Slip cause James is in the corner.

Rando: Being you requested the inside and you were blocked I used your slip to put you inside behind Brent, which runs you wide in Scheene's Curve.

Kevin: Slip would have required you to pay a wear for coming off line, so wasn't taken.
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Post 06 Jul 2022, 3:42 pm

Rob continues his hard charge as the leads the front pack though Stirlings and into Clark.

Turn 10 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern.

Rob spends 2 Wear going 120 though the 80 Lane of Clark Curve.

RM Note: Due to the increasing speed Rob can accelerate up to 180(if possible) next turn.

James spends 2 Wear going 120 through the inside 80s of Stirlings.

RM Note: Brent does not get a slip as he is faster than James at the time of posting.

Brent pushes his brakes aggressively, slowing from 140 to 120 as he approaches Strilings using 1 Skill. He succeeds with a modified 6.
Brent spends 2 Wear going 120 through the inside 80s of Stirlings.

Curtis spends 2 Wear going 120 through the inside 80s of Stirlings.

Larry spends 1 Wear going 100 though the inside 80s of Stirlings.

Rando gets a slip off Brent
Rando spends 1 Wear going 100 through the inside 80s of Stirlings.

Marshall gets a slip off Greg.

RM Note: Brad does not get a slip as Marshall is in the corner.

Kevin gets a slip off Tony.
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Post 07 Jul 2022, 5:04 am

Rando is having the fastest lap so far
C3 summary.png
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Post 08 Jul 2022, 4:23 pm

Rob charges ahead as the field yet again spans three wide on the straight

Turn 11 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

James spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of Clark Curve.

Brent spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of Clark Curve.

Larry gets a slip off Brent.
Larry spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of Clark Curve.

Rando spends 1 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of Clark Curve.

Greg spends 2 Wear going 120 through the Inside 80 Lane of Stirlings.

Marshall spends 2 Wear going 120 though the Inside 80 Lane of Stirlings

Brad gets a Slip off Greg
Brad spends 1 Wear going 100 through the Inside 80 Lane of Stirlings.

Kevin spends 2 Wear going 120 through the Outside 80 Lane of Stirlings.

Tony spends 1 Wear going 100 through the Outside 80 Lane of Stirlings.
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Post 12 Jul 2022, 3:45 pm

Turn 12 is due Thursday at 6pm Eastern. Deadline will be soft. Apologies again for the goofup!

Rob leads the front pack into the second lap and the Paddock hill bend, with the chasers still three wide!

Rob spends 1 Wear going 100 through the inside 80 Lane of the Paddock Hill Bend.

Rando gets a slip off James

Greg spends 2 Wear going 140 through the middle 100 Lane of Clark Curve.

Marshall spends 1 Wear going 100 through the 80 Lane of Clark Curve.

Brad gets a slip off Greg
Brad spends 2 Wear going 120 through the 80 Lane of Clark Curve.

Kelly spends 2 Wear going 140 through the middle 100 Lane of Clark Curve.

Kevin spends 1 Wear going 120 through the middle 100 Lane of Clark Curve.

RM Notes:

Curtis: No slips cause going faster than lead car (Rando).

Kelly: Can accelerate to 180 next turn (+2W on 140 space)
Kevin: Can accelerate to 140 next turn (+1W on 120 space)
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Post 14 Jul 2022, 3:48 pm

Turn 13 is due Saturday at 6pm Eastern. Deadline will again be soft.

Rob continues to get all he can out of his tires as he wheels it into Druids, and Larry challenges Brent for a podium position. Further back the crowd roars as Brad powerslides it through the inside of the Paddock Hill Bend.

Rob spends 2 Wear going 100 through the 40 Racing Line of Druids.

James attempts to Hard Break from 140 to 100 spending 2 Skill, breaking a 3 skill chip to do it. He succeeds with a Modified 5.
James spends 1 Wear going 100 through the Inside 80 Lane of the Paddock Hill Bend.

Larry spend 1 Wear going 120 though the 100 Lane of the Paddock Hill Bend.

RM Note to Larry and Brent: Since it will be asked, the reason why you guys didn't use a tighter line is the set of spaces you were in on the approach to Paddock Hill are not parallel, and thus you were committed to move in the lane you started. Greg and Marshall will need to keep that in mind next turn.

Rando gets a slip off Larry.

Curtis spends 1 Wear going 100 through the Inside 80 Lane of the Paddock Hill Bend.

Brad spends 2 Wear and takes a chance using three skill to go 140 through the Inside 80 of the Paddock Hill Bend. He succeeds with a modified 2.

Marshall gets a slip off Greg.

Kelly redlines his engine in an attempt to get to 180, using no skill. He succeeds with a 9 (:O)

RM Note: There was no Wear cost for the 140 space as you had already payed that cost the previous turn.

Tony spends 2 Wear going 140 through the 100 Space of Stirlings.