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Post 14 Feb 2022, 5:39 am

Builds complete.

Starting bid deadline: Wednesday, February 16th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 16 Feb 2022, 5:53 am

The grid is set and the lights are ready. Drivers, start your engines!

T1 Deadline: Friday, February 18th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 18 Feb 2022, 9:38 am

One failed start leads to some quick maneuvering in the back.

Turn 1 Summary

Smith and Rund trade paint down the straight as they both push the start to 120. Smith puts his last skill in (modified 5) while Costa tosses in two (modified 3).

Harley, a little leery of the dice gods, puts in a big chip to hit 80 (modified 2). Hoyt also goes for 80 but with no skill applied, he comes up boxcars (natural 12). That's a stall on the track with a max speed of 60 next turn.

Harrington pumps two skill into the dice cup to go 40 (modified 6). Choi eases out at 20 and is inside of the inert blue machine.

Milbourn tempts fate at 120 and leaves the last skill chit in his pocket (natural 6). Costa puts one green chip on the table for his 120 (modified 8) and the engine complies... barely. They both skirt some slower cars and move up in the pack.

The remainder of the field leaves the dice cup alone and come out at 20 each to form a block of back-markers.

Turn 2 Deadline: Monday, February 21st @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 21 Feb 2022, 6:09 am

A catastrophe in the early going!

Turn 2 Summary

Smith goes into the Pangkor Laut chicane 80's at 120 and sheds two wear. Rund dives into the 60's at 120 with two wear and a chance roll (natural 10). Presumably he intended to put skill on the roll but did not specify its use.

Note: Redscape RM's, in league play, may not request plot clarifications or assume what is not in the plot. Default rules do not come into play as this was a planned dice roll. Sorry, Rob, but you're sitting this one out.

Harley runs the outer rail in the chicane at 140 for a wear. He rolls on the crash avoidance table with modifiers of -1 (three-wide section) and -2 (ending 0-2 spaces past crash). Redscape defaults also call for max skill, -2 in this case. Russ makes it through the crash site with a zero on the roll.

Milbourn plots 140 before late braking to 120 with wear. He then burns two more in the 80's. Costa pulls up in the middle lane at 100.

Harrington advances down the straight at 100. Choi comes alongside at 120 after pushing the engine (natural 7). Hoyt gets the engine started again and pulls into traffic at 60.

Schipper pushes the engine with 1s (modified 9) and is at 100. Bernhardt keeps up by also pushing with 2 skill for his roll (modified 7).

Dygert wants to go 100, as well, and pushes with 2s (modified 2). Marshall tucks in at 80.

Turn 3 Deadline: Wednesday, February 23rd @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 23 Feb 2022, 6:01 am

The debris is cleared and the race goes on...

Turn 3 Summary

Smith continues through the 80's at 120, wear already paid.

Harley drops to 100 then late brakes even more (1w) to 80 and ends in the 60's. Milbourn rides the 80's at 120 and is fortunate to find an open lane.

Costa, at 100, clears the chicane for two wear via the 60/80 combination.

Harrington dives into the chicane at 120 and burns two wear in the middle 80's. Choi takes his 120 outside for free.

Schipper has the initiative at 160 and clips two tires on the outer rail. Bernhardt is next, also at 160. Skip took his preferred route so he late brakes to 140 (1w) and drops another on the outside. Hoyt, at 120, picks the middle lane.

Dygert pulls to the inside of the blue machine at 120 and the bonus. Marshall brings up the rear at 140.

Turn 4 Deadline: Friday, February 25th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 25 Feb 2022, 8:56 am

A three-wide out front and some traffic in the hairpin.

Turn 4 Summary

Smith grabs the Langkawi line at 120. Milbourn revs his mini-engine up to its 140 max.

Costa gets the initiative at 160 and pulls alongside the #18. Harley, at 140 and the bonus, creates a three-wide going into Langkawi.

Harrington is out of the hairpin at 120 via the outer lane. Choi slows to 60 and clutters up the middle exit row.

Schipper was looking to use that middle lane at 100 but... nope. He late brakes to 80 (1w) and uses the 40 spot w/ wear already paid. Bernhardt was also hoping for the middle lane and he brakes to 80 (1w) and into the 40, adding one more wear to the corner.

Dygert is able to find the exit row from the hairpin at 100 at a cost of two wear. Hoyt gets hung in the 80's for a wear. Marshall comes in behind the blue machine, also at 100 and a wear.

Turn 5 Deadline: Monday, February 28th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 28 Feb 2022, 6:09 am

Turn 5 Summary

Smith drops a wear on the Langkawi at 100.

Costa gets the initiative at 160. He scrapes off two wear on the outer rail. Harley is next at 140. He clips a tire on the outside and squats on the line. Milbourn is last at 120. With the line blocked, he goes outer rail for free.

Harrington pulls up to Langkawi on the line at 140. Schipper pushes the engine to 160 (natural 5) and tucks in on the #32.

Bernhardt comes out of the hairpin at 140. Choi also hits 140 and, with the bonus, pulls in front of the black machine. Dygert is even with the #43, also at 140.

Hoyt plots 80? Marshall pulls even as he continues at 100.

Turn 6 Deadline: Wednesday, March 2nd @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 02 Mar 2022, 5:38 am

A battle develops at the front...

Turn 6 Summary

Smith grabs the Klia racing line at 140. Costa, at 160, dives inside for the race lead.

Harley tucks in on the #7 car at 160, using 1s on the engine test (modified 6). Milbourn keeps the pace at 140 and the bonus.

Harrington sheds a wear at 100. Schipper dumps two at 120. Choi goes outer rail at 120 to save the tires.

Bernhardt follows the white car on the outside at 120. Dygert gives a nod as he drops two wear on the racing line and moves up a few spots.

Marshall gets the initiative at 160 and plows into Langkawi on the outside for two wear. Hoyt pulls up on the line at 140.

Turn 7 Deadline: Friday, March 4th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 04 Mar 2022, 8:02 am

A lot of movement on the leader board today. Keep your eyes on the GP points totals - the green numbers advance to C3 next season.

Turn 7 Summary

Costa sheds two wear at 140 on the inner rail of Klia. He grabs the next racing line. Smith clips a tire on the Klia line and slots to the outside in front of Tioman.

Harley, at 140, runs the Klia line for a wear and takes the lead with the bonus. Milbourn also gets the bonus at 140. He burns a wear on the Klia line and stays on the wing of the #27.

Harrington sets up Klia on the line at 140. Schipper slots inside at 160.

Dygert logs his top speed of 140. Choi pushes the engine to 180 (natural 4) and tucks in between the two red machines. Bernhardt uses his top speed of 180, presumably not expecting a slip here.

Marshall continues his high speed cornering through Langkawi at 160. Hoyt dumps two wear on the Langkawi line before coupling with the yellow racer.

Turn 8 Deadline: Monday, March 7th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 07 Mar 2022, 7:44 am

The wear comes off in bunches...

Turn 8 Summary

Costa has the initiative at 100. He burns two wear on the Tioman line and takes the race lead. Smith nicks two wear at 100 on the outer rail.

Harley over-brakes to 80 for a wear and drops two more in the 40's. Milbourn has no room to use his 100 on the line so he runs outside for two wear.

Schipper clips two tires at 140 in Klia before grabbing the next line. Harrington, at 140, sheds a wear on the Klia line and defaults to the inside lane.

Choi donates a wear to Klia at 140 on the line. With the slip, there is another three-wide at the Tioman entry.

Bernhardt gets the initiative at 140 and relinquishes a wear on the Klia line. Dygert, at 120 and the bonus, runs the same route for free.

Marshall enters Klia on the line at 120. Hoyt casts off a wear at 140 as he dives into Klia on the outside.

Turn 9 Deadline: Wednesday, March 9th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 07 Mar 2022, 2:13 pm

Costa covers the field through the first sector of the race
C4 summary.png
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Post 09 Mar 2022, 9:17 am

Turn 9 Summary

Costa burns a wear at 120 on the Kenyir Lake line. Smith pulls even after tossing a wear at 120 on the line plus the bonus.

Harley takes his 100 outside? Milbourn gains position at 100 on the racing line.

Choi gets initiative at 100. He knocks down two wear and moves up the leaderboard. Harrington clips two tires at 80. Schipper takes an RM plot of 80 (NPR #1 - Warning). With no room to use the line, he goes outside for a wear.

Bernhardt clears Tioman on the line at 100 for two wear. Dygert also clears at 80, costing one wear.

Marshall sets up the Tioman line at 120. Hoyt pulls to the inside at 140.

Turn 10 Deadline: Friday, March 11th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 11 Mar 2022, 6:46 am

The dice cup is busy this morning...

Turn 10 Summary

Costa bumps a wear at 140 through Turn 12 and set up the Sunway line. Smith tucks in behind at 120.

Milbourn pushes the engine to 160 (natural 8) and burns two wear on the line. He opts for a tailpipe over position. Harley also give his engine a nudge using 1s (modified 6). He sheds two wear and gains position.

Choi plots 140 before late braking to 120 (natural 7). He runs the Kenyir Lake line for a wear. Harrington drops in on his bumper at 100, taking the line for free.

Bernhardt gets initiative at 120. He clips a tire on the outer rail and gains another position with the bonus. Schipper clears the Lake corner at 100 on the line.

Dygert pulls up to the Kenyir Lake line at 100.

Hoyt dives into the Tioman 40's at 100, using two wear and 1s on the roll (modified 5). He keeps the tires on the track! Marshall slows to 60 and runs Tioman for free.

Turn 11 Deadline: Monday, March 14th @ 7 a.m. EST (12 noon UTC)
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Post 14 Mar 2022, 11:00 am

Turn 11 Summary

Costa leads the way through Sunway at 120 for two wear. Smith sheds two wear, also at 120, and pulls even with the bonus.

Harley plots 140 then late brakes to 120 (1w). He tosses two more wear on the Sunway line. Milbourn pulls ahead of the #27 at 120 and the bonus, also costing two wear.

Choi knocks down a wear at 140 on the Turn 12 line.

Bernhardt grabs the T12 line at 120. Harrington opts to use a wear at 120 and gains position (no slipstream requested).

Schipper gets pushed outside with his 140 and burns a wear. Dygert clears Kenyir for free at 100.

Hoyt runs the Kenyir line for free at 100. Marshall clips a tire on the line at 120 and finds a bumper.

Turn 12 Deadline: Wednesday, March 16th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)
Note the change to daylight savings in the U.S.
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Post 16 Mar 2022, 4:44 am

A huge gap has opened up between the front-runners and the larger chase pack.

Turn 12 Summary

Costa grabs the line for the Hairpin at 160. Smith, also at 160, has the inside and the race lead.

Milbourn stays on the tail of the #7 at 140 and the bonus. Harley also gains the bonus at 140.

Choi slows to 80 and saves some wear on the Sunway.

Harrington burns a wear at 100 on the Sunway line. Bernhardt, also at 100, gets pushed to the outer rail for a wear and finds himself stranded.

Schipper, at 100, opts for the outer lane in Sunway for a wear. Dygert runs Turn 12 at 120 on the line.

Hoyt clips a tire on the Turn 12 line at 140 and picks up a bumper as he nears the Sunway. Marshall stays attached to the #24 at 120 and the bonus.

Turn 13 Deadline: Friday, March 18th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. UTC)