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Post 13 May 2022, 7:56 am

No changes to the leader board on this quiet turn.

Turn 37 Summary

Choi clears Kenyir Lake at 100. Milbourn pulls up to Kenyir on the line at 100.

Smith is through Tioman at 60.

Harrington sheds a tire on the Tioman line at 80. Dygert gets pushed outside at 80 and also loses a tire.

Costa takes the Klia line for free at 120.

Bernhardt addresses Klia on the line at 140. Hoyt stays on his bumper, also at 140.

Marshall keeps the pace at 140.

Turn 38 Deadline: Monday, May 16th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 16 May 2022, 5:11 am

Turn 38 Summary

Choi is through T12 at 120. Milbourn, in pursuit at 100, runs Kenyir Lake on the line.

Smith clears Kenyir Lake at 100. Harrington pulls up on the racing line at 100.

Dygert is out of Tioman at 80. Costa pulls up to Tioman after over-braking to 60 w/ 1s (modified 4).

Bernhardt is through Klia at 120. Hoyt runs even with the black machine at 120 and the bonus.

Marshall is out of Klia at 120 on the line.

Turn 39 Deadline: Wednesday, May 18th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
SepangT38 copy.png
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Post 16 May 2022, 8:40 am

Fairly even speeds for the fastest three on the last trip through sector 1
C4 summary.png
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Post 18 May 2022, 6:18 am

Turn 39 Summary

Choi enters the penultimate corner at 80 on the racing line for free. Milbourn pulls up to Sunway on the line at 120 after clearing T12.

Smith is through T12 on the line at 120. Harrington runs Kenyir Lake at 100 for free.

Dygert is also through the Lake corner at 100 for free. Costa clogs the Tioman line at 60.

Hoyt gets the initiative at 120. He takes his machine to the outer rail with 2w and 2s on the chance (modified 3). He keeps the car on the pavement and moves up the board!

Bernhardt sheds a wear on the outside at 80. Marshall pulls up to Tioman at 100 on the line.

Turn 40 Deadline: Friday, May 20th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 20 May 2022, 6:57 am

The leaders have cleared the penultimate corner and make their way to the Hairpin.

Turn 40 Summary

Choi finishes Sunway at 80 and moves outside to shake off the #18. Milbourn runs Sunway for free at 80 and is not fooled - he pulls into the wake of the #2.

Smith slows to 80 and sets up the Sunway line. Harrington grabs the inside lane at 120 and moves up the board for the moment. Dygert is through T12 at 120.

Hoyt, Costa, and Bernhardt stay in formation at 100 on the Kenyir line.

Marshall clears Tioman at 60 on the racing line.

Turn 41 Deadline: Monday, May 23rd @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 23 May 2022, 7:17 am

Turn 41 Summary

Choi pulls away at 160. Milbourn's stressed engine only allows for 120 although he does get the bonus.

Harrington drops a wear in the Sunway 60's at 80. Smith runs the Sunway line for free at 80.

Dygert takes an RM plot of 80 to clear Sunway on the line.

Hoyt is through T12 at 120, as is Costa.

Bernhardt and Marshall are through Kenyir Lake at 100 each.

Turn 42 Deadline: Wednesday, May 25th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 25 May 2022, 8:20 am

Turn 42 Summary

Choi enters the final corner at 80. Milbourn, also at 80, sets up the racing line.

Harrington leads the next pack of cars at 140. Smith tucks in at 120.

Dygert sprints out of Sunway at 140 and finds a bumper.

Hoyt clears Sunway at 100 for a wear. Costa pulls up at 80 and takes the line.

Bernhardt moves up the leaderboard with inside position at 120. Marshall expends a wear through T12 at 140.

Turn 43 Deadline: Friday, May 27th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 27 May 2022, 7:23 am

First and second place will come home next turn. There is still a fight for third and some more position battles in the back.

Turn 43 Summary

Choi finishes out the Hairpin at 80 and will cross next turn. Milbourn clears the Hairpin at 80 on the line.

Harrington starts the racing line at 100 for his last wear. Smith sets up the line at 100. Dygert takes an inside position at 120 and looks to battle for a podium spot with his remaining wear.

Hoyt is out on the long straight at 140.

Bernhardt drops half his remaining wear at 120 on the Sunway 80's. He goes outside to shake a potential tail. Costa runs the Sunway line at 80 for free and misses the bumper on the black car.

Marshall coughs up his last wear to clear the penultimate corner at 100.

Turn 44 Deadline: Monday, May 30th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
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Post 30 May 2022, 5:56 pm

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Turn 44 Summary

Choi takes the checkers at 160 for his first Redscape win! Milbourn brings his damaged engine across the finish line at 120 for 2nd.

Harrington finishes the racing line at 100.

Dygert scrapes off his last two tires at 100 on the inner rail. He dives inside of the #32 and finds himself in podium position. I see some dice rolls coming up!

Smith completes the Hairpin on the line at 80.

Hoyt goes outer rail at 140. Bernhardt drops the hammer to 180 and sets up the racing line.

Costa cruises down the straight at 140. Marshall keeps the pace, also at 140.

Turn 45 Deadline: Thursday, June 2nd @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
SepangT44 copy.png
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Post 31 May 2022, 5:09 am

Hoyt and Choi make up some time on the rest of the field through sector 2 for the last time
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Last edited by JimOrlando on 02 Jun 2022, 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post 01 Jun 2022, 7:25 am

Three more cars cross...

Turn 45 Summary

Both Dygert and Harrington push their engines to 160 (natural 4 & 5 respectively). They cross next to one another with the camera showing the Chevy edging out the Ford by a nose for 3rd.

Smith takes 5th place at 140.

Hoyt burns his last wear at 100 and leaves the line open for #43 with a nod. Bernhardt runs the Hairpin line at 120 for his last two wear.

Costa over-brakes to 80 (natural 5) and grabs the line. Marshall pulls to the inside at 120.

Turn 46 Deadline: Friday, June 3rd @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
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Post 03 Jun 2022, 2:04 am

Two cars still on the track...

Turn 46 Summary

Bernhardt gets the initiative, and 6th place, at 180. Hoyt comes in 7th at 140.

Marshall loads the dice and careens around the inside of the Hairpin at 80, ending on the line (natural 4). Costa uses the racing line at 80 for free.

Turn 47 Deadline: Monday, June 6th @ 7 a.m. EST (11 a.m. UTC)
Trigger option in effect.
SepangT46 copy.png
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Post 03 Jun 2022, 3:17 pm

... and that's a wrap!

Marshall doesn't tempt fate with his damaged engine and crosses at 120. Costa pushes to 160 (natural 8) and grabs 8th place.
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Post 04 Jun 2022, 4:55 am

Bernhardt covered the field quite nicely through the final sector
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