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Post 05 May 2022, 2:34 pm

Current RROC standings as of 5/5/22

Circuit Leaders
C1: S. Peeples, 47
C2: G. Incorpora, 48
C3: C. Kennington, 55
C4: L. Dygert, 43

Wild Cards
M. Polcen, 47
D. Blizzard, 47

F. Haskell, 46
T. Mossman, 45
C. Long, 44
J. Swaine, 43
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Post 06 May 2022, 6:36 am

Stephen takes the 120 line at 120 for free.

Don stands on the gas to hit 200 (test Top = 9 OK) and takes the lone way to grab the line.

Chris L does 160.

Jeff also pushes his car (test Top, 2sk = 7 OK) to hit 160 and end outside of Chris L.

Doug does 160 and pulls behind Chris L.

Bruce also pushes the GO button and tries for 160 (Test Top, 2sk = 7 OK) and takes the outside 120s for 2w.

Mario takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Mike does 160 on the 120s for 2w and with a slip pulls into P7.

Tim takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

John takes the 120/80 then late brakes (1w) to 100 and takes the 60s (paid) to finish the corner.

Chris B takes the 60s at 100 for 2w and pulls outside of John.

Next plot due Monday, 9 May @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 3 Turn 34.png
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Post 09 May 2022, 7:28 am

Stephen runs into the corner at 100 on the 60 line for 2w.

Don takes the 120 line at 140 for 1w and grabs the start of the 60 line.

Chris L takes the 120 line at 120 for free.

Jeff also takes the line at 120 and with a slip pulls into P3.

Doug takes the line at 120 for free and with a slip pulls outside of Chris L.

Bruce runs onto the line at 140.

Mike dives inside of Bruce at 160 for P6.

Mario pulls behind Mike at 140.

Tim pulls behind Bruce at 160.

Jim takes the 80 line at 80 for free.

Chris B grabs the start of the 80 line at 160 and takes P11.

John W pulls behind Chris B at 140.

Next plot due Wednesday, 11 May @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 3 Turn 35.png
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Post 11 May 2022, 6:31 am

Stephen finishes the corner at 100 (paid).

Don takes the 60 line at 80 for 1w.

Jeff also takes the line at 80 for 1w.

Doug gets the jump at 100 then stands on the brakes before the corner (late brake, 1 sk = 11 FAIL) but hears a *crunch and the car skids a bit (1w), then he takes the 60 line at 80 for 1w.

Chris L takes the 60s at 80 for 1w.

Mike stays at 160 and gout outside on the 120s for 2w, grabbing the 80 line.

Bruce takes the 120 line at 140 for 1w and goes outside.

Mario and Tim both takes the line at 120 for free and get a slip each.

Jim runs at 140.

Chris B takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

John takes the 80 line at 80 for free.

Next plot due Friday, 13 May @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 3 Turn 36.png
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Post 13 May 2022, 5:57 am

Stephen, Don, and Jeff take the 100 line at 100 for free.

Doug runs onto the line at 100.

Chris L takes finishes the corner at 80 (paid).

Mike takes the 60 line at 100 for 2w.

Bruce takes the 60s at 100 for 2w.

Mario takes the line at 100 for 2w.

Tim takes the line at 80 for 1w.

Jim takes the 120 line at 120 for free.

Chris B grabs the 120 line at 160.

John W rins at 140.

Next plot due Monday, 16 May @8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 3 Turn 37.png
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Post 16 May 2022, 6:51 am

Stephen takes the 120 line at 120 for free and starts the 80 line.

Don and Jeff take the 120 line art 120 for free.

Doug takes the 100 line at 100 for free.

Mike gets the jump at 120 then stands on the breaks before the corner - but they don’t hold and he’s forced to drift through the corner (late brake 120->100 1 sk = 10 FAIL, 1w). He takes the corner at 100 for free and pulls into P5.

Chris L takes the 100 at 100 for free.

Bruce takes the line at 100 for free.

Mario starts at 120 then seeing no room late brakes to 100 before the corner (1w) and takes the 100s for free.

Tim takes the line at 100 for free and pulls into P8.

Jim takes the 60 line at 80 for 1w.

Chris B takes the 120 line at 140 for 1w and grabs the start of the 60 line.

John takes the 120 line at 120 for free.

Next plot due Wednesday, 18 May @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 3 Turn 38.png
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Post 16 May 2022, 8:38 am

This was the fastest of the three trips through sector 1
C1 summary.png
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Post 18 May 2022, 6:45 am

Stephen takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Don grabs the line at 80 for free.

Jeff takes the outside 80s at 120 for 2w.

Doug runs the 120 line at 120 for free and runs onto the 80 line.

Mike takes the 120 line at 120 for free.

Bruce gets the jump at 140 and takes the 120 line for 1w, pulling onto P6.

Chris L takes the 120 line at 120 for free.

Tim takes the 100 at 120 for 1w and with a slip pulls outside of Mike.

Mario takes the line at 120 for free.

Jim speeds up to 140 and takes the 100 line for 2w.

Chris B takes the 60 line at 100 for 2w.

John starts the 60 line at 100 for 2w.

Next plot due Friday, 20 May @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 3 Turn 39.png
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Post 20 May 2022, 6:24 am

Stephen runs the straight at 140.

Jeff finishes the corner at 120 (paid) and heads outside.

Don finishes the corner at 80 (paid).

Doug takes the 80 line at 120 for 2w and pulls behind Jeff for P3.

Mike takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Bruce starts at 100 then hits the brakes (late brake, 2sk = 8 OK) and slows to 80 to take the line for free.

Chris L takes the 80s at 100 for 1w.

Tim takes the line at 80 for free.

Mario grabs the line at 80.

Jim takes the 120 line at 120 for free.

Chris B takes the 100 line at 140 for 2w.

John finishes the 60 line at 100 (paid) and grabs the 100 line.

Next plot due Monday, 23 May @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 3 Turn 40.png
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Post 23 May 2022, 6:53 am

A lot of positions still in doubt...

Stephen runs into the corner at 100 on the 80 line for his last wear.

Jeff runs at 140 and grabs the line.

Doug does 160 and dives inside for P2.

Don mashes the GO pedal (test ACC, 1sk = 6 OK) and hits 180, diving between Doug and Jeff for P3.

Mike runs the straight at 140.

Bruce also does 140 and with a slip pulls outside of Mike.

Chris L finishes the corner at 80 (paid).

Tim takes the 80 line at 80 for free.

MArio also takes the line at 80 for free.

Jim takes the 80 line at 120 for 2w.

Chris L takes the 120 line at 120 for free.

John takes the 100 line at 100 for free.

Next plot due Wednesday, 25 May @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 3 Turn 41.png
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Post 23 May 2022, 7:24 am

Brandt's deep stash of wear allowed him to run sector 2 at high speed but does he have enough time left to catch Marvin?
C1 summary.png
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Post 25 May 2022, 8:30 am

Many positions still in doubt as we set up for a photo finish!

Stephen finishes the line at 100 (paid).

Doug starts at 120, then late brakes (1w) to 100 and goes inside over the 60/80 for 2w, pulling up to Stephen’s rear wing.

Don starts at 120 then late brakes to 100 (2sk = 8 OK) and goes outside on the 80s for 1w.

Jeff takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w and pulls righ behind Doug for P3.

Mike runs onto the 80 line at 120 for 2w.

Bruce heads outside at 120,

Chris L runs at 160.

Tim does 140 and with a slip grabs the start of the line.

Mario does 140 with a slip.

Jim hits the gas for 180 (test Top, 1sk = 8 OK) and gets there, pulling outside of Mario.

Chris B takes the 80 line at 120 for 2w.

John takes the 120 line at 120 for free.

Next plot due Friday, 27 May @ 8 AM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 3 Turn 42.png
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Post 27 May 2022, 7:46 am

Stephen crosses the line at 140 for P1!

Doug hits the gas trying for 160 (test ACC =7 OK) and does to pull outside of Stephen for P2.

Jeff stands on it to hit 160, testing ACC (1sk = 3 OK) and Top (5 OK) to pull outside of Doug for P3 - and to create a 3-wide wall.

Don lights the rocket trying for 200 - but a success will mean a late brake, as there’s no room at the inn at 200. His ACC test passes (3 OK) but the engine bucks trying for 200 (test Top = 11 FAIL) and so he only does 180, finishing P4. Even if he had made it and failed the brake roll (pre-rolled and also an 11!) he would have spun (brake fail without wear) behind the top 3 and finished last among all who finished this turn - still P4. So a little drama, but no change to the outcome no matter what.

Mike finishes the line at 120 (paid).

Bruce takes the 80s at 80 for free and drifts to the middle.

Chris L takes the inside at 100 for 2w and ends in the middle in front of Bruce.

Tim takes the line at 100 for 1w.

Jim gets the jump at 140 then late brakes to 120 (2sk = 7 OK) and takes the outside 80s for 2w.

Mario does 100 on the inside for 2w and pulls into P8.

Chris B takes the straight at 160.

John W runs the 80 line at 140 (2w, 3 sk Chance = 1 OK) and runs the corner as if on rails.

The normal next deadline would be Monday, but this is a holiday weekend here in the US through Monday. But we are so close to finishing, so if I get all plots in I will process the turn when I do. Otherwise, the deadline is Wednesday, 1 June @ 8 AM ET (US). The next 4 cars should finish on Turn 44, and I don’t think any positions will change after that (but we’ll see what’s possible after Turn 44). If positions can change I will ask for plots for Turn 45 otherwise I will finish out the race.
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 3 Turn 43.png
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Post 29 May 2022, 6:50 am

Turn 44:

Mike runs at 160 for P5 in the race and P1 for the season.

Chris L does 160 for P6.

Bruce pushes to 160 (test ACC = 9 OK, test Top = 3 OK) and also gets a slip to finish P7.

Tim stands on it for 180 (test ACC, 2sk = 8 OK; Test Top, 2sk = 4 OK) and pulls behind Chris L for P8.

Mario does 140 for P9.

Jim finishes the corner at 160.

Chris B takes the inside at 100 for 2w.

John runs the straight at 140.

Turn 45

Jim finishes P10 at 160.

Chris B finishes P11 (even if he pushes for 180).

John takes the line at 120 for 2w.

Turn 46

John takes the checkered for P12.

That’s it! Thanks to all for an enjoyable race and for your kind words.

The first race of Season 9 will be Brands Hatch. Positions 9-12 will be moving down to C2.
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 3 Turn 44.png
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Post 31 May 2022, 5:03 am

Brandt has the fastest lap of the race just beating Tatum's lap 2 speed
C1 summary.png