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Indy Car Driver (Pro IV)
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Post 24 Jan 2022, 1:56 pm

Chris L takes the 80s at 80 for free.

Bruce takes the 60 at 60 for free and pulls outside of Chris L.

Mike stands on the binders to get down to 80 (overbrake, 2sk = 6 OK) and then takes the line for free.

Jim slows to 100 and grabs the line.

Tim stays at 140 and pulls inside of Jim for P4.

Stephen stays at 120 and with a slip pulls behind Tim.

Mario finishes the corner at 140 on the line for free.

Jeff takes the line at 160 for 1w and pulls outside of Mario.

Chris B takes the 120s at 120 for free.

John takes the line at 140 for free.
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 2 Turn 38.png
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Post 24 Jan 2022, 2:33 pm

Competitive speeds for the four fastest
C1 summary.png
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Indy Car Driver (Pro IV)
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Post 26 Jan 2022, 2:20 pm

Chris L runs onto the line at 120.

Bruce follows on the line at 100.

Mike does 140 and pulls inside of Bruce for P2.

Tim takes the 80s at 80 for free and blocks the line.

Jim takes the 80s at 80 for free and pulls inside of Tim for P4.

Stephen takes the 80s at 80 for free.

Jeff starts at 120, then stands on the binders to get down to 100 (late brake, 2sk = 4 OK) and takes the line at 100 for 2w.

Mario takes the first 80 space at 100 for 1w.

Chris B grans the line at 120.

John finishes the line at 140 for free.

Next plot due Friday, January 28 @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 2 Turn 39.png
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Post 28 Jan 2022, 2:52 pm

Chris L takes the 60 line at 100 for 2w.

Mike takes the outside 60s at 100 for 2w.

Bruce takes the 60 line at 60 for free.

Tim grabs the line at 120.

Jim speeds up to 100.

Jeff runs at 120 and pulls outside of Jim.

Stephen also does 120, comes around the corner, and finds a wall of cars - so he late brakes (7 = OK) to 100.

Mario completes the corner at 100 (paid).

Chris B takes the corner at 120 for 2w and pulls outside of Stephen for P8.

John takes the 80 line at 100 for 1w.

Next plot due Monday, 31 January @ 4 PM ET (US).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 2 Turn 40.png
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Post 31 Jan 2022, 3:18 pm

Chris L punches it to 140 and crosses the line P1!

Mike makes the camera shot look good, pushing ACC (1sk = 4 OK) and Top (1sk = 7 OK) to hit 180 and pulls outside of Chris L for P2.

Bruce speeds up to 120 and crosses P3.

Tim slows to 60 and takes the 60 line for free.

Jim starts at 80, takes the line, then late brakes before the corner to 60 (7 OK).

Jeff does 80 and goes to the outside, useing sheer force of will to Darren outside on his bald tires (Chance, 3 skill = 2 OK).

Stephen starts at 120, gets to the corner, and stands on his brakes to get to 80 (1w + 3 OK) and then holds the car on the track (Chance = 4 OK) to pull into the first 60 space.

Chris B starts at 100, takes the line, and has nowhere to go, so he late brakes (2w) to 60.

Mario read the room and does a no-drama 60 onto the line.

John speeds up to 120.

Next plot due Wednesday, 2 February @ 4 PM ET (US).

Personally, I can’t believe after all the failed rolls this race how this turn went.
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 2 Turn 41.png
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Post 31 Jan 2022, 3:27 pm

Minor correction: The graphic does not show the 2w spent by Chris B - he should be at 0.
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Post 02 Feb 2022, 3:01 pm

Tim crosses the line at 120 for P4.

Jeff crosses the line at 140 for P5.

Jim speeds up to 100 and thanks to a slip from Tim touches the line for P6.

Stephen finishes the 60s at 80 (paid).

Chris takes the line at 60 for free.

Mario wears out his tires at 100 on the 60 line for 2w and takes P8.

John burns the last of his tire on the 60 line at 80 for 1w.

Next plot due Friday, 4 February @ 4 PM ET (US). However, the TRIGGER RULE IS IN EFFECT - once all plots are received I will process the turn, in the hopes of finishing this week. Since I only need four plots I think we can accomplish this.
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 2 Turn 42.png
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Post 04 Feb 2022, 3:09 pm

Mario mashes the gas, testing ACC to get to 160 (7 = OK) and succeeds, coming in P7.

Stephen speeds up to 120 and takes P8.

Chris does 100 and with a slip finishes P9

John speeds up to 140 and finishes P10.

That’s a wrap for this race! The graphic as always shows your position for all races (in parens) after your point total (which is also cumulative).

I will send out details for the next race tomorrow (or prossibly this evening).
Redscape C1 Season 8 Race 2 Turn 43.png
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Post 05 Feb 2022, 6:16 am

No surprise Polcen turns in the fastest lap and fastest average race speed
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Post 07 Feb 2022, 2:30 pm

The full field results
Race 2 full field.png