
- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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09 Jul 2021, 12:39 pm
No surprises for the P1-P3 finish
Turn 15 summary:
Ling and Peeples both cross the line at 140, Ling winning lap 1
Beckman is a comfortable third at 140
Benham, Brandt and Schulz all use their last two wear at 100 through the 60s
Remember: the field for lap 2 is and inversion of the finish positions on lap 1
Next deadline: turn 15 due Friday, July 9 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
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12 Jul 2021, 1:43 pm
The second half of the field finishes
Turn 16 summary:
Benham and Brandt cross the line at 160
Schulz at 140 and the slip makes the finish 3-wide
Next deadline: between laps adjustments due Wednesday, July 14 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
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14 Jul 2021, 1:12 pm
First interval activity:
Schulz and Brandt make no adjustments so maintain the front row
Benham from Start Speed to Top Speed
Beckman from Start Speed to Top Speed
Peeples from Start Speed to Wear
Ling from Start Speed to Acceleration
The result is that the start grid is unchanged.
All cars are moving at 40mph
Turn 17 is based on that speed plus acceleration
You may roll dice to increase your acceleration
Slips will be allowed (subject to normal conditions)
Remember slips must be requested, they are not automatic
Next deadline: turn 17 due Friday, July 16 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
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16 Jul 2021, 1:16 pm
Four push, all pass, quite a shakeup on resumption of the race
Turn 17 results:
Brandt pushes to 140 and starts the fast line
Schulz also pushes getting to 120 behind Brandt on the green line
Beckman gets to 140 and grabs P1 on the inside
Benham with his maximum acceleration reaches 100
Ling picks up two positions at 140 with the only slip this turn
Peeples follows Benham at 100, staying on his wing
NOTE: Ling is not on the racing line as Schulz is on the beginning of the line
Next deadline: turn 18 due Monday, July 19 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
19 Jul 2021, 1:22 pm
The field collects ahead of the second corner
Turn 18 results:
Ling attacks the 120s at 160 using two wear
Beckman rounds the 100 at 140 for two wear and maintains P1
Brandt uses the green racing line at 140 for free
Schulz runs the green line at 140 and finishes inside
Benham follows the orange machine and pulls even with the slip
Peeples is also through the green racing line at 140 and a bonus
Next deadline: turn 19 due Wednesday, July 21 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
21 Jul 2021, 1:04 pm
Everyone spends one wear keeping the pack in form with some shuffling up front
Turn 19 results:
Ling is first out of the 3-wide at 100 taking the 80s for one wear
Brandt follows Ling also dropping one wear
Beckman from the inside does 80 to shed one wear in the 60/80
Schulz swings to the outside of the corner at 100 scrubbing off one wear
Benham follows the orange machine losing one wear also
Peeples around the 80s at 100 for one wear chooses to dog Benham
Next deadline: turn 20 due Friday, July 23 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
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23 Jul 2021, 1:03 pm
The dice come out this turn and grant us a new leader
Turn 20 results:
Beckman pushes hard for the lead and his engine holds
Ling at 160 drops to P2
Brandt keeps pace with the light blue machine
Schulz tasks his engine for more acceleration and uses the bonus to go 3-wide
Benham has no room for a slip so he settles in behind Ling
Peeples tucks in behind Benham at 140 and a slip
Next deadline: turn 21 due Monday, July 26 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
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26 Jul 2021, 1:16 pm
Everyone plots 160, one with dice and three get slips
Turn 21 results:
Beckman grabs the racing line
Ling holds to the inside
Brandt keeps even with Ling
Schulz uses the bonus to pick up two positions
Benham gets a slip to make it 3-wide behind the front two
Peeples tucks in behind Ling
Next deadline: turn 22 due Wednesday, July 28 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
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28 Jul 2021, 12:59 pm
Benham moves from 5th to 2nd as the hairpin mixes the field
Turn 22 results:
Beckman clears the hairpin on the inner line at 100 dropping two wear
Schulz hits the 80s followed by the outer line at 100 shedding one wear
Ling follows the leader around the line also for two wear
Brandt starts in the 60 then shifts to the 80s to clear the corner at 100
Benham hugs the inside of the corner at 100 and his tires stay attached to the asphalt
Peeples has room for the inner line at 100 after starting at 120
Next deadline: turn 23 due Friday, July 30 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
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30 Jul 2021, 2:58 pm
Approaching the final corners you could throw a blanket over the whole field
Turn 23 results:
Beckman approaches the corner on the racing line
Benham moves to the outside at 140
Ling takes the bonus to the inside and P1 for now
Peeples fires off the hairpin at 160 and then brakes for the inside lane
Schulz at 140 maintains P5
Brandt makes it 3-wide and 2-deep at 140
Next deadline: turn 24 due Monday, August 2 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
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02 Aug 2021, 1:15 pm
A couple hard brakes but everyone gets 2-wide safely
Turn 24 results:
Benham blasts through the 80s at 120 for two wear
Beckman sheds one wear on the line and moves into P1
Ling rounds the inside of the corner at 80 dropping one wear
Peeples starts at 120 then brakes through the line shedding one wear
Schulz also late brakes down to 100 and leaves one wear in the 80s
Brandt avoids abusing his car by taking the line at 80
Next deadline: turn 25 due Monday, August 2 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
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04 Aug 2021, 1:39 pm
More hard braking but so far the dice gods are proving to be benevolent
Turn 25 results:
Benham jumps out at 140 then brakes hard into Mobil on the line then drops two wear in Sachs
Beckman takes the Mobil 120s at speed and starts the line behind Benham
Peeples also punches out to 140 then hits the brakes moving inside for P2
Ling at 120 has no choice but to run the Mobil 120s
Schulz has room to take the Mobil line at 120 for free
Brandt anticipates the block doing 100 through the inside of Mobil
Next deadline: turn 26 due Friday, August 6 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
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06 Aug 2021, 1:29 pm
Into the final corner nothing is decided
Turn 26 results:
Benham continues at 120 to finish the Sachs line and hits the Sudkurve 100s for his final wear
Peeples drops half of his remaining wear at 100 through the 60s
Beckman takes the line at 80 for free
Schulz attacks Sachs at 120 shedding two wear moving up two positions
Ling is one wear lighter after running the line at 100
Brandt makes a conservative 80 move around the racing line
Next deadline: turn 27 due Monday, August 9 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm
09 Aug 2021, 1:39 pm
With bald tires will anyone push into Nordkurve?
Turn 27 results:
Benham finishes Sudkurve at 120 and heads for the checkers
Peeples hits the inside of the corner at 140 but his tires fail to grip
Schulz is through the 100s at 140 for two wear
Beckman drops his final wear in the 100s at 120
Ling follows also at 120 and the bonus gives him P3
Brandt will finish the lap with an excess of wear
Next deadline: turn 28 due Wednesday, August 11 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC


- JimOrlando
- NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
- Posts: 3297
- Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm