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Post 19 Mar 2021, 5:01 pm

Turn 26 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Brent sprints into Corner 9, as a block play by Justin leads to a massive bottleneck in Corner 7, which Tony takes advantage of.

Back before the corner, James and Rando pull up to the mess, with Jack and David navigating the chicane onto the short chute.
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Post 22 Mar 2021, 7:19 pm

Turn 27 is Due Wendesday by 6pm Eastern. This deadline is Soft.

Brent pulls into Corner 13, as Guiseppe and Justin race up to the entrance. Having not the wear and not wanting to risk smashing against the corner walls, Justin slams the breaks as he tries to wheel it.

Unfortunately he has overcompensated, and ends up spinning out in front. Cars slow and dodge about as they try to avoid him and each other as he fills up the road ahead!

RM Note:

Bruce: (NPR #1 Warning!)

Note to all, Justin will be running at SS or Acc, whichever is lower next turn.
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Post 24 Mar 2021, 5:31 pm

Turn 28 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Brent sprints down the backstretch as Choas ensues in Corner 8!

Giuseppe and Tony squeeze through the gap, before Justin finishes righting himself and pulls himself into the narrow passage. Not wanting to be stuck, Bruce attempts to shoot by him to which Justin attempts to block. Unfortunately he times it wrong and spins out haplessly on his well worn tires as Bruce rolls up to the Apex of the next turn.

Cars behind him do their best to avoid him, or slow up for the corner, with the crowd letting out a roar as James' Yellow car suddenly dives down a side road, smoke pouring from his tires, before he spins out. Radio chatter says that his breaks have failed, and thus he is out of the race.

The back of the field skirts up the this slowly, hoping to ease through the gap in the coming turn.

RM Notes:

As Mentioned last turn, Justin will be going lower of SS or Acc next turn.

As for why he spun, per Blocking Rules:
For every 3 rolled, -1W to Defender
For every 4 rolled, -1W to Attacker
No Wear, Spin! (No chance of crashing)
Die was Double 3s.

Also a spun car cannot block, thus the only blocked FP was Bruce's

As for James, lets say dice luck didn't work:
FP roll of 10, failing, leading to needed to LB 60, meaning 2 Wear+LB(which he spent a skill)
LB roll of 12, DNF due to 2nd Damaged Brake roll..
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Post 26 Mar 2021, 5:29 pm

Turn 29 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Brent rolls down twoarsd Corner 15, as Giuseppe and Tony rolls 13 on their way into 14 and battle for 2nd.

back at the 12-13 Chicane, Bruce rolls out ahead few car lengths ahead of Rando, who runs a little wide after missing the Apex. Further back, Jack, Marshall and David dive outside of Justin as he gets going again.
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Post 27 Mar 2021, 5:20 am

Speeds are much slower the second time through sector 2
C3 summary.png
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Post 29 Mar 2021, 4:41 pm

Turn 30 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Brent eases his way through Corner 15 as Giuseppe and Tony take different lines in setup for the corner.

Further back, Rando gets all he can out of his engine and surges through 13 and 14 as he closes on Bruce's rear.

At turn 12, Jack burns a little rubber to pull ahead and David tucks under Marshall as he's forced wide.
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Post 31 Mar 2021, 5:18 pm

Turn 31 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Brent easiest its way through 6 as the chase pack slides into a line. At the tail of it, Bruce finds himself being forced outside as Rando cuts in and hard brakes it into the corner.

Back at corners 12-13-14, drivers jet down the line, with David's extra speed pulling outside of Justin.
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Post 31 Mar 2021, 5:18 pm

Turn 31 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Brent easiest its way through 6 as the chase pack slides into a line. At the tail of it, Bruce finds himself being forced outside as Rando cuts in and hard brakes it into the corner.

Back at corners 12-13-14, drivers jet down the line, with David's extra speed pulling outside of Justin.
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Post 02 Apr 2021, 7:11 pm

Turn 32 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Brent rolls through the apex of the final chicane with style as he rolls towards the start to begin the final lap.

Back at 16, Guiseppe, and Tony stuffs themselves in the end of the corner, with Rando using a slip to tuck in behind them.

Jack uses his tire advantage to cut past Bruce as the two clear Corner 15.

David powers into corner 15, as Marshall and Justin pull up short.
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Post 05 Apr 2021, 5:24 pm

Turn 33 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

A mostly quiet turn as drivers Jockey amongst themselves and run down the front stretch as drivers begin the run to begin the final lap!
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Post 07 Apr 2021, 5:06 pm

urn 34 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

The leaders blasted down the main straightaway, as Brent began the final lap. Tony and Guiseppe follow side by side as they worked down to the line behind them.

Rando, Jack and Bruce navigate Corner 17, with Jack's powerful engine pulling him closer to Rando and away from Bruce.

Back at Corner 16s, Marshall burns tire as he dashes through the apex and squeezes in between David and Justin.
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Post 09 Apr 2021, 7:32 pm

Turn 35 is due Monday at 6om Eastern

The pack closes on Brent as they work to start the final lap. Guiseppe and Tony cross the line side by side, setting up for a brake battle into the first corner.

Back before the line, Jack closes on Rando's tailpipes as they approach the line, with Bruce keeping up behind him.

David Rolls through corner 17 with a little speed and Marshall runs the corner with Style as Justin bring up the rear through 16.

RM Note:
A bit late now to matter but remember that Corner 17 is 160 in all spaces. Thus why I've been writing 160 runs on the green line "With Style!".
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Post 10 Apr 2021, 7:27 am

RROC standings as of turn 34:
D. Ling - C1 leader
S. Peeples - C2 leader
G. Incorpora - C3 leader
T. Kay - C4 leader
C. Brandt - C2 wild card (53 pts)
D. Schulz - C2 wild card (48 pts)

J. Benham - C3 alternate (40 pts)
R. Harley - C4 alternate (40 pts)
R. Kubala - C4 alternate (40 pts)

Note: Benham and Harley have identical records. If an alternate is needed a 1d100 roll will decide
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Post 12 Apr 2021, 5:02 pm

Turn 36 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

Brent works up to Corner 2, as the chasing pack piles into Corner 1, with thoes behind them powering down the straight.
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Post 14 Apr 2021, 7:21 pm

Turn 37 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Brent carefully rolls through Corner as the Chase pack lines up for the Apex of it, with Jack challenging Rando for 4th.

Bruce and David navigate Corner 1 as Marshal and Justin blast down the straight toward it.