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Post 05 Mar 2012, 9:28 pm

I for one am smitten by this young lassie. She's odd, she's creative, she's politically incorrect, she's an airhead interview, she's got an impressive range, she's fragile, she's misogynistic, she's beautifully raunchy and when she wants to she can belt it out.

I'm hoping that by "Arts & Sciences" the term art can be stretched to include music in this forum?

Did anyone see her on SNL a few weeks back? She got slammed for doing so poorly. I admit her perfomance was a bit odd. She seemed either paralyzed by fear or simply stoned out of her mind, but the weirder it got, the more I liked her.

She's on Letterman tonight along with Stephen Merchant, another fine talent worth his own thread. Check her out.
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Post 06 Mar 2012, 12:57 am

Meh. She's a shill.
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Post 07 Mar 2012, 2:19 pm

Her body is a work of art. Her singing voice, not so much imho.
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Post 02 Sep 2012, 12:32 pm

I plan to propose to her. I'm not sure what but I"ll think of something. Also, you'll recall the fine work of Colin Hay? He's touring once again. If he goes anywhere near your respective city, drop everything and check out what he's been up to for the past 10 years. Good stuff I promise you. Spend the money, you won't regret you did.