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Post 06 Oct 2011, 9:58 pm

Chad has a blog I follow on Facebook. It's worthwhile. Great pics mostly, but some commentary.

I try not to get into ANY political discussion on Facebook: too many family members, people from the neighborhood and at least one client (what do you do when a client friends you on Facebook? Say no?), but I enjoyed one of Chad's blog posts, and clicked the "like" button. It was about the guy in Georgia that was executed recently. I clicked it because I agreed with it, but I also want to support this effort of Chad's, because it's good and needs some encouragement. The "Like" showed up in my newsfeed. So minutes later a guy, a friend from the neighborhood who also happens to be a police captain and the father of one of my older kid's good friends, pounced on my "like" and had to tell me, and everyone I'm friends with, why justice was served when this person was executed. It was so uncomfortable. I had to delete his post and my like. I just can't have those kinds of discussion with my facebook people. Here, I've got no problem sharing my view with you folks, but there . . . no way.

My facebook friends are invited to see pics of my kids, or our vacation, and my cheers for the Yankees and Tigers, but not my view on anything political. Is that odd?

(The address for Chad's blog is blocked by the purity filters on Redscape (ironic?) D I C K (no spaces)).
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Post 08 Oct 2011, 10:41 am

Good post and true. I'm considering, thinking, pondering, mulling, a return with some serious (and published) rules--for me, not for anyone else. In other words, what I will and won't do so that I both have no regrets and so I don't get pulled into some of the (perceived) games that some seem to enjoy in the political forum.
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Post 08 Oct 2011, 12:24 pm

We don't often agree, but at least you always have something to say. It would be a good thing for all of us who participate in the political forums if you decided to rethink your decision.
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Post 09 Oct 2011, 8:03 pm

Woah for a second there it almost sounds like your taking the shit you post on facebook seriously!

The sun is shining the birds are chirping, put that female gossip tool away and be a real men. Stand in the streets with a megaphone!

Facebook is like digital aids and is only to be used by females and muppets. This should be common knowledge by now.
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Post 13 Oct 2011, 4:25 pm

It sounds to me like you're missing the point of bookface. Chad's page is awesome. And no, fb will not replace discussion forums. But that's not what it's for. Yes, people get into political and other discussions on fb, but it's far less common than you might think, and it's typically people who don't do it through another medium.
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Post 22 Oct 2011, 12:11 am

Hey all,

I know most people on this forum lean Conservative - and I lean Liberal - but I've been working on starting a political blog that's somewhere between NPR and the ironic lines of The Daily Show or The Colbert Report.

The Facebook page is mostly there to reserve the name, while the actual blog address is:
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Post 25 Oct 2011, 1:49 am

Here's an appropriate article on exactly what started the topic: ... o-chamber/
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Post 26 Oct 2011, 9:07 pm

I agree with Randy BUT...

Facebook has a lot of "privacy" options that geojanes might be interested in exploring. You can completely categorize what people will see. You can remove all "likes" from showing up to ANYBODY (in the news feed or on your page). You can also set rules for who sees what--BY post.

On the other hand, your cop friend should be informed that he can unsubscribe to people he likes, but doesn't want to see updates from.

Lastly, don't add people you hardly know--unless you have reason to (redscape being among them).
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Post 27 Oct 2011, 9:38 am

Randy, Yes, I don't do anything political on Facebook, and when I liked Chad's post, I did it to show Chad that I liked it. I had not realized that it would appear in my news feed for others to see and comment on.

I don't think the person who commented was a jerk at all. He's a cop, and cops are cops. You can't say you think a convicted cop killer shouldn't have been executed and think a cop wouldn't challenge it. It's like expecting a dog not to chase a squirrel. It's part of who they are. It's just I didn't know he would see it. (I saw him last weekend, BTW, talked for a while. We never mentioned it. Talked about the Jets, the kids, Occupy Wall St (he says it will end either with bad weather, or if they start with violence, then the cops will be able to have their way.))

Regarding Chad's post, I don't mind when others post political things on Facebook, and man, do people post some wild stuff (my freshman college roommate is "a 9/11 was an inside job guy" :rolleyes: ), but it's not a game I am willing to play there. Here, that's another story.

Guapo, thanks for the tip, I'll have to check it out.
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Post 27 Oct 2011, 10:55 am

I agree. An officer's death is no more worth another. A death penalty for all is fine...
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Post 27 Oct 2011, 11:01 am

Right with you Randy, and I'll say that here, but not on Facebook. Except, to clarify, the part on capital punishment. People make a lot of mistakes, and people who work in government make more than their share. To think that they aren't making mistakes all the time and that innocent people don't get arrested and convicted means you have a lot of faith in something that doesn't deserve it, as a host of cases prove. We shouldn't have a punishment you can't undo if you need to. (The funny thing is one of the topics we like to discuss, my cop friend and me, is how F-U the police department is and how with all the reform of NYC local gov't, Bloomberg didn't touch the cops: It was like it was so messed up there wasn't a way to fix it, so don't touch it or you might make it worse. Of course, we don't do death penalty here in NY.)
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Post 01 Nov 2011, 11:17 am

I think we agree, except you seem to think that the system can the system can be fixed. I think it can be improved, but not fixed to the degree where you could trust it to make such important decisions about the life or death of fellow citizens. I think you're being very optimistic, but reform and improvement of the performance of gov't, at all levels, should certainly be all of our goals.
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Post 01 Nov 2011, 12:04 pm

As I understand it, all capital convictions in the USA require a jury to come to a unanimous verdict based on a 'beyond a reasonable doubt' level of proof. I'm not sure how much higher you can go, frankly.

As geojanes points out, improvements can definitely be made, but human nature means that perfection is going to be impossible. Thus, every decent legal system has to allow for appeals.

On the OT, I have a simple set of rules for facebook.

1. No work colleagues (if I ever get around to joining LinkedIn, then they can go there).
2. Remember that it is effectively public

Politics is fine on FB, but it's more of a forum for publicising things than for in depth debate.
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Post 01 Nov 2011, 1:27 pm

Before FB started messing with the groups, we had a Redscape Facebook group. It's still there but scheduled to be archived. Would it be at all wirth reincarnating it as a New-style group?
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Post 02 Nov 2011, 12:29 pm

The FB forum was good to get in touch with Redscapers when there were technical problems with this site. I think it's worthwhile to restart as a back-up/spare, but I don't think it would get much traffic.