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Post 06 Mar 2017, 2:09 pm

I'm playing Game of Thrones on Friday. Never played it before but I gather it's vaguely comparable to Dip so I reckon I should do ok. I'll be the only player on the board who's a total noob though, which is not ideal. I assume we have guys here with experience of this game, does anybody have any useful advice ?
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Post 28 Mar 2017, 10:23 am

Sorry I'm late for the party. How was your game?

This is a very good and thorough strategy guide:

It might be a bit intense for a new player, but at the very least you can look at some opening moves and at least get off to a sound start (next time, anyway).

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Post 29 Mar 2017, 12:15 pm

I did ok. Unfortunately I drew Martell and it was too late before I realised that you have to be super-aggressive early doors, so for most of the game I was horribly bottled in with nowhere to go. Ended up with a safe little 4-castle position but no prospect of winning. Hopefully I can do better next time.
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Post 29 Mar 2017, 11:24 pm

I'm glad you had fun.
AGOT is one of my favourites!
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 30 Mar 2017, 5:49 am

We used to play that here. Christine Stoy ran about 4-5 games. I hope she finds the time to come back some day - it seemed to be very popular.

There are several games on file here (hidden from view) that I can make public if anyone wishes to attempt a revival.

I played it once in person. It was not a successful venture... :frown:
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Post 30 Mar 2017, 12:30 pm

I'd be interested to see how you'd run it as a forum game. Strikes me that it would require a big time commitment from both the GM and all of the players. Some game actions take place simultaneously ala Dip but some take place sequentially, and every time there's a battle it requires both players involved to play a card and potentially can drag in supports from third parties. That's a lot of back and forth to keep updated.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 30 Mar 2017, 1:15 pm

They're at the bottom of the forums (Throne Room). I think Christine left PBEM rules in there as well. I didn't sift through to check, though.
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
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Post 30 Mar 2017, 2:22 pm

Bummer... a few years ago I had created a page with all her graphics & rules links (to her homepage, I believe) but they're all inactive now. :sigh:

In fact, all of her game results were linked as well; nothing posted locally. Pretty much the whole thing is useless. Rats!