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Indy Car Driver (Pro IV)
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Post 27 Dec 2020, 11:24 am

All plots in early, thanks!

Don finishes the line then heads into the final corner at 120 for 1w.

Dave take Sachs at 80 on the line for free.

John also takes the line at 80 for free.

Mike stays steady on the gas at 120, going to the outside of Sachs and hitting the 60 space hotter than his car can handle (2w + Chance = 10 CRASH), hitting the armco, and mangling the car.

Tim at 100 runs onto the line into Sachs.

Bruce at 120 pulls inside of Tim.

Claudio takes the 120s at 120 for free.

Jeff also takes the 120s at 120 for free.

Mario stays inside at 100 for free.

Jim takes the outside 120s for free.

Chris, at 120, is forced to late brake (1w) to 100 and take the inside 100 for free.

Next plot due Wednesday, 30 December @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 2 Turn 33.png
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Post 28 Dec 2020, 4:51 am

No surprise Tatum easily fastest through sector 2
C1 summary.png
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Indy Car Driver (Pro IV)
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Post 30 Dec 2020, 1:47 pm

Don maintains 120 through the corner (PAID).

Dave takes the last corner at 140 on the 100s for 2w.

John takes the 100s at 120 for 1w.

Bruce takes the 60s at 100 for 2w.

Tim takes the line at 80 for free.

Jeff takes the line at 100 for 1w and pulls into P6.

Claudio takes the outside 60s at 80 for 1w.

Mario takes the line at 80 for free.

Jim takes the outside 60s at 100 for 2w.

Chris takes the line at 80 for free.

With New Year's upon us, the next plot is not due until Monday, 4 Jan @ 5 PM ET (US). However, if I get all the plots early I will keep processing.

Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 2 Turn 34.png
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Indy Car Driver (Pro IV)
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Post 04 Jan 2021, 12:38 pm

All plots in early, thanks!

Tim stands on the gas, hoping to hit 180 (test Top = 3 OK) and does, then had str stand on the binders and lock them up before hitting the corner (late brake 180->160, 1 sk = 7 OK) and manger to do so to take P4.

Bruce decides not to go through any theatrics and speeds up to 160 for P5.

Jeff speeds up to 140 for P6.

Claudio mashes the gas trying for 180 (test ACC = 8 OK) and gets there, pulling outside of Jeff for P7.

Jim also tries to get to 180 but has to do it the hard way by testing both Acc (1sk = 5 OK) and Top (1sk = 3 OK), and in doing so - still finishes P8.

Mario finishes the corner at 100 (paid).

Chris decides he’d like a chance to make the end exciting, so he literally takes a Chance (120 > 80, 1 w, 3 sk) around the inside and makes it, pulling outside of Mario,

Chris and Mario, plot is due Wednesday, 6 Jan @ 5 PM ET (US) but if I get them sooner I will process the turn.

Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 2 Turn 36.png
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Post 06 Jan 2021, 5:47 pm

Chris isn’t done temping Fate - he mashes the gas to hit 180 (Test Top = 4 OK) then stands on the binders to avoid the corner(late brake = 7 OK) to 160 and take P9.

Mario attempts to hit 160 by testing ACC (12 = FAIL) and instead hears a *thunk* behind him, as he crosses the line at 140 in P10.

That’s it! All surviving cars have crossed the line.

You can see the points standings in the graphic. Dave has a 13 point lead over Don and 22 points over Mike, John, and Jeff. Cody could tie in points with a win and 0 points by Dave, but that would require poor performances by a lot of other drivers as well. I don’t think anyone else is still in for overall P1 mathematically (but I’m not a math whiz).

The next course will be Baku. Builds will be due the 18 of January. More details to follow this weekend (like a map!). Map should also be up on Redscape.

Redscape C1 Season 7 Race 2 Turn 37.png
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Post 10 Jan 2021, 7:15 am

Tatum about 2.5 mph faster than the next fastest for the race
C1 summary.png
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Post 10 Jan 2021, 7:38 am

The full field finish and points for race 2
Race 2 full field.png