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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Post 28 Jun 2020, 2:51 pm

A Race that came down to the final Lap, where a last ditch effort by Brent Fritz in the Hairpin ended with his spinning out, and some Artful Doding by Don Tatum lead to him taking the win.

1. Don Tatum
2. Randy "Rando" Needham
3. Brent Fritz
4. William Kennard
5. Chris Kennington
6. Fabio Pellegrino
7. James Benham

Screenshots will be below. Thank you all for coming, and thanks to Stephen for helping out with Builds and Bids.
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Post 28 Jun 2020, 3:05 pm

Lap 1
Turn 3. This reporter apologizes for not recording the opening turn.
Turn 4
Turn 5
Turn 6
Turn 7. Will Forces his way past Fabio in Turn 4.
Turn 8
A Drone Cam View of the Leaders as they exit onto the backstretch.
Turn 9
Turn 10
Turn 11
Turn 12
Close View Shot as Brent navigates the hairpin and the pack snakes in behind him.
Turn 13
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Post 28 Jun 2020, 3:20 pm

Lap 2
Turn 14. Brent Crosses the line to begin Lap 2
Sweeping Shot back from the Leaders
Turn 15
Turn 16
Turn 17
Turn 18
Turn 19
Turn 20
Back Shot as the Leaders roll through Tecate Turn.
Turn 21
Turn 22
Turn 23
Turn 24
Looking back from the leader running through Firestone.
Turn 25
Turn 26
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Post 28 Jun 2020, 3:40 pm

Lap 3
Turn 27. Brent Starts the Final Lap!
A Shot down the Shoreline
Turn 28
Turn 29. A Puff of smoke is seen from Will's engine as something breaks!
Turn 30
Turn 31. A Collision! James tries to slide past Don in turn 4, but he fails as the two bump, knocking James back and causing minor damage to Don's car.
An upclose shot of the field after the incident!
Turn 32
Turn 33
Turn 34
Turn 35
Turn 36
Turn 37. A Puff of smoke is seen from Fabio's car as something breaks!
A view from Firestone Turn
Turn 38.
Turn 39. Having entered the hairpin off line and with bald tires, Brent attempts to force it to the inside. Unfortunently it's too much for his tires as he spins out! Don having expected a block coming rolls outside, pulling to the lead.
Turn 40. Don sprints for the line as the Hairpin takes it's second victim as Fabio spins.
Turn 41. Don crosses the line for the win, with a hard charging Rando crossing the line in second. Back in the Hairpin a third car falls victim as James losses it on the outside!
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Post 28 Jun 2020, 3:41 pm

The Final Results. Apologies to the error on the Notes. As the cars show, Fabio was 6th and James 7th.
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Post 11 Jul 2020, 12:36 pm

A few thoughts which i wrote down promptly after the race, forgive me for not sharing until now:

Not sure this is a good track to race from behind -- especially with more cars.
Only one car can clear both final corners -- that 20 on the line is quite a bottleneck! <<BTW, that agrees with my recollection of the real track, that's what a true hairpin can do.>>

I was a pretty solid last or battling for last for most of the first half of the race. I took it easy on Fabio in some spots. Perhaps I should not have done that, such as on turn 15 when I "gave" him a slip completely voluntarily. Then into corner 1 on lap 2, I allowed him the line. Turn 26 I needed to make a chance roll to put myself in the row to clear those two final corners (and get past Fabio). That worked out with some luck. 5w plus a chance (2 skill) in the final three corners on lap two, but it put me within striking distance of the remainder of the field.
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Post 11 Jul 2020, 12:38 pm

<<From me (Rando) the second-place finisher>>:
The second part of my commentary, written down promptly after the race but only now sharing in this forum:

Lap three set up for me reasonably well by using my great acceleration to move 160 three consecutive moves on the long straight (then huge brakes to go from 160 to 80 in corner 1). Traffic among the 5 cars ahead of me in corners 2 thru 4 on lap three (especially James's attempted forced pass, denied) helped keep me in contention. That failed forced pass put the nail in James's race coffin. I had to "burn" a wear to get past James decisively in Corner 5. Now I was merely hoping to somehow pass Chris to gain and finish 4th, a middle result in our field of 7. His awesome 180 top speed on the back stretch kept him ahead of me despite my 3W to 1W advantage. I was left hoping that somehow I could pass him in the final 2 corners, somehow. I thought Will, Don, and Brent were "gone".

Move 39 our leader Brent flubbed, not realizing that the line in the final hairpin actually starts in the penultimate corner. It's clear enough on the track even if unusual. I got verbal (public) clarification of that on lap 1 if memory serves. I guess he didn't hear that, or remember it. Suddenly he was trying to spend the last wear (which he had spent in corner 6)! Chance -- fail -- and a spin by the leader in the final corner!

Don ran wide in the hairpin but was suddenly unchallengeable. And traffic was completely bolloxed... Will got hosed, having to run wide if memory serves. And suddenly I was next to Chris with a 2-wear advantage going into the hairpin. Chris had the hairpin line, but for naught. Will blocked that line the next move (or I would have). I went around the outside of the hairpin at 80, faster than Chris could even attempt with a chance, and that made me "Mr. Momentum" nosing in front of Will and about to pass Brent. So there it was -- 5th to 2nd in the final two corners, with only Don ahead of me.

To summarize, enough wear conservation the first two laps, then a chance to put me in touch with the lead pack. Then some luck the final lap to salvage a strong podium.

Will, big thanks for putting this together. Fellows, thanks (and Grazie) for a hard-fought but cordial race.

Track analysis -- this would be an unholy mess with 12 cars. Such a mess that perhaps it would warrant a 4-lap race. I might try that if anyone put it together.