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Post 08 Apr 2020, 5:10 am

In this showdown (14), 6 poker players are seated in the saloon for a friendly game, until someone realizes that the "disinterested observer" isn't so "disinterested".

C1- David Kilpatrick
C2-Mike Polcen
C3-Roger Boykin
C4-Marshall Collins
C5-Bruno Passacantando
C7-John Welage
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Post 11 Apr 2020, 10:39 am

The set up is complete. Here are the map, legend and characters.

Deadline: turn 1 due Monday, April 13 (soft) or Wednesday, April 15 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
GunslingerMap set up.png
Legend set up.png
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Post 15 Apr 2020, 1:27 pm

The Poker Game

Turn 1 notes:
Segment 3:
Maj. Scarborough draws two delay cards for leaving an obstacle hex (2 delay)
Segment 5:
Gunsmith Stahler draws one wound card for the SIDE hit from C1's jab with a KNF. (1 del/-1 end)
Maj. Scarborough action cancelled due to delay
Captain Brylawski draws two delay cards for leaving an obstacle hex (3 delay)

After turn notes:
Maj. Scarborough 2 delay reduced to 1
Captain Brylawski 3 delay reduced to 1
Gunsmith Stahler 1 delay reduced to 0
Boss Sipes has 2 aim points on hex DD-F17
Muscles Murphy has a chair in his hands

Next deadline: turn 2 due Friday, April 17 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC

GM Note: Page 23 of the rule book under the "Foot Actions" summary shows card (1) "Back Up" as 2 time segments, it should be 3. Captain Brylawski (Bruno) played cards 9 and (1) thinking it was 5 time segments. I allowed the move since the rule book was wrong.
turn 1 legend.png
turn 1 map.png
Turn 1 results.png
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Post 15 Apr 2020, 2:06 pm

Now Boss, why did you have to go and turn this brawl into a gunfight? :guns:
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Post 17 Apr 2020, 3:10 pm

Turn 2 notes:
Segment 2:
Boss Sipes transfers aim to Muscles but, amazingly, the gun misfires but suffers no ill effect.
Segment 4:
Muscles Murphy throws the chair at hex DD-D17 and does some damage to the man that tried to shoot him.
Boss Sipes ends up with 13 delay and loses 13 endurance. The delay will fade but the endurance is permanant.
Gunsmith Stahler jumps up on the stage. He draws 2 delay cards for leaving the chair hex and 2 delay cards for entering the stage. A DROP penalty requires another 3 delay cards. Total damage: 3 delay.
Segment 5:
Old Man Ransom gets 2 delay for crawling and draws 4 delay cards, 2 for leaving an obstacle hex and 2 for entering and obstacle hex. Total delay this turn is 4. He is now under the table.

End of turn:

Old Man Ransom delay reduced from 4 to 2
Boss Sipes delay reduced from 13 to 6 (he will be motionless next turn while he clears the cobwebs)
Captain Brylawski takes advantage of his OH skill as he moves his gun to his OH.
Gunsmith Stahler delay reduced from 3 to 1.

Next deadline: turn 3 due Monday, April 20 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
turn 2 legend.png
turn 2 map.png
Turn 2 results.png
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Post 20 Apr 2020, 1:19 pm

The Poker Game

Turn 3 notes:
Segment 3:
Gunsmith Stahler gets 2 delay for being Down.
Lefty Wright begins to climb the ladder. (He will be at the top next turn)
Segment 4:
Old Man Ransom gets 2 delay for being Down and draws 2 delay cards for leaving an obstacle hex.
Segment 5:
Captain Brylawski's Aim is (+4 aim markers, +1 card 7, 0 1H skill = 5). The shot misses due to Gunsmith Stahler being down.
Gunsmith Stahler action cancelled due to delay

End of turn:
Old Man Ransom delay reduced from 7 to 3
Boss Sipes delay reduced from 6 to 3
Gunsmith Stahler delay reduced from 3 to 1

-When submitting a Foot Action (or any action really) it is important to note how you want to execute it. Defaults are generally Straight Ahead or Straight Back for foot actions (as appropriate). This includes Turn and Spin Around.
-When a player plays a Draw&Cock his 1H weapon will be moved to his GH and cocked unless otherwise specified.
-Other defaults that have a logical action will be used. (e.g. playing Cock/Aim/Shoot and specifying Aim when your weapon is uncocked. In that case the weapon will be cocked.) If there is no obvious default action, then the default will be "Do Nothing". So it is important to specify things rather than leaving it up to me.
-Due to an issue with the Vassal Module, the Results Cards have been reshuffled at the end of this turn.

Next deadline: turn 4 due Wednesday, April 22 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
turn 3 legend.png
turn 3 map.png
Turn 3 results.png
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Post 21 Apr 2020, 3:59 am

SLOTerp wrote:Now Boss, why did you have to go and turn this brawl into a gunfight? :guns:

Seemed like a good idea at the time...on hindsight, not so much. :crazy:
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Post 21 Apr 2020, 4:00 am

Nice hit, Muscles! :hide:
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Post 22 Apr 2020, 1:10 pm

The Poker Game

Turn 4 notes:

Segment 4:
Captain Brylawski's aim is (+2 Saber w.f., +6 B9 strength, +0 1H skill) = 8, BE = SIDE hit per JAB card
Old Man Ransom gets a total of 2 del and loses 2 end for the STUN2 result
Segment 5:
Old Man Ransom action cancelled due to delay
Boss Sipes draws two delay cards to leave DD-G17 and two more to enter DD-G18 (2 delay total)

End of turn:

Old Man Ransom delay reduced from 5 to 2
Old Man Ransom endurance reduced from 25 to 23
Boss Sipes delay reduced from 5 to 2
Muscles Murphy has 2 Aim on Old Man Ransom
Gunsmith Stahler delay reduced from 1 to 0

Next deadline: turn 5 due Friday, April 24 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
turn 4 legend.png
turn 4 map.png
Turn 4 results.png
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Post 24 Apr 2020, 2:27 pm

Turn 5 notes:
Segment 3:
Muscles Murphy shot is Aim (+4 Aim markers, +1 card 7, +0 1H skill) = 5 (See note below for Range)
Segment 5:
Major Scarborough shot is Aim (same as MM above) = 5 (Same note for Range)
Old Man Ransom action cancelled due to delay
Lefty Wright action cancelled, can't play both sides of the same card

End of turn:
Old Man Ransom delay reduced from 6 to 3
Old Man Ransom endurance reduced from 23 to 19
Boss Sipes delay reduced from 2 to 1

Next deadline: turn 6 due Monday, April 27 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC

-Gunsmith Stahler did not submit a turn, so he remains motionless hoping everyone will think he's a prop.
-After closer examination of the board, Major Scarborough's head counter is actually in hex DD-I18 as that is the hex the bar is in. Fortunately it did not matter this turn. Also remember, when counting range to/from a head counter one is added to the base range. So both shots' Ranges were traced through hexes H17 and I18 for 2, then +1 for the head counter.
turn 5 legend.png
turn 5 map.png
Turn 5 results.png
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Post 27 Apr 2020, 1:09 pm

Turn 6 notes:
Segment 5:
Old Man Ransom action cancelled, no enemy in range.

End of turn:

Old Man Ransom delay reduced from 3 to 1
Boss Sipes delay reduced from 1 to 0
Major Scarborough has 2 Aim on Muscles Murphy
Boss Sipes has 4 Aim on Muscles Murphy
Muscles Murphy has 2 Aim on hex DD-G16

Next deadline: turn 7 due Wednesday, April 29 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC

-Gunsmith Stahler did not submit a turn again. If any of our observers would like to take over the character let me know. If no one volunteers and I do not receive a turn from him anytime during the remainder of the showdown, he will "Pass Out".
turn 6 legend.png
turn 6 map.png
Turn 6 results.png
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Post 29 Apr 2020, 1:19 pm

Turn 7 notes:
Gunsmith Stahler scratches an itch, blowing his cover as a prop!!
Segment 2:
Boss Sipes aim is (+4 Aim Markers, +2 card 5, +0 1H skill, -1 d.a.) = 5
Muscles Murphy becomes the first casualty. His C45 suffers a wild shot as he hits the floor.
Segment 5:
Captain Brylawski aim is (+4 Aim Markers, +1 card 7, +0 1H skill) = 5.
Old Man Ransom has MOVE target status.
Old Man Ransom draws 2 Wound cards for STUN2 and 3 Delay cards for DROP (after he worked so hard to get up, sheesh!)
Old Man Ransom action cancelled due to delay

End of turn:
Old Man Ransom delay reduced from 8 to 4
Old Man Ransom gets LEG2, meaning he will draw 2 Fatigue cards anytime he moves into a new hex while upright
Major Scarborough has 2 Aim on Boss Sipes
Gunsmith Stahler has 2 Aim on Captain Brylawski

NOTE: For those that played a previous showdown, I had said that a dead body is not an obstacle for purposes of entering a hex. Further research (thanks Google) however reveals that it IS an obstacle. So if anyone wants to try to grab Murphy's C45 they must enter his hex and draw 2 delay cards before picking it up.

Next deadline: turn 8 due Friday, May 1 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
turn 7 legend.png
turn 7 map.png
Turn 7 results.png
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Post 29 Apr 2020, 3:19 pm

JimOrlando wrote:Turn 7 notes:

Segment 2:
Boss Sipes aim is (+4 Aim Markers, +2 card 5, +0 1H skill, -1 d.a.) = 5
Muscles Murphy becomes the first casualty. His C45 suffers a wild shot as he hits the floor.

As the smoke clears, the evil Boss Sipes cackles with glee... "Take that you man mountain! Even before you stove in my ribs with that chair, I owed you for that sheep molesting remark you made at my expense during the winter dance!" :woot:
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Post 01 May 2020, 1:30 pm

Turn 8 notes:
Segment 2:
Major Scarborough aim is (+2 Aim Markers, +2 card 5, +0 1H skill) = 4 Range is 2, 1 hex +1 Head
Segment 4:
Captain Brylawski aim is (+2 SABER w.f., +1 BR) = 3

End of turn:
Boss Sipes shot last turn should have been Aim 5. I didn't apply -1 for double action. No effect on the result. (The "1" on his weapon on the legend will, hopefully, remind me in the future)
Old Man Ransom delay reduced from 4 to 2
Boss Sipes has 2 Aim on Major Scarborough
Gunsmith Stahler has 6 Aim on Captain Brylawski
Lefty Wright Head in in hex G18. He can basically see the entire first floor with the exception of C1 (the table blocks LOS) and C2 (the bar blocks LOS). His body in F18 defines his Aim Zone.

Next deadline: turn 9 due Monday, May 4 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
(Yes, a turn is due on Star Wars Day. It's not a legal holiday yet.)
turn 8 legend.png
turn 8 map.png
Turn 8 results.png
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Post 04 May 2020, 1:23 pm

Turn 9 notes:
Segment 1:
Gunsmith Stahler aim (6 Aim Markers, +1 card 7, +0 1H skill) = 7
Segment 4:
Boss Sipes aim (4 Aim Markers, +2 card 6, +0 1H skill, -1 d.a.) = 5
Segment 5:
Major Scarborough aim (4 Aim Markers, +1 card 7, +0 1H skill) = 5
Lefty Wright aim (4 Aim Markers, +1 card 7, +0 1H skill) = 5, range (3 hexes, +1 two elevation difference) = 4

End of turn:
Old Man Ransom delay reduced from 2 to 1
Both Major Scarborough's and Lefty Wright's shots are resolved simultaneouly on segment 5. Had they both resulted in kills they would have shared the "Kill Enemy" points.
Gunsmith Stahler has 2 aim points on hex DD-F17 (Go ahead, reach for the money...I dare ya.)
Had Gunsmith Stahler had one more aim point, Captain Brylawski would have died this turn also.

Next deadline: turn 10 due Wednesday, May 6 at 4pm EDT/8pm UTC
turn 9 legend.png
turn 9 map.png
Turn 9 results.png