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Post 01 Jun 2020, 2:28 pm

Hey all,

Here are your results for Builds for C3 Race 1. All in all a varied group with 10 unique builds, with the only pair being the likely front runners of Bruce Munies and Brent Fritz.

Other interesting things
1. Only 4 2/0s in skill, and multiple 4/2 or greater skill builds
2. Majority of the builds are 140 top speed, likely expecting light use.
3. 9 8 Wear builds!

With all that said, Bids are due Wendesday at 5pm Eastern (UTC -4). Good Luck to all!
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Post 03 Jun 2020, 4:07 pm

Turn 1 is due Friday at 5pm EDT (UTC -4)

With a powerful run in qualifying, Brent Fritz completed the pole for the race with a qualifying speed of 1:22.500, beating Giuseppe Incopora out for the pole by 7 tenths of the second. Behind them there were tight fights for positions on the second and third rows. And so the drivers complete their formation lap and ready for the lights to go out...

RM Note: Good Luck to all! Standings as they run will begin on turn 3.
Turn 0
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Post 05 Jun 2020, 6:25 pm

Turn 2 has two deadlines due corrections:
"Soft": Monday at 5pm Eastern (UTC -4)
"Hard": Tuesday at 5pm Eastern (UTC -4)

Engines roar and all drivers get off the line without issue, to which Bruce takes advantage up to blast past a couple cars and join the second group three wide! At the front Brent Fritz and Giuseppe Incorpora charge towards Traguardo side by side.

RM Note:

For thoes who this is the first time running with me, some minor notes on die rolls.
1. Die Rolling is done through
2. All die rolls are "split dice" meaning results will be show as a braket result of 2 dice.
3. Dice Nomencature will be noted in 2 ways. a)If the roll is only Pass of fail, only the "Passing Range" will be noted b)If the roll has multiple results, ranges of all results will be noted.
4. All ranges are noted as if the skill used has adjusted the ranges, but modified rolls will be listed in turn notes.

if people have any questions about this, please let me know!
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Post 09 Jun 2020, 3:20 pm

Turn 3 is due Thursday at 5pm Eastern (UTC -4)

The leaders take differing paths through the corner, leading to Brent pulling out a small lead. Behind them, the three way gets through Traguardo without much issue, as other pull up to the corner.

RM Notes:
1. Minor flavor adjustment, I moved the flags to the middle of the cells cause I was issues with them clipping cells and would end up overlapping other flags.
2. As normal policy, standing will begin to be posted as of next turn.
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Post 11 Jun 2020, 4:28 pm

Turn 4 is Due Saturday at 5pm Eastern (UTC -4)

Brent stretches his lead as he pounds rubber through Villneauve, as the field stretches out and conga lines up to it.

RM Notes:
1. Standings as they run are now up as we have reached turn 3.
2. Minor apology in I didn't adjust for inside in the corner. Tony was actually ahead of Bruce at that point and movement was done with that in mind.
3. Turn 5 will return to a normal M/W/F schedule. However due to changing work times, I may be moving the deadline ahead an hour, will let you know with Saturday's move.
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Post 13 Jun 2020, 7:05 pm

Turn 5 is Due Monday 6pm Eastern (UTC -4). Deadline has been adjusted due to change in shift.

Brent swings through Tosa as the field piles up in front of it and piles through Villneauve.

RM Notes:
1. NPR Warning for Rando as no move was reported.
2. Apologies on delays but as requested I will have a default form together later tonight.
3. So for clarity reasons, I am going to ask people if you are posting multiple moves, to please give me a bullet list. Paragraphs are hard to read and bullet points are easier to process. Also make sure to have alternates in the case moves go wrong.
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Post 15 Jun 2020, 4:13 pm

Turn 6 is Due Wendesday 6pm Eastern (UTC -4)

Brent stretches his lead out of Tosa, as the field piles through it, with some tire smoke seen as drivers slow to make the hairpin!

RM Notes:
1. I missed that Justin was inside of Guiseppe on the last turn, so such has been updated and thus no pass marker is made for this turn.
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Post 17 Jun 2020, 4:00 pm

Turn 7 is Due Friday 6pm Eastern (UTC -4)

The field stretches out as they navigate Piratella and Clear Tosa. Guiseppe and Federico use the opportunities to power ahead and pull ahead of other drivers.
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Post 19 Jun 2020, 6:39 pm

Turn 8 is due Monday by 6pm Eastern (UTC-4)

Guiseppe powers his way into Acque Minarelli and pulls back within a car length of Brent as the field navigates Tosa. Federico powers into it, pulling to the outside of Tony.

RM Notes:

Guiseppe: While you can accelerate from that space, please note that to complete the line you must use the 80 space, so the maximum acceleration without a chance roll will be 140(due to the turn speeding up)
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Post 22 Jun 2020, 9:39 pm

Turn 9 is Due Wendesday by 6pm Eastern (UTC -4)

RM Note: Apologies for the late posting. Deadline will be soft just in case.

Coming out of Aqcue Minarelli, Guiseppe accelerates and pulls to Brent's outside to challenge for the lead!

Further back, Bruce uses the slipstream off Justin to dodge a block by Marshall and retain inside position.

Back at Purealta, Federico and Tony pull out side by side and maintain it in the run up to Aqcue
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Post 24 Jun 2020, 6:26 pm

Turn 10 is Due Friday by 6pm Eastern (UTC -4)

The Leaders continue to fight side by side as they roll through Variante Alla, as the field strings out behind them.

RM Note:

Rando: As mentioned to Guiseppe earlier, the line still moves through a 80 space, so you can accelerate, but any faster than 100mph will cost you one wear retroactively for breaking the line.
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Post 25 Jun 2020, 4:23 am

Fritz was over 11mph faster then the second fastest through sector 1
Imola C3 summary.png
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Post 26 Jun 2020, 5:30 pm

Turn 11 is due Monday by 6pm Eastern (UTC -4)

Guiseppe rescinds his challenge as the leaders power down towards Rivazza. Further back, Marshall and David setup challenges in the run through Variante.

RM Notes:

As noted, Rando breaks the line to accelerate to 140, retroactively costing him a wear.

Jerome: Same idea as Rando the turn before. You can accelerate, but any faster than 100 and it costs you a wear for breaking the line.
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Post 29 Jun 2020, 6:12 pm

Turn 12 is due Wendesday by 6pm Eastern (UTC -4)

Brent smokes his tires as he wheels it through the lines of Rivazza as Guiseppe pulls up to his outside as he prepares for another challenge! Behind them, drivers mostly stay steady as they setup for the double 90, and advances through Variante
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Post 01 Jul 2020, 4:27 pm

Guiseppe tucks back in behind Brent out of Rivazza as the field works their way to and through it. Rando uses his slip for a dive to the inside on David.

RM Notes:

Bruce: Second corner is 60 with a line, so it only cost you 1 wear. Also I broke your 3 chip for the skill roll.