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Post 29 Aug 2020, 6:17 am

Benham poured it on through sector 1
Imola C3 summary.png
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Post 31 Aug 2020, 4:13 pm

Justin stays just ahead of Brent as the two naviate Variante Alta.

Coming out of Acqui Miranelli, Rando and Marshall retrade positions on their run down to the chicane.

Running down to the corner, Jerome blasts by the recovering Tony as he takes the line for the corner, and Federico pulls aside.

RM Note:

Guiseppe: Safe Accel for next turn is 120. Faster and you roll a chance.
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Post 02 Sep 2020, 4:46 pm

Justin continues to lead Brent as they run down towards Rivazza.

Coming out of Variante Alta, Rando burns rubber and pulls back ahead of James, retaking the final spot on the podium.

Back at Acqui Marinelli, Federico out duels Tony into the corner as he runs his tires bald, powering through the apex.

RM Notes:

Fixed leader note. Sorry!

Tony: Max accel without costing a wear is 100.
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Post 04 Sep 2020, 6:07 pm

Turn 41 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

Brent challenges for the lead as the two closer on Rivazza!

Behind them, James' well tuned car blasts past Rando as he accelerates before picking up the line for Rivazza as he looms behind them.

Out of Variante Atta, David cuts Marshall off and pulls ahead down the back stretch, as the rear pack stretches into a line.

RM Notes:

Rando: While no move was noted, you did submit a default plan that for the most part, still holds, so I went with said plan and you avoided the pen this time. But do remeber to submit.
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Post 07 Sep 2020, 5:52 pm

Brent in an attempt to retake the leak sweeps outside at 80 and tries to wrench it through the corner. Unfortunently it's too much for his tires, and he ends up spinning on the outside.

Justin, James and Rando avoid the spinning Brent, and navigate through Rivazza.

On the lead up, the line continues as they run down to the turn.

RM Notes:

Brent's speed for next turn is 40
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Post 09 Sep 2020, 4:12 pm

Affected drivers posted in and I had all driver, so we are goooo

Turn 43 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

Seeing the power car coming behind him, Justin takes drastic measures. Racing into Variante Bassa, he powers into the corner and is able to hold it steady to roll out the next with speed!

Rando and James pull up to the corner behind him.

Back at Rivazza, brake smoke is seen as drivers slow for the hairpin and work to avoid the recovering Brent. David burns rubber as he cuts inside, as Marshall is forced to run wide and is undercut by Jack.

RM Notes:
David: 140->60 is excessive breaking, costing 1 Wear(no late brake roll was requested)
Marshall: 120->60 is excessive breaking, with no wear available, a naked late break roll was used.
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Post 10 Sep 2020, 4:38 am

Speeds fairly even through sector 2 for the final time.
Imola C3 summary.png
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Post 11 Sep 2020, 4:21 pm

Turn 44 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern

It seems the win in not clear yet as with some deft driving James slices his way though the inside of Variante Bassa and pulls up beside Justin for a final mad dash to the line!

Further back, a Lapse of Judgement leads to Bruce losing control and spinning at the entrance of Rivazza. Drivers duck and dodge past him as they run the twin corners, with Jerome taking a daredevil approach. Roaring through the first corner at high speed, he ducks under Guiseppe as he plows into the second and pulls past, tucking inside of Marshall.

RM Notes:

Guiseppi: Default for force passing is not blocking, so you did not block

Bruce: 2nd NPR Penalty. Wear Penalty cannot be paid so was automatic spin.
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Post 14 Sep 2020, 4:56 pm

Turn 45 is due Wendesday at 6pm Eastern

The two leaders sprint towards the line. In the end, James more powerful engine takes the win as he beats Justin by a nose, with Justin finishes second.

About a second and a half behind them, Rando crosses the line to complete the podium.

Further back at Variante Bassa, a wad of cars piles up to set for the corner as they compete for points paying positions.

RM Notes:

Congrats to James on one heck of a back to front win! That was wild to see.

As for the rest of the race, I am going to run turns until results look to be unchangeable, which I will expect will be until next Monday. From there, I'll get deadlines for Race 2.
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Post 16 Sep 2020, 4:38 pm

Turn 46 is due Friday at 6pm Eastern

David crosses the line for 4th, as chaos occurs behind him!

Brent desperately pressing his luck tries to slice inside on the second apex of Variante Bassa, but misjudges badly as the crowd gasps as he spins into the gravel trap and hits the back wall, taking him out of the race! Jack narrowly avoids him and clears the corner, all but guaranteeing him 5th.

Jerome unfortunately makes a mental mistake and locks up his tires on the entry to Variante Bassa, causing him to spin out at it's entrance.

Marshall and Guiseppes dodge pass him as they approach the corner. Marshall enters first, and attempts to push his tires as well as he cuts inside. Unfortunently he too missjudges it, and spins in the first apex. Guiseppe dodges around him as well as he runs outside.

RM Notes:

Jerome: 3rd NPR Penalty(Not a DNQ as they were not all the same lap). Spin+Damaged Brakes due to inability to pay 2W
Jerome will move 20 next turn, Marshall will move 60
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Post 18 Sep 2020, 3:29 pm

Turn 47 is due Monday at 6pm Eastern. This may be the final turn.

Jack crosses the line with no competition securing 5th.

Back at Variante Bassa, Marshall and Guiseppe clear the corner neck and neck, with Federico behind them, setting for one more mad dash for the line. Back at the entrance, it seems Jeromes car has had enough and as he pulls off into the pit road, ending his race just before the finish.

At the back, Tony uses whats left of his tires to sprint into Variante Bassa, and get an edge on Bruce.

RM Notes:

While Marshall did spin, he still had the inside on Guiseppe when going the same speed. Had Guiseppe instead accelerated to 80 around the outside(which was doable as he was both in the 80 lane, and at a change point in the corner) he would of gone first and taken the inside.

Jerome: 4th NPR Penalty, DSQ
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Post 21 Sep 2020, 3:51 pm

Turns 47 and 48 are submitted due to no change in places available post 47. Bruce does roll for Top anyway as he requested to do so in his future moveset.

Turn 47

Marshall pushes his Engine and races ahead of Guiseppe across the line for 6th, with Federico pulled along in tow, beating Guiseppe for the line for 7th, ending him in 8th.

Turn 48

Tony gives the fans a final harrah as he blasts down the main straight down to Tamburello at 160 to finish 9th, with Bruce finishing in the last points paying position behind him.

RM Notes:

Thanks all for an excellent race! I hope you all enjoyed it as well. There will be a post race comment post on Redscape if anyone wishes to post, or of course email here. Race 2 at the Hockenheimring is scheduled to have a build deadline of October 5th. I will likely put out a new map before then. With that said, I hope everyone has a good time and hope to see you in Race 2
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Post 21 Sep 2020, 3:53 pm

Track Maps
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Post 22 Sep 2020, 5:07 am

A very close finish
Imola C3 summary.png
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Post 26 Sep 2020, 12:00 pm

The full 49 car field along with the points from race 1
Race 1 full field.png
Full Field Points.png