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Post 22 Apr 2020, 5:06 am

That final promotion spot gets tossed around again...

Turn 36 Summary

Benham clears the 2nd snail at 60.

Hoyt pulls up to the snail at 80 in the middle. Bernhardt, at 120, takes the outer lane. Harley goes inside at 120 and the bonus.

Snouffer finishes out the jug handle at 80. Weisen jumps on his bumper after dropping a wear on the line at 100.

Fritz burns his last tire at 100 on the line. Harrington clips 2 tires on the outer rail at 120.

Scarpino pulls up short on T9 at 80 and opts for the inside. Hudson recovers from his spin at 60.

Turn 37 Deadline: Friday, April 24th @ 7 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 24 Apr 2020, 4:52 am

The snail creates some problems.

Turn 37 Summary

Benham speeds up to 120 down the long straight.

Hoyt has initiative at 60 and finds the exit. Bernhardt moves next at 60 and gets shoveled into the 100's. Harley moves last at 40 for which he has to test his brakes (naked 5). With no place to go and no wear for further braking, he spins.

Snouffer pulls up to the snail at 80. Weisen slots in beside him at 100.

Fritz catches some cars at 120. Harrington grabs the bumper of his nemesis at 120.

Scarpino clears the jug handle at 60. Hudson plays a little catch-up at 120.

Turn 38 Deadline: Monday, April 27th @ 7 a.m. EDT (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 27 Apr 2020, 4:51 am

Weisen takes the final promotion spot away from Bernhardt. This is far from over, though...

Turn 38 Summary

Benham races down the stretch at 160 with no threats to be found in the rearview mirror.

Hoyt pulls out of the snail at 100. Bernhardt increases speed to 100 and finds Mike's bumper.

Harley recovers from his spin at 60.

Weisen has the initiative at 100. He dumps his last 2 wear in the snail and pulls alongside the #27. Snouffer, at 60, grabs the dice cup for a chance roll (naked 6). He just makes it and clears the corner.

Fritz plots 80 before late braking to 60 (naked 5). He pulls into the 60's for free. Harrington, at 80, burns 2 wear in the 40 spot and slides over into the 80 free of the corner.

Scarpino pulls up to the snail at 120. Hudson brakes down to 80 (naked 3) and takes the jug handle for free.

Turn 39 Deadline: Wednesday, April 29th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. GMT)
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Post 29 Apr 2020, 4:37 am

The chase pack is halfway down the long straight...

Turn 39 Summary

Benham eases up to 140 as he nears the hairpin.

Hoyt maxes his gas pedal to 140, allowing Bernhardt to pull even at 160.

Harley presses this engine to 160 (naked 5). Weisen stays on his side panel, also at 160.

Snouffer pushes to 140 (naked 8).and keeps the pace with the bonus. Harrington goes the dice cup with 1s to hit 160 (modified 7) and stays on Ty's bumper the whole way.

Fritz finishes out the snail at 80. Scarpino drops a wear in the snail at 80. Hudson pulls out of the jug handle at 120.

Turn 40 Deadline: Friday, May 1st @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. GMT)
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Post 29 Apr 2020, 4:54 am

Considerably slower through sector 2 as wear becomes more precious
Shanghai C4 summary.png
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Post 01 May 2020, 4:39 am

Bernhardt regains the final promotion spot. Half the field is still jockeying for position as they barrel towards the hairpin.

Turn 40 Summary

Benham drops his last wear on the hairpin line at 80. The champagne is iced and ready to go.

Bernhardt gets the initiative at 140 and moves into 2nd place. Hoyt, with compromised brakes, slows to 120.

Harley and Weisen trade paint down the straight at 160, setting up a 3-wide.

Snouffer pushes his engine to 180 (naked 7) but with no place to go, has to late brake to 160 (naked 7). Harrington, at 160 and the bonus joins the party. Eligible for the double bonus, with no room he only uses one.

Fritz and Scarpino plot 120 each.

The black flag comes out to call Hudson off the track and end his day early (NPR #4).

Turn 41 Deadline: Monday, May 4th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. GMT)
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Post 04 May 2020, 4:41 am

I'll have the dice cup on hand next turn, just in case...

Turn 42 Summary

Benham takes the final corner at 120 for free.

Bernhardt sets up the hairpin on the line at 80.

Harley has initiative at 120. He runs to the inside of the #43 where he late brakes (naked 11). Having naked tires, he loses control of the car with an inconsequential spin and brake damage.

Weisen is next at 120. He takes the outside, the only remaining choice, where he also late brakes with 1s (modified 6). Hoyt, at 100, has no place to go and must brake to 80 (naked 6).

At 100 each, Snouffer and Harrington fill out the 2nd row in front of the Hairpin.

Fritz runs down the straight at 140. Scarpino hauls him in at 180.

Turn 42 Deadline: Wednesday, May 6th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. GMT)
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Post 06 May 2020, 5:37 am

Wow. Just wow. It's been a long time since I've seen this much chaos unfold on the track. The dice gods were feeling wrathful this morning, taking out two competitors.

On a positive note, congratulations to James on a flat-out dominating win!

Turn 42 Summary

James takes the checkers at 160 in what I'm betting will be the fastest finish among all the circuits. Great job!

Of the cars in front of the hairpin, Weisen moves first at 80. He takes his last skill onto the chance table but it's not enough (modified 8). Around he goes, blocking the outside lane.

Bernhardt moves next at 60 (he has initiative over Harley who moves last with a spin recovery) and runs the line for free. He has a clear shot at promotion but it's not locked in yet.

Harley moves last at 60 and grabs the dice cup one last time. He ends up going through the tire barrier on the opposite side of the track (naked 11).

Snouffer has initiative out of the next row at 80. He attempts a chance roll on the line but just can't hold it (naked 7). His spun car now blocks the entire track. The crash avoidance roll with a -1 (modified 7) results in a spin so I guess we'll turn him a few more times.

Harrington's 80 goes next. His personal defaults have him attempt a forced pass with 1s (modified 9) on the outside. Arghh... just missed! He now has to late brake, using 1w and 1s (modified 5) to get down to 40.

Hoyt moves last at 60 and with no place to go has the unenviable task of late braking. His personal defaults have him rolling dice (naked 12). With the boxcars, his brakes give out and he has to pull off into the kitty litter, out of the race, and out of a promotion. Sorry, Mike...

Scarpino gets the initiative at 140 and finds himself on the inside. Fortunately, he has wear for the corner. Fritz falls to last at 120 but with the DNF's in front of him, locks in his ticket to C3.

Turn 43 Deadline: Friday, May 8th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. GMT)

Note: Not that it matters, but Mike has 1 wear left. He did not specify to use it in his plot for LB.
T42 copy.png
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Post 08 May 2020, 4:56 am

Scarpino parlays his 2 wear into a promotion! Can he hold it?

Some promotion permutations:
A) Scarpino advances with a 4th place or better.
B) Snouffer, Weisen, and Harrington all need 3rd place to advance.
C) Bernhardt advances if A or B, but not if A and B.

Turn 43 Summary

Bernhardt runs the final corner at 120 and will take an uncontested 2nd place next turn.

Snouffer is speed limited to 40 from his spin. He requests the inside. Weisen recovers at 60 and grabs the middle lane.

Scarpino uses all of his brakes to get to 80. He careens around the hairpin for his last 2 wear and skirts the traffic to take the line.

Harrington saves his last wear, taking the line at 60.

Fritz plots 80 then late brakes to 60 (naked 9), running the line for free.

Turn 44 Deadline: Monday, May 11th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. GMT)

[edit] I have no idea why the chart says 'spin' on Brent's brake roll. Nine is close but still a pass!
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Post 11 May 2020, 4:40 am

The last two promotion spots are up in the air until Wednesday.

Turn 44 Summary

Bernhardt leaves some horses in the barn as he crosses the line in 2nd at 160.

Scarpinio runs the T16 line at 120 for free.

Harrington has the initiative at 140 via a dice roll (naked 7) and drops his last wear on the line. He's even with the #2 car.

Weisen goes next at 120. He takes the line and ends behind the big engine of the white machine.

Snouffer is last out of his row at 100.

Fritz, also at 100, jumps on Ty's bumper.

Turn 45 Deadline: Wednesday, May 13th @ 7 a.m. EDT (11 a.m. GMT)
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Post 13 May 2020, 6:08 am

A last turn surge brings Weisen a 3rd place and a promotion! Sorry, Paul...

Congratulations to those headed off to C3:

The rest of you continuing into Season 7 will hear from me soon with deadlines for Imola.

Please post race comments in the designated thread:

Turn 45 Summary

Scarpino uses his big engine to plot 180. Harrington opts not to push at 160.

Weisen pushes to 180 (natural 8) and with the double slip, passes the white machine into 3rd place and a promotion.

Snouffer crosses the finish line at 160. Fritz stays on him bumper at 140 and the bonus.

Good bye from Shanghai!
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Post 13 May 2020, 7:47 am

An incredible margin of victory for Benham!
Shanghai C4 summary.png
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Post 20 May 2020, 4:20 am

The final full field results and points.
Race 3 full field.png
Full Field Points.png