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Post 16 Dec 2019, 2:04 pm

It's a two-car break at the front, but from P3 on back is still anybody's guess.

Turn 40 summary:
Rae maxes both his acceleration and top speed to 160 on the outside.
Kellison pushes his engine past his top speed up to 180. It obliges without complaint.
Pellegrino jumps two positions around the line at 120 dropping one wear.
Haskell also sheds one wear on the inside at 100.

Brandt makes the more conservative 80 move around the inside for free.
Polcen slows to 100 and babies his machine around the racing line at speed.
Rando also saves rubber at 80 around the inside.

Brown starts the racing line at 100.
Kennington jumps on the gas and his powerplant responds with a 160 move. He keeps to the middle lane at the corner entrance.
Schulz is able to safely reach 160 and only has the inner lane available.

Next deadline: turn 41 due Wednesday, December 18 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Sochi C2 turn 40.png
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Post 18 Dec 2019, 2:29 pm

Despite P3-P7 scattering down the back stretch, none of those positions are secure.

Turn 41 summary:
Rae grabs the corner 11 racing line at 140.
Kellison plots 120 and with the slip is able to keep pace with the leader.
Pellegrino pushes his top speed and uses his inner advantage to get the jump on Haskell.
Haskell can easily reach 160 but now is forced to the inside.

Brandt uses his full acceleration to reach 140 and tucks in behind Haskell.
Polcen is able to gain a position at 160 choosing the inside route.
Rando can only manage 140 without dice this turn. It's enough to keep him in touch with the pack.

Kennington drops one wear at 100 around the inner 80 and moves up to P8.
Brown rounds the corner 8 line at 100 for free and drops in behind the dark blue machine.
Schulz uses his big brakes to slow to 80 around the inside for free, dropping two positions.

Next deadline: turn 42 due Friday, December 20 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Sochi C2 turn 41.png
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Post 20 Dec 2019, 2:08 pm

The final three corners promise to see some serious jostling for position.

Turn 42 summary:
Rae drops one of his remaining wear on the corner 11 racing line at 80.
Kellison gets whoaed up to 60 and follows on the line for free.
Pelligrino uses half of his remaining skill to brake to 100 and start the line behind the leaders.
Haskell uses the inside approach to the corner, moving into P3.

Brandt holds steady at 140 making it three wide into corner 11.
Polcen uses all the brakes he has left to get down to 120 and tuck in behind the orange machine.
Rando gets a boost from Brandt and is able to stay behind him at 120.

Kennington, wary of the upcoming corner, tops out at 160 on the inside.
Brown also does 160 and gets a slip to pull even with Kennington.
Schulz matches the other two 160 moves keeping to the outside through corner 9.

Next deadline: turn 43 due Monday, December 23 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Wednesday the 25th will be a soft deadline with Friday the 27th being the hard deadline for turn 44. No reminder will be sent on the 25th.
Sochi C2 turn 42.png
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Post 23 Dec 2019, 2:05 pm

Brandt and Rando both gain this turn.

Turn 43 summary:
Rae clears corner 14 at 80 for free and prepares for the final combination.
Kellison runs out of corner 11 at 80 and into corner 13 in the middle lane.
Brandt breaks the three-wide at 80 shedding two wear on the inner 40 and sliding into P2 for now.
Pellegrino drops one wear across the racing line.

Haskell slows to 60 and burns one wear on the inner 40.
Polcen gets his smoking brakes to slow him to 60 and takes the outside to appease his bald tires.
Rando sees the black machine move to the outside so he brakes hard into the inner 40 at speed.

Kennington and Brown match 100 moves to corner entrance.
Schulz does 120 to make it three wide again.

Next deadline: turn 44 due Wednesday, December 25 (soft), Friday, December 27 (hard) at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
No reminder will be sent on the 25th.
Sochi C2 turn 43.png
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Post 25 Dec 2019, 2:04 pm

Rae seals the victory and the rear group manages to stay three wide. P2-P6 will be decided in the final combination.

Turn 44 summary:
Rae flies into the final corners at 140 on the outside scrubbing off his final two wear.
Brandt finishes the middle 80s and drops to the inside.
Kellison takes the final inner 80 at speed and reassumes P2.
Haskell runs the inner/middle 80s and drops in behind Brandt.

Pellegrino negotiates the outer and inner 80s and keeps even with Haskell.
Rando uses one wear through the corner 13/14 combination to clear the corner on Pellegrino's wing.
Polcen is locked at 60. He blocks the line on corner exit.

Schulz wants that line at 80 but with the black car in his path he's forced around the 60s shedding one wear.
Kennington and Brown match 40s through the inside, Kennington retaining his positional advantage.

Next deadline: turn 45 due Friday, December 27 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
Sochi C2 turn 44.png
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Post 27 Dec 2019, 2:21 pm

Rando's bold move doesn't work and could cost him several points.

Turn 45 summary:
Rae takes the checkers as he noses across the finish line.
Kellison, Brandt and Haskell line up nose to tail in the 100s all at 100.

Pellegrino has a little rubber left and he uses it at 100 in the 80s to move up to P4.
Rando attacks the corner on the inside at 120 shedding his final two wear and putting one skill to chance. Unfortunately his tires lose purchase with the pavement and around he goes.

Polcen takes the shortest route through the corners 13/14 combination at 80.
Brown uses one wear to break out of the trailing group at 100 and pulls even with the black car.
Schulz and Kennington both clear corner 14 at 80, saving their tires for the final combination.

Next deadline: turn 46 due Monday, December 30 at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
The schedule next week will be the same as this week with Wednesday being a soft deadline.
Sochi C2 turn 45.png
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Post 30 Dec 2019, 2:07 pm

The first chase pack sets up for the sprint to the finish.

Turn 46 summary:
Kellison, Brandt and Haskell keep their line intact as each finishes the final corner.
Pellegrino is the odd man out, finishing next to Brandt.

Rando gets pointed in the right direction at 20, his start speed.
Polcen takes the fastest lane around the corners at speed.
Brown runs his rubber out in the 80s at 100.

Schulz comes off corner 14 with the pedal down, hitting the 100s in the final combination at 140, surrendering his final two wear. With his final two skill he manages to squeeze past the black race car and into P7.
Kennington's final wear buys him the 80s at 100.

Next deadline: turn 47 due Wednesday, January 1 (soft), Friday, January 3 (hard) at 4pm EST/9pm UTC
No reminder will be sent on Wednesday, January 1
Sochi C2 turn 46.png
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Post 01 Jan 2020, 2:08 pm

Only one position change in the first group. The second group will probably wear out the dice!

Turn 47 summary:
Kellison glides across the finish line at 160 for a nice second place finish.
Brandt nails down P3 at 160 with a slip.
Pelligrino loses a position due to his low top speed.

Haskell, however, had to push his acceleration to take P4 from Pellegrino.
Schulz finishes the final corner at 140, wear already paid, and secures a sixth place finish.
Brown comes through the final corner at 100, also already paid for the speed, but loses a car length on Schulz.

Rando is limited to 60mph for the corner speed but he holds the inside position.
Polcen comes around at 100 and sits even with Rando.
Kennington paid to finish the 80s at 100 and make it a three-wide drag race to the finish.

Next deadline: turn 48 due Friday, January 3 at 4pm EST/9pm

This will be the final turn of the race. We are a few turns ahead of C1 so there will be a short break. Builds for Shanghai can be sent any time. I will send out the actual build deadline as soon as it is determined. Also, feel free to make any comments in the "Post-race comments" section of the C2 forum on Redscape.
Sochi C2 turn 47.png
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Post 03 Jan 2020, 2:20 pm

As expected, the final 5 make 8 dice rolls, and everyone passes!

Turn 48 summary:
Doug pushes his top speed to 180 for a comfortable P6 finish.
Brown needs both acceleration and top speed tests to secure P7.
Kennington tests both to get to 200 and picks up two positions, and four points, on the last turn.
Polcen pushes to 180 and holds P9.
Rando's spin hurt him as he drops two positions, and four points, in spite of the double slip he gets from Brown.

Race over.

Thanks for another fun race, guys. I invite you to post your comments in the "Post-race comments" section of the Sochi C2 forum on Redscape.

Shanghai builds can be sent anytime. I will send out the official deadline as soon as it's established. Enjoy the short break.
Sochi C2 turn 48.png
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Post 04 Jan 2020, 5:36 am

The final C2 numbers. Rae had quite a lead at the end despite Kellison's late charge.
Sochi C2 summary.png
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Post 12 Jan 2020, 9:03 am

The full field finish for Sochi and the full field points after 2 races.

Current RROC standings (Driver/Circuit/Points):
Circuit Leaders:
Peoples/C3/43 (Tie break not determined)

Wild Cards:
Bauska/C3/30 (Currently holds tie breaker)
Race 2 full field.png
Full Field Points.png