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Post 20 Dec 2019, 1:33 pm

John slams down the gas, attempting +80 (test ACC,3, OK) and the car reaches 180 - for a fraction of a second, then something goes “thunk” and he takes the run at 160 (test Top, 11, FAIL). His new Top is 140; not sure it will hurt him a lot at this point, unless some of the crowd behind catches up…

Don goes inside at 80 for free and swings to the middle.

Jim goes next at 100, moving to the corner, the late braking(2sk,5,OK) and diving inside for free, staying inside.

Tim M. takes the lien at 100 for free and pulls behind Don in the middle,

Claudio, at 80, is forced to the middle lane over the 80s for free.

Tim B. takes the line at 100 for free.

Mario takes the line at 100 for free as well.

Chris runs at 100 to the inside.

Jeff grabs the line at 120.

Dave B. runs at 120 and with the slip from Jeff dives inside of him and outside of Chris.

Will runs the previous corner at 80 for free on the line.

Next plot due Monday, 23 December @ 5 PM ET (US). After that, the next plot will be due Friday; we will skip Christmas.

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 2 Turn 40.png
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Post 20 Dec 2019, 10:07 pm

Correction to last turn - John should be one space BACK. I moved him too far.
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Post 24 Dec 2019, 2:37 pm

Apologies for the delay. It’s been a trying few days computer-wise, and just when I thought everything was working, something else crapped out…

John runs toward the corner at 120.

Don tests his ACC 1sk,4,OK) and gets up to 160.

Tim M. stays outside at 160.

Jim stays inside at 140 and holds onto P3.

Tim B. does 140 on the inside and pulls behind Jim.

Claudio does 120 and pulls behind Mario.

Mario completes the line at 100 and dives inside.

Jeff takes the line at 100 for free then pulls to the middle.

Chris takes the inside 80 for free at 80.

Dave B. takes the middle 80s at 80 for free and pulls behind Jeff.

Will runs up to the line at 120.

Next plot due FRDAY, 27 December @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape Season 6 Race 2 Turn 41.png
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Post 24 Dec 2019, 3:01 pm

Missed the slip Tim M. asked for, so he is one space further, next to (but slightly behind because of the odd track) Don in P3.

No change to deadline.

Redscape Season 6 Race 2 Turn 41.png
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Post 27 Dec 2019, 7:26 pm

John takes the line at 60 for free.

Don runs up to the line at 120.

Tim M. dives to the inside at 140 and takes P2.

Jime drives down the inside at 140.

Tim B. stays inside at 100 and gets a slip from Jim.

Claudio stays behind Tim B. at 120.

Mario goes to the middle lane at 140.

Jeff runs outside at 160.

Chris stays inside at 140 and with a slip from Mario pulls inside of him at 140 for P7.

Dave mashes the pedal to get to 140, then, feeling some kickback from the motor, lifts ever so slightly (test ACC, 1sk,9=OK) and with the slip from Jeff pulls onto his rear wing.

Will takes the line at 100 for free.

Next plot due Monday, 30 December @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 2 Turn 42.png
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Post 31 Dec 2019, 1:49 pm

Sorry this is late, just ran out of time yesterday.

John decides to go big or go home; he speeds up to 100 and hits the 80 corner hoping to clear (Chance,8=SPIN) but loses control and spins around.

Tim M., still with tires, is able to take the inside 40 for 2w then go inside of the 80 corner to take P1.

Don takes the line at 60 for free.

Jim comes up to the corner at 100, then late brakes to 80 (1sk=5 OK) then uses the last of his rubber to take the 40 at 80 for 2w, pulling around Don for P3.

Tim B. runs up to the corner at 60.

Claudio behind does 80, swinging outside of Tim into the middle lane.

Chris and Mario race each other down the straight at 100.

Jeff does 120 on the outside and takes over P7.

Dave follows on Jeff’s rear wing at 120.

Will tears down the straight at 160, just able to see the pending traffic jam ahead of him.

Next plot is due FRIDAY, 3 January @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 2 Turn 43.png
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Post 04 Jan 2020, 5:29 am

Sorry this is so late. Just lost track.

Considerably slower through sector 2 on the last lap.
Sochi C1 summary.png
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Post 06 Jan 2020, 5:18 pm

Tim M. drives through the inside 60s at 100 for his last 2w.

John heads outside at 100 for free.

Jim wanted the outside, so instead heads to the middle lane at 100, late brakes - and spins as the brakes fail and he has no wear to pay for the -20(Late Brake = 10 FAIL, SPIN) also breaking his brakes (shouldn’t matter now).

Don sees this opportunity to gain some ground, as he does 100, drives around the spinning Jim, and into the space Jim wanted, but at 20 over - then crashes (Chance = 11 Crash). His car will not be there at the start of the next plot.

Jeff stays at 100 and runs up to Carnage Corner.

Claudio does 80 on the 80s for free.

Tim B. goes through the 80s at 80 and pulls behind Claudio.

Chris does 80 on the 80s and pulls next to Tim B.

MArio pulls outside of Chris at 80 on the 80s.

Will takes the 40 at 40 for free.

Next plot due Wednesday, 8 January @ 5 PM ET (US).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 2 Turn 45.png
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Post 07 Jan 2020, 2:50 pm

All plots in early!

Tim M. ramps up to 160 and crosses Start/Finish for P1.

John completes the corner at 100.

Jim dives inside on the 60s at 60 for free.

Jeff burns the last of his tires (2w) on the 80s at 120 and pulls behind John and in front of Jim for P3.

Claudio takes the outside 100s at 100.

Tim B. does likewise and pulls behind Claudio.

Chris and Mario come out of the previous corner in parallel at 80.

Will clears the corner at 80.

Next plot due Friday, 10 January @ 5 PM (but I will post sooner if they all come in).

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 2 Turn 46.png
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Post 10 Jan 2020, 3:43 pm

Turn the forty-seventh, in which many dice are rolled and many tears are shed…

John, with Jeff’s faster car on his tail, pushes his crippled motor by slamming down the gas to reach 160 - and instead hears a loud BANG as parts explode from the motor (Test Top = 11). He coasts forward at 65 MPH…and can’t reach the Start/Finish line, resulting in a DNF.

Jeff pushes his car to 180 (1sk,1,OK) and roars past the line for P2.

Jim revs his motor to 120 and runs across the line at an effective 160 thanks to the draft from Jeff, coming home in P3.

Claudio finish the corner at 100.

Tim decides to play blocker and slows to 80, sitting on the last 100 space of the corner.

Chris revs up to 120, planning to go outside, when his spotter frantically taels him th lane is blocked. Chris late brakes (3 sk, automatic pass) and grabs the middle 80s for his last wear, pulling inside of Tim for P5.

Mario decides to brave the inside at 80 20-over, but his tires lose grip and he bounces off the armco, crimping his ride (Chance, 10 = Crash), and becoming the 5th DNF.

Will runs up to the corner at only 80, perhaps sensing trouble, and so doesn’t enter Marios row and is not forced to roll. Unless he does something incredible crazy, he has P7 locked up.

The LAST turn (as three of the four cars still running will cross next turn) is due Monday, 13 January @ 5 PM ET (US). If I get all plots sooner I will send out the final turn.

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 2 Turn 47.png
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Post 10 Jan 2020, 5:13 pm

Turn 48

Claudio pushes to 160 (I did npt bother to roll as a failue would not change his finishing position) for P4.

Chris runs at 160 for P5.

Tim B. runs at 120 and hits the line for P6.

Will runs the outside for 100.

Turn 49

Will runs at 160 and finishes P7.

That’s a wrap! Over the weekend I will build the support documents for the next race, Shanghai.

Full finishing order is represented by the order of the boxes. Points for the season are above each box followed by rank this season.

And yes, I know I was last and didn't update all the boxes for this turn; the positions are correct and that's the important part.

Redscape C1 Season 6 Race 2 Turn 48.png
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Post 12 Jan 2020, 9:04 am

The full field finish for Sochi and the full field points after 2 races.

Current RROC standings (Driver/Circuit/Points):
Circuit Leaders:
Peoples/C3/43 (Tie break not determined)

Wild Cards:
Bauska/C3/30 (Currently holds tie breaker)
Race 2 full field.png
Full Field Points.png