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Post 24 Apr 2019, 8:07 pm

Turn 1 is Due Friday at 9pm Eastern

Saturday Qualifying ends with a mad dash at the finish, as Sam Simmerman edges Kalvin Miller for the pole by .225 seconds. Multiple drivers in the mid pack were within a half second or each other, and it came down to hundreths for positions.

The drivers are to the line, the light go on, 1,2,3,4,5! and they go out and we are off!
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Post 26 Apr 2019, 6:43 pm

Turn 2 is Due Monday at 9pm Eastern

Sam leads the field as the lights go out, his quick reflexes allowing him to shift up to 120(7-2=5, Success) and pick up the line for Turn 1

Kal decides to not push it as hard as he breezes down the straight at 100, staying to the inside.

Stephen also pulls off some quick shifting as he pushes to 120(6-2=4, Success) and pulls to the outside of Kal on the run up to Turn 1 (No slip as both cars started at 0)

Guiseppi attempts to keep up with the others as he pushes for 80. Unfortnently the squealing of tires tells him he made a mistake and he is only able to get his car up to 40 off the line. (12-3=9, Mis-Shift, -20 Start)

Dave does his best to keep up as he also uses deft shifting to push to 80(7-2=5 Success). He slides past Guiseppi before tucking up in front of him in the process.

Tony rolls off the line at an easy 60 pulling to Guiseppe's outside.

Chris uses his launch engine to roar off the line at an easy 100, passing 3 cars in the process, advancing to 5th.

Jack like Tony rolls off the line at an easy 60, and pulls in behind Guiseppe.

Marshall pushes and quick shifts to 80(7-2=5, Success), pulling to Jack's outside.

Brad also tries to push to 80, but he too hears the sounds of squealing tires as he fudges his shift and only is able to roll out at 40. (12-2=10, Mis-Shift, -20 Start)

Tim uses his launch engine to blast off the line, passing Brad as he pulls to Marshall's outside and makes it 3 wide!

Bruce with a little luck is able to shift up to 80, pulling pass the wheel spinning Brad.(7-2=5, Success)
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Post 29 Apr 2019, 6:40 pm

The field bunches up heavily as they roll towards the corners.

Turn 3 is due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern

RM Notes: Hey guys, just wanted to note a couple things quickly.

1. As per customary for how I run things, Standings will be added upon Turn 3. I usually delay till then due to the choas of the start, as this is an excellent example of.

2. For reference, if you see an RA in the corner notation, that is denoting use of the line, and thus, a corner limit with an RA note is running through the space using the line. Just figured I'd not for clarity.

Sam slows to 80 and coasts through the line of Turn 1 before picking up the line to enter turn 2.

Kal and Stephen follow Sam though the line at 100, each spending 1 wear. With Sam blocking the line into 2, they elect to dive inside, Kal diving first deep inside, then Stephen squeezing himself between them, setting up a 3 wide run for the lead!

Chris punches it to 120 and dives into Turn 1's line, spending 2 wear.

Dave follows Chris into turn 1 at 100, spending 1 wear as he tucks in.

Tony bolts past Guiseppe as he blasts into the corner at 120. With Dave snugging the inside of the corner, Tony pulls to his outside along the middle for 2 Wear.

Guiseppe does his best to recover from his start as he accelerates to 100 and pulls onto the line for Turn 1.

Jack blasts to 120 and tucks himself inside of Guiseppe.

Marshall also rolls to 120 and joins the other two at the corners Edge, leading to a 3 Wide pack approaching turn 1!

Tim attempts to match the others at 120 as well, but with the track clogged up, he is forces to pad the breaks and smoke the tires, slowling to 100 for a wear.

Bruce accelerates to 120 and pulls to Tim's outside.

With some quick shift work, Brad is able to recover from the bad start(10-2=8, Success), an blast off at 120, using the Slipstream off Bruce to vault to Bruce's outside, leading to a second row of 3 wide cars leading to Turn 1!
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Post 01 May 2019, 6:47 pm

Turn 4 is due Friday at 9pm Eastern

Stephen maintains 100 as he wheels around the outside of Turn 2 for two wear, before stopping on the line exiting the corner on the outside.

His use of the line foiled by Stephen, Sam also wheels it around the ouside before pulling inside of Stephen on the straight.

Having slowed to 80, Kal carves his way through the inside of turn 2 for two wear, before using his remaining momentum to shoot the gap between Sam and Stephen and retaking the lead, pulling inside in front of Sam.

Clearing Turn 1, Chris slows to 80 and run the line of turn 2 for a wear.

Seeing the opportunity, Dave also slows to 80, before carving his way inside of Chris for 2 wear, gaining the inside advantage for the long straight.

Tony slows to 100 and takes the racing line for 2 wear.

Guiseppe prepared to run the line through turn 1 at 100, but with Tony sitting on the line for turn 2, he elects to take the middle lane at 1 wear, and pulls up for the line for Turn 2.

Marshall runs the middle lane of Turn 1 at 100 for 1 wear, before tucking inside of Guiseppe.

Slowing to 80, Jack runs the inside lane of Turn 1 for 1 wear, and tucks inside of Marshall on the run up to Turn 2.

Brad pushes 100 for initative, and runs the 80s for 1 before picking up the line for Turn 2.

Tim follows Brad through at 80, running the line through the turn, before pulling to Brad's inside.

Bruce slows to 80 and carves his way trhough the inside of Turn 1 for 1 Wear, before tucking inside of Tim. (Even though the line isn't blocked, the only available spaces after are, so you had to go inside to make it)
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Post 06 May 2019, 6:30 pm

Turn 6 is due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern

RM Note: So by accident I didn't save the last two turns, so I had to rebuild my excel file for it. I do believe I did the data correct though, but if anyone sees a discrepency that doesn't make sense between last turn and this one, please let me know.

Kal pushes to his top speed for 160 and rolls onto the line for Turn 4

Sam in anticipation of the corner slows to 120, pulling down the middle lane.

Stephen pushes 140, breaking slip with Sam, before pulling outside of him (Placed there as first priority was line and going inside prevents use of it.)

Dave and Chris blast down the straight side by side at 140.

Tony pushes his big engine to 160 as he blasts twoards the corner.

Guiseppe get the edge on Jack as he cranks to 160, tucking in behind Tony.

Jack does his best to day up with Guiseppe as he uses the slip off Tony to pull along the outside of Guiseppe.

Marshall and Brad sprint ahead of Bruce as they crank it to 160 and roll down the straight, pulling behind Guiseppe and Jack. (No Slip for Marshall due to Jack going 140)

Bruce pushes his engine to do his best to keep up, and it responds, pushing to 140 and pulling in behind Marshall. (No slip was requested so none taken. Would of put you out of slip for next turn)

Tim cranks it to 140 as well, using the slip from Marshall to vault himself beside Bruce on the outside, and pull into slip of Brad.
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Post 08 May 2019, 6:26 pm

So it seems I forgot to post Turn 4 on here. I apologize. Here is the graphic for it.
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Post 08 May 2019, 6:47 pm

Turn 7 is Due Friday at 9pm Eastern,

Kal pulls up to the corner at 120 before slamming his breaks, slowing to 100 succesfully (7-1=6, Success) and running the line through Turn 3 for 2 Wear.

Sam and Stephen plow twoards the corner at 100. Using his inside advantage, Sam forces Stephen to run wide as Sam runs the line, each running the Turn for 2 Wear.

Dave and Chris continue running in lock step at 100, with Dave making a crossover to take the line into Turn 3.

Tony slows to 120 and tucks in behind Dave on the line going into Turn 3.

Jack and Guiseppe push ahead at 140, running side by side as each pulls inside of Tony on the run up to Turn 3 (No slip for Guiseppe due to slower lead car)

Brad races up to the corner at 140, and pulls onto the line, breaking his slip on Jack due to a wall of cars in front of him.

Marshall slows to 120 as he uses his slip to pull up to the gaggle of cars in front of him.

Bruce holds 140 as he races down towards the corner, running down the middle. (No slip due to slower lead car. As with Stephen last turn, priority to line is why position is middle)

Tim slows to 120, but uses the slip from Brad to keep behind him, and pull to the outside of Bruce.
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Post 10 May 2019, 9:17 pm

Turn 8 is Due Monday at 9pm Eastern

Minor RM Note: Since it was asked about, there the straight approaches turn 4 and goes from 3 to 2, move access just depends on what space you are coming from. Inside can only enter inside, outside can only enter outside, and Middle can enter either. The line is also available from both spaces as the two spaces are parallel.

Kal cranks it to 140, easing his way into Turn 4 on the line.

Sam and Stephen roll out of Turn 3 at 140, with Stephen tucking in behind.

Dave runs Turn 3 at 100 along the line for 2 wear, pulling inside.

Chris runs the middle of Turn 3 at 80 for 2 wear, pulling behind Dave. (Middle doesn't have access to the Inside space)

Tony tries run the line through the corner at 100, but with Chris blocking the exit to the line, he is forces to dive into the 60s.

Guiseppe and Jack dive inside of Turn 3 at 80 for 2 Wear, pulling ahead of Tony and to the outside of Chris, setting up a 3 wide run down to Turn 4!

Brad shimmys down the line of Turn 3 at 80 for 1 Wear.

Marshall slows to 60 and ducks into the inside line for 1 Wear.

With a long line of cars in on the line, Brad takes the 60s through the corner at 100 for 2 Wear.

Tim had hoped to cut inside at 80 but Marshall's move prevents that plans, and he resigns to entering the corner on the line for 1 wear.
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Post 13 May 2019, 8:38 pm

Turn 9 is Due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern

Kal slows to 120 and navigates Turn 5 following the line.

Sam also slows to 120, running the inside through 4 before taking the line of 5.

Stephen also slows to 120, running the inside through 4 before using the pull of Sam's slip to pull to his outside.

Dave pushes to 140 and pulls into the line for Turn 4.

Jack decides the time for initative is now. Getting everything he can out of his engine (Acc 10-2=8 success, Top 4-2=2 Success) he pushes it to 160 and wheels the car into the outside of turn 4 for 1 wear.

Guiseppe and Chris watch Jack go and simply pull up to the corner at 140, crossing over as the inside changes. Chris breaks his slipstream as they close as he sees there is no room to run.

Brad out pushes Marshall out of the corner at 140, pulling to the inside.

Marshall pushes to 120, and pulls in behind Brad.

Bruce pushes the gears to get the car up to 160 (Acc 7-1=6, Success) as pulls down the straight, passing Marshall and pulling beside Brad.

Tim pulls himself out of the corner at 80.
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Post 15 May 2019, 7:22 pm

Kal slows to 100 and runs down the inside of the long hairpin through the inside for 1 Wear.

Sam maintains 120 and pulls wide in the hairpin (No Request wear was made so none was taken)

Seeing Sam run outside, Stephen maintains 120 and runs inside for 1 Wear.

Dave slows to 120 and runs the line through Turn 5 before tucking inside.

Jack slows to 140, spending 1 Wear on the line of turn 5 as he pulls to the outside of Dave.

Chris accelerates to maintains 140, unfortunently he finds Dave and Jack's rear wings getting too close and chooses to run Turn 4 wide, he then spends 1 wear on the line of turn 5, and tucks in behind Dave.

Guiseppe slows to 120 and runs the inside through 4 before the line of 5, ending to Chris' outside, behind Jack.

Tony slows to 120 and runs the inside through 4 and the line of 5, pulling in behind Chris as he finishes the line.

Brad maintains 140 as he runs the line through Turn 4, before spending 1 wear running the outside of Turn 2 with the line blocked by Tony (No Slip as Chasing car is faster)

Bruce slows to 120 and runs the inside through 4 and line through 5, tucking inside of Bruce.(No slip asked, no slip given, though no benefit from unless you were spending a wear.)

Marshall picks up the slip off Brad, but seeing how quickly hes closing up on Bruce, decides to angle it outside through 4, and set up for the line into 5.

Tim accelerates to 140. diving inside through the line of Turn 4.
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Post 17 May 2019, 8:41 pm

Turn 11 is due Monday at 9pm Eastern

RM Notes: Couple quick things.

1. Please note that unless stated otherwise, the standard deadlines are M/W/F at 9pm Eastern and I will be submitting reminders based on such. If I miss a note in a turn, you can ask, but unless I say something differently, that is the deadlines.

2.On that note there will be no turn on Friday. As usual I am going to the Baltimore Science and Fiction Convention, and thus I will be away from my computer and unable to process the turn. The Deadline for Wednesdays move will be Monday Night.

3.One other thing quickly. I let it slide for a brief moment, but I need to be clear now. Please submit your wear expenditures. They are required for such moves, and defaults are set to prefer no wear, so makes sure you tell me how much were you are spending, else you may end up outside when you didn't want to.

Turn 10 Results
Kal uses the changing grade of the hairpin to accelerate to 120, before pulling down the straight and running the inside through turn 7

Sam slows to 100 and tucks himself inside as he reaches the apex of the hairpin for a wear as he pulls to the edge of the corner.

With the inside now blocked, Stephen maintain 120 and runs through the inside of the corner at the apex for an additional wear, before pulling to the outside of Sam.

Jack out races Dave into the corner at 120, running inside and then outside at the apex for 1 Wear.

Dave on the other hand slows to 100 and sticks to the inside of the corner for 1 wear, pulling back to Jack's inside.

Chris slows to 100 and keeps inside spending 1 wear as the Hairpin's grade tightens.

Guiseppe has a bobble, but is able to keep his car in enough order to run inside to outside at 100(NPR #1, -1 Wear Penalty)

Tony slows to 100 tucks and himself inside in the Hairpin

Brad beats Bruce out of turn 5 at 140 taking the corner wide for a wear, pulling to Tony's outside.

Bruce follows Brad into the corner at 120. With the inside blocked, he is forces to the outside, behind Brad.

Marshall maintains 120 and dives into the inside of the hairpin for 1 wear.

Tim keeps the speed up at 140, spending a wear through the line of turn 5 and he edges up to the hairpin
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Post 18 May 2019, 5:23 am

Miller almost 5mph faster than Peeples through sector 1.
Buddh C3 summary.png
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Post 20 May 2019, 7:28 pm

Turn 12 is Due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern

RM Note: Just quickly noting, no there was no available Force Passes to thoes who submitted me defaults.

Turn 11 Results

Kal slows to 100 and eases himself into Turn 8 along the line.

Jack out muscles Dave out of the hairpin at 140, running outside before tucking onto the line for Turn 7.

Dave follows Jack out running the hairpin inside at 120, pulling to Jack's outside in the turn.

Chris and Guiseppe clear the corner at 100, with Chris pulling slightly ahead of Guiseppe (Guiseppe as noted, moved at posted speed, as per NPR.)

Tony maintains 100 and rolls outside through the hairpin's apex before tucking inside.

Brad slows to 100 taking the inside in the hairpin's apex before having to stay wide to avoid tony as he slides up beside.

Bruce Slows to 100 and runs inside for 1 wear through the apex. Unfortunently with the corner exit blocked, he is forced to take the wide line out of the corner, pulling in behind Brad.

Marshal slows to 100 and also finds himself in the same predicament. Running wide through the apex, he pulls in behind Tony on the inside.

Tim slows to 120 and had hoped to take the fast way through. Unfortunently with no room, he is forced to run wide as well, and tucks in behind Bruce.
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Post 22 May 2019, 7:23 pm

Turn 13 is Due Monday at 9pm Eastern. As noted I will be away from my computer this weekend so no Friday turn. I will do my best however to confirm moves.

RM Note: Turn Number and Driver Standings are fixed. Sorry!

Turn 12 Results

Kal accelerates to 120 as he runs the line of turn 9 for 1 wear, rolling to it's edge as he prepares to start the second lap.

Sam decides now is the time to strike! Punching it to 140, he wheels it through Turn 8 and into Turn 9 following the lines at the cost of 4 Wear, and pulls behind Kal's rear number.

Stephen on the other hand, takes the more cautious route, slowing to 100 and he runs the line through.

Jack slows to 100 and also runs the line through.

Dave attempt to keep up pace as he maintains 120 and charges twoards Turn 8. He finds Jack yet agian in his way however, and is forced to run wide for 1 wear.

Chris accelerates to 140, and hoped to use the line. Unfortunently he missjudges how far it is to the corner and with Jack and Dave in the way, is forced to run Turn 7 wide, but finds himself where he wants to be, on the line entering Turn 8.

Guiseppe accelerates to 120 and thanks for the inside of Turn 7 and a slip off of Chris, is able to sneak to Chris' inside at the foot of the corner.

Tony and Brad roll out of the corner at 140, running the line through Turn 7 as they Chris cross and stay neck and neck on the approach to Turn 8, each on the tail of the driver ahead.

Bruce accelerates to 120 as he exits the hairpin, setting himself inside as he clears Turn 7

Marshall maintains 100 and runs the line through Turn 7.

Tim rolls out of the corner slowing to 100, before he picks up the line for Turn 7.
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Post 23 May 2019, 3:47 am

Beckman fastest through sector 2
Buddh C3 summary.png