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Post 27 May 2019, 6:43 pm

Turn 14 is due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern

Turn 13 Results

Kal powers it to his top speed of 160 as he crosses the line to begin lap 2.

Sam does his best to keep up from behind as he maintained his speed of 140

Stephen works to conserve his tires as he eases it through the final corner at 100 along the line.

Jack accelerates to 120 as he blasts into the final corner, spending a wear as he takes the line to the exit for 1 Wear.

Dave maintains 120 as he continues outside before tucking in behind Jack on the line for 1 Wear.

Guiseppe slows to 100 running wide through Turn 8 before picking up the line into Turn 9.

Chris runs the inside of Turn 8 at 80, before pulling inside in setup for Turn 9 with the line blocked.

Throwing a slight caution to the wind, Brad goes 120, running the line of Turn 8 for 1 wear before breezing past Chris and Guiseppe and tucking himself inside in the approach for Turn 9.

Tony follows Brad through the corner at 100 on the line, tucking himself between Chris and Guiseppe (No Slip due to Lead Car <120)

Bruce Maintains 120 as he runs the line through Turn 8 at 1 wear, and pulls in behind Tony.

Marshall accelerates to 120 and thanks to a slip off Bruce pulls through the line at Turn 8 at 1 wear and pulls to his outside (Slip given as per defaults)

Tim not wanting to loose the group accelerates to 140, running the line through Turn 7 before spending 2 wear on the line through 8, pulling in behind Bruce.
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Post 29 May 2019, 9:59 pm

Turn 15 is due Friday at 9pm Eastern

Turn 14 Results

Kal keeps the speed up as he charges into Turn 1 at 120 for 1 Wear.

Sam slows to 100 and pulls onto the line for the Turn.

Stephen maintains 140 as he barrels down the main straight at 140 and starts his second lap.

Jack clears turn 9 and pushes the rev limiter as he presses his car to exceed the top speed of 140 and get to 160. He succeeds (4-2=2, Success), and blasts down the straight, pulling outside to line up behind Stephen.

Dave maintains 120 as he clears Turn 9 and pulls to the inside.

Brad decides to sow some chaos as he conserves his tires and runs 80 through the middle lane, before setting a blocking position for the line for the corner.

Guiseppe dashes to the corner at 140, and finds a nasty surprise with Brad on the line. Hammering the breaks he slows to 120 for a wear, before spending 2 additional running the middle line trhough the corner before ending inside. (No LB/Chance req and no default to say differently, so this was "Safest" course of action)

Chris follows Guiseppe through at 120, also spending 2 wear before tucking to Guiseppe's outside.

Tony finishes the group as he goes 100 for 1 wear as he runs through the middle as well and ends up to Brad's inside.

Bruce out races Marshall into the corner at 120, but with the line blocked, settles to run the middle lane, costing him 2 wear as he squeezes himself between Tony and Brad.

Marshall settles for 100 running the clear line for free. (No slip due to no space)

Tim decides this is a good time to strike. Going 100 and using the slip off of Bruce, he slices through the middle of the corner for 1 wear before tucking to Marshall's inside. (As per orders and Marshall blocking the line, 1W 80s for slip)
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Post 31 May 2019, 7:30 pm

Turn 16 is due Monday at 9pm Eastern

Kal burns 2 Wear as he powers his way through Turn 2 at 100.

Sam slows to 80 as he runs the line through Turn 1 and sets up on the Line to turn 2.

Stephen slows to 120 and blasts his way through turn 1 on the line for 2 wear. With Sam blocking turn 2's line, he elects to dive deep inside.

Jack slows to 100, spending 1 wear on the line of Turn 1 before using the slip off of Stephen to pull in behind Sam on the line.

Guiseppe and Chris criss cross as they barrel down the straightaway at 140 side by side!

Tony accelerates to 140 as he uses the inside advantage and Guiseppe's slip to slot in to their outside.

Bruce tries to copy Tony's move at 140, but with no where to go, he has to break Chris' slip and simply pulls inside behind Guiseppe.

Brad also accelerates to 140 and pulls to Bruce's outside, behind Chris.

Tim cranks it to 160, and uses his inside advantage to beat Marshall to the opening on the outside of Bruce, behind Tony.

Marshall attempts to also run at 160, but with no room to squeeze in, has to slam the breaks as he does his best to not rear end Bruce in front of him. With some quick work he succeeds (5-1=4) and pulls in behind Bruce at 140.
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Post 01 Jun 2019, 5:04 am

Miller leads the lap but with a slim 1.42 second margin.
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Post 03 Jun 2019, 8:01 pm

Turn 17 is due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern

Kal uses some quick shifting to accelerate to 160(5-1=4, Success)

Stephen slows to 80 before spending 2 wear as he cruises through the inside of Turn 2.

Sam accelerates to 100 spending 2 Wear on the line as he keeps to Stephen's outside.

Jack slows to 60 as he runs the line through Turn 2.

David slows to 100, completing the corner wear already payed, before diving tight to the inside for turn 2.

Tony out races Guiseppe and Chris into the corner at 100, spending 1 wear on the line before taking the next line.

Guiseppe follows Tony through the corner at 80, pulling in behind Tony on the line.

Chris weaves through the line as well at 80, before settiling off line inside of Guiseppe.

Tim decides its time to be daring, blasting through Turn 1 on the line at 120 for 2 wear, he sizes up the pack ahead of him. Seeing slim opening out in front of Chris, he skims quickly to his inside, before slotting himself into the tight window open between David and Tony! (Force Pass Unblocked on Chris, 5-2=3, Success).

Brad tries to follow Tim up to the pack, but with Chris and Guiseppe blocking the only exits from the like, he is forced to run wide at the cost of 1 wear.

Bruce slams his breaks to slow to 80(3-1=2, Success), running the line through Turn 1.

Marshall slows to 80 and rolls through the line of Turn 1.
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Post 05 Jun 2019, 8:22 pm

Turn 18 is due Friday at 9pm Eastern

Kal eases back to his normal top speed as he rolls twoards the corner at 140

Sam out paces Stephen down the straight at 140, staying to the middle.

Stephen does his best to accelerate to 120, pulling in behind Sam to setup for a slip.

Jack does some quick shift work to accelerate out of the corner at 140(5-2=3, Sucess) pulling down the straight on the inside.

David slows to 80, completing the corner along the inside line for 2 Wear.

Tim slows to 100, before rolling his way around the outside for 2 wear and blocking the exiting line to Turn 3.

With Tim in the way, Tony takes the outside instead, rolling through Turn 3 at 100 for 2 wear, before ducking inside.

Guiseppe pulls up to the corner at 100, With the line blocked, he runs outside for 2 wear, before pulling to the middle. (Default is inside if no preference is given)

Chris seems to have a bit of a bobble as he smokes his tires sliding outside of Turn 3 for 1 Wear. (NPR, Additional 1 Wear Penalty)

Brad and Bruce tuck inside at 80 and 60, spending 2 and 1 Wear respectivly, as Brad pulls inside of Guiseppe and Bruce inside of Chris.

Marshall rolls into Turn 3 on the line at 100, and sandwhiches himself between Bruce and Chris.
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Post 07 Jun 2019, 9:20 pm

Turn 19 is due Monday at 9pm Eastern

Kal powers through Turn 4 at 100 running the line for 2 Wear.

Sam maintains his top speed of 140 and picks up the line for Turn 4.

Stephen accelerates to his top speed of 140, and uses the slide off Sam to pull inside.

David accelerates to his top speed of 140 and rolls along the inside.

Tony and Tim accelerate to their top speeds of 160 and pull to David's outside. (No slip Tonly due to slower lead car)

Guiseppe accelerates to his top of 160 and pulls in behind David.

Brad accelerates to 140 and uses David's slip to keep pace and pull outside of Guiseppe.

Marshall rolls out of the corner at 160 and thanks to Guiseppe's slip, pulls to Brad's outside, completing the second row of 3.

Chris accelerates to 140 and runs inside.

Bruce pushes his engine to 120 with good shifting (6-1=5, Success), and pulls to Chris' outside.
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Post 10 Jun 2019, 7:23 pm

Turn 20 is due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern

Kal rolls his way out of Turn 3 and zooms down the straight twoards the corner complex at 140.

Sam and Stephen approach Turn 3 at 100. With Sam blocking the line, Stephen gives up the spot, running outside for 2 wear, as he falls in behind Sam who used the line at the same cost.

Tony and Dave blast down the straight at 160(10-1=9, Success for Dave), with Dave reaching the line and blocking out Tony, who dives inside.

Tim lets them go as he rolls down the straight at 140, and pulls in behind Dave.

Giuseppe goes 160, and using his momentum from Dave's slip, races up to the group and squeezes himself in inbetween Tony and David.

Brad and Marshall follow also at 160, but with the space blocked(and Tim going 140 in the case of Marshall) they must give up the slip and simply slide in to the inside of Tim.

Chris suddeners 10th to Bruce who goes 160, and going 140 pulls in behind him
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Post 12 Jun 2019, 9:22 pm

Turn 21 is due Friday at 9pm Eastrern

RM Note: So something that has come up a couple times I think it's best to suggest to people: If you are submitting multiple turns, please if you can submit it as a list. Paragraphs are fine and all, but for me it would be much cleaner in list form, especially if there are If/Else's to deal with.

Kal rolls through the chicane complex at 120, using the inside and line.

Sam approaches Turn 4 at 140, with Stephen also at 140 using his moment from Sam's slip to pull alongside.

Jack maintains 100 and spends 2 wear as he wheels it through the line for Turn 4.

Tony slams the breaks hard (3s chip auto success) to slow to 100 and runs it through the 60s for 2 wear, blocking the line exiting the corner.

Guiseppe slows to 100, before approaching the corner and slamming the breaks again. He slows to 80, but it comes with tire smoke and a deafening CRUNCH as something in his break system fails(10, FAIL, -1 W, -20 Dec). Even so he wheels the car through the inside for two wear, and pulls ahead of the pack.

David slows to 100 and runs Turn 3 through the outside at 100 for 2 wear, tucking inside of Tony.

Brad decides to take the initiative on his group by racing towards the corner at 120, and then slamming on the breaks as he reaches it's edge, slowing to 100 with a bit of tire smoke as he burns off a wear, he runs around the outside of the corner for 2 wear. (Roll dec was unclear so went with default)

Marshall lets Brad go before taking the aggresive line, starting at 100 before late breaking to 80 (9, Success!!) and spedning 2 wear as he cuts inside, pulling behind Guiseppe and beside David.

Tim attempts to roll up to the corner at 100, but finds a wall of cars at it's exit. With no place to force his way through without trying crazy things, he elects to slow to 80 at the cost of 1 wear and cuts outside for 1 wear, pulling behind Brad.
(So...your turn said "FP or Chance if blocked and no FP...unfortunently the only FP avail would of required a Chance(As the line is not available to a FP)...and to me that you turn said not to do both, so I took the safe plan, which still allows you to accelerate next turn w/slip)

Bruce slows to 100 with a little luck on his side (7-1=6, Success), before rolling into Turn 3 on the line for 100.

Chris slows to 80 and rolls up the line for Turn 3.
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Post 14 Jun 2019, 9:27 pm

Turn 22 is due Monday at 9pm Eastern

Turn 21 Results

RM Note: In case it comes up. If a driver has the ability to slip 2 cars, he chooses the slip among them. No car can be slipped by more than 1 car.

It seems Kal's easy cruising in front has lulled him a bit, as he enters the Hairpin at an awkward angle. He does his best to correct it as he rolls in at 100, but not wihtout some tire smoke. (NPR #1, -1 Wear Penalty)

Sam and Stephen roll through the 4-5 complex at 140 at the cost of 1 wear before ending up back where they started side by side!

Jack accelerates to 140 and tucks his way inside at Turn 4 along the line.

Guiseppe rolls up to the corner at 140 and decides to skip the line, instead running inside.

Marshall also rolls up to the corner at 140 and thanks to Guiseppe's slip pulls to his outside on the line.

Tony and David cruise up to the corner behind the other two at 140, side by side.

Brad accelerates to 140 and was hoping to gain a slip, but with the track narrowing at that point, there is no place to slide into and has to break it.

Tim goes 140 and using the line off Brad pulls up along side.

Bruce finishes the line out of turn 3 at 100.

Chris spends a wear as he enters turn 3 at 80.
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Post 17 Jun 2019, 7:29 pm

Turn 23 is due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern

Turn 22 Results

Kal Regathers himself and rolls through the inside of the corner at 100, burning a wear.

Stephen decides now is the time to be the daredevil! Cranking it to 160, he blasts ahead of Sam before smoking his tires as he slows to 140, and then wheels his way inside to outside as he rolls through the hairpin at the cost of 2 wear.

It seems concentration entering the hairpin has been fleeting as Sam also seems to loose attention as he enters the hairpin and smokes his tires a bit, running inside then outside at 100. (NPR Penalty, -1W)

Jack slows to 120 as he easies it through Turn 5 and sets up for the hairpin.

Marshall also is in the daredevil mood as he blasts into the 4-5 complex at 160. As he clears it, he pulls past Jack and tucks up in front of him.

Guiseppe eases himself through the complex at 120 and pulls in behind Jack.

David rolls into the corner complex at 140, burning a wear in the line of turn 5, and pulls behind Guiseppe

Tony follows Davide through at 120 and tucks in behind him.

Brad rides David's coattails through the complex at 140, taking the outside of Turn 5 at 1 wear, and with a slip and tucks himself outside of Tony.

Tim follows Brad through at 140 and runs the outside of Turn 5 for 1 wear. (No Slip cause no space, and Brad took the one available slip at that speed.)

Bruce goes 140 and runs through the line through Turn 4.

Chris accelerates to 140 as he barrels down the straight.
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Post 18 Jun 2019, 4:57 am

Miller again head of the class through sector 1
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Post 19 Jun 2019, 7:24 pm

Turn 24 is due Friday at 9pm Eastern

RM Note: Due to issues with time and work commitments, Sam has decided to pull his car from the race and the season. I want to thank him for racing with us and good luck in later ventures.

Kal maintains 140 as he whisks though the bend and up to the next line.

Stephen rolls out of the hairpin at 140 and runs the line through the bend.

Sam pulls off at the hairpin and retires from the race.

Marshall slows to 100 as he runs the inside line of the Hairpin at 100 for 1 wear.

Jack maintains 120 and burns a wear as he runs inside to outside through the hairpin.

David out races Guiseppe into the Hairpin at 120, burning 1 wear as he slides in behind Jack.

Guiseppe follows David in at 100 and tucks in behind (No slip as taking it would require wear use, which was not noted)

Brad powers into the corner at 120, and rolls down the inside line for 2 wear, tucking inside of Guiseppe.

Tony slows to 100 and pulls inside in the hairpin, pulling in behind Brad.

Tim rolls into the Hairpin at 100, and with the momentum from the slip of Brad, rolls outside up beside Tony.

Bruce pulls through Turn 5 at 120, and pulls up to the Hairpins edge.

Chris pulls through Turn 5 at 140 along the line for a wear and also pulls inside.
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Post 22 Jun 2019, 10:51 pm

Turn 25 is due Monday at 9pm Eastern

Kal slows to 100 and runs the line through 8, picking up the line for 9.

Stephen follows Kal through 8 as he rolls up to 9.

Marshall accelerates to 120 as he rolls out of the corner and rolls through the inside lane of 7.

Brad accelerates to 140, clearing the Hairpin and running the line through 7, pulling to Marshall's outside.

Jack rolled out of the Hairpin at 140 and pulls into 7 along the line.

David rolls out of the hairpin at 120 and pulls up to the line for 7.

Guiseppe maintains 100 and clears the hairpin.

Tony rolls through the Hairpin, exiting it for 1 Wear at 100.

Tim rolls up to the edge of the Hairpin at 100 for 1 1 Wear.

Bruce had hoped the same as he rolled into the corner at 120. Unfortunently with Tim and in his way, he is forced to run about the outside at the end of the corner and sits up outside of Tim.
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Post 24 Jun 2019, 7:23 pm

Turn 26 is due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern

RM Note: A Brief Reminder to people, you can accelerate in a corner up to the speed at which you spent wear in the corner. This includes if the corner speeds up(ie the 120 spaces on the back end of the Hairpin)

Kal maintains 100 as he eases through Turn 9 and perpares for the final lap.

Smoke is seen from Stephen's tires as a miscue causes him to misread the corner, but he settles it down and runs the line at 100(NPR Penalty -1 W)

Marshall powers through turn 8 at 140, burning 2 wear on the line.

Brad slows to 120, burning 1 wear on the line, before pitching it inside, off line from Marshall.

Jack slows to 100 and eases onto the on the inside of Turn 8.

Seeing Jack slowing up, David maintains 120 and pulls to the outside through 7, setting uyp for the line of 8.

Guiseppe slows to 100 and runs the inside line through Turn 7.

Clear of the Hairpin, Tony pushes it to 140, running the line through, passing Guiseppe and ending inside of David.

Tim maintains 100 as he rolls through Turn 7 on the inside.

Bruce maintains 120 as he rolls through Turn 7 on the outside, pulling to Tim's outside.

Chris clear the Hairpin at 100.