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Post 01 Apr 2019, 5:13 am

Builds are in - no time for comments right now...

Start Bid Deadline: Wednesday, April 3rd @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 03 Apr 2019, 5:37 am

A three-way tie for the pole w/ Baker winning the dice roll. Not a ton of value for the bids given the even spread but nobody overpaid either.

Turn 1 Deadline: Friday, April 5th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)

Reminder: Deadlines are firm w/ no plots accepted afterwards

Those badges might be a tad too large - I'll adjust if needed. To Chris in the #18 - I have both the white and orange M&M cars if you think the yellow one will be too hard to see on the track.

New drivers: You may push your start speed by 20 mph on the Start table. As with any dice roll, you may use skill to alleviate some risk, often suggested on this table.
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Post 05 Apr 2019, 5:37 am

Over half the field pushes the start and, as usual, there is a mis-shift.

Turn 1 Summary

Baker is out in front at 120 w/ his big chip (modified 0). Harley tucks in behind the leader at 100.

Swaine pushes to 120 w/ 2s (modified 1) to pull up on the right panel of the #27. Fritz also pushes w/ 2s (modified 5) and creates a three-wide going into Spa.

Marvin stays with the front pack at 120 w/ 2s (modified 3). Hancock settles in at 60.

Miller gets the initiative at 100, pulling in front of the #96. Benham pushes to 80 w/ 1s (modified 8) and runs up on the numbers of the Triad Toyota.

Bauska takes it easy at 60. Brandt hits 40 w/ 2s (modified 4) to grab the bumper on the #51.

Peeples attempts 80 w/ 2s (modified 10) but his hand slips on the shifter and he gets dialed back to 40. Brown starts out at 20 in anticipation of catching up quickly with his big engine.

Turn 2 Deadline: Monday, April 8th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)

Note: In case you have trouble seeing the chart, I'm loading it separately as well.
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Post 08 Apr 2019, 5:29 am

The dice gods are grumpy this morning...

Turn 2 Summary

Baker races into Spa on the outer rail at 160 for 2 wear.

Swaine has a notion to get the initiative out of the three-wide. He pushes his top speed (naked 12) but the dice gods slam the door shut on that idea with the boxcars. He re-plots to 160 and gets an earful from his crew chief for red-lining the engine.

At 160, Harley follows the FedEx Toyota into Spa for 2 wear. Swaine can now move at 160. He late brakes to 140 (naked 8) before taking the middle lane for 2 wear.

Fritz, at 140, scrapes off 2 tires and goes early to the chance table with 2s (modified 5) on the inner rail. He manages to keep the car on the pavement and moves up two positions on the leader board. Marvin clips a tire at 100 in the Spa 80's and gets the bonus space.

Miller pulls up to Spa on the inside at 120. Hancock, at 120 and the bonus, pulls even with the Intimidator. At 120, Benham has the bumper of the #3 car.

Bauska rolls towards Spa at 120. Brandt pulls alongside the #51 at 120 and the slip.

Peeples gets across the starting line at 100. Brown brings up the rear at 100.

Turn 3 Deadline: Wednesday, April 10th @ 8 a.m. (12 noon GMT)
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Post 10 Apr 2019, 5:59 am

The lead pack clusters in front of Catlunya while the rest of the field makes their way through Spa.

Turn 3 Summary

Baker grabs the Catalunya line at 160. Fritz pulls into his exhaust at 140.

Harley pulls astride the maroon Dr. Pepper racer at 160. Swaine, at 140, grabs the bumper on the #23.

Marvin finishes out Spa at 100 and sits in a pocket of clean air.

Hancock gets the initiative at 120 & runs Spa for one wear in the 100's. Miller also finds an exit row at 100 in the 80's for a wear.

Benham settle for the middle lane in Spa at 120 and clips a tire in the process.

Bauska races into the outer rail of Spa at 160, dumping two wear for the privilege. Brandt, at 140, burns two tires in the Spa 100's.

Peeples, at 160, scrapes off two tires in the Spa 120's. Brown edges his car into the Spa 120's at 160 at a cost of two wear.

Turn 4 Deadline: Friday, April 12th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
If all plots are in by tomorrow afternoon, you may see an early adjudication. If not, things might be running late on Friday.
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Post 12 Apr 2019, 6:46 am

The big chase pack is getting stacked up in front of Catalunya.

I added green & red dots at the front and end of each line.

Turn 4 Summary

Baker dives into Catalunya on the inside line at 120 for 2 wear. That burn rate is unsustainable!

Fritz runs the outer line at 140 and drops 2 wear for the privilege. Harley clips 2 wear on the inside Catalunya line at 120 and grabs the tailpipe of the race leader.

Swaine preserves his wear at 100 on the outer line for free and gets the bonus space. Marvin races into Catalunya on the outer line at 140 for 2 tires.

Both Miller and Hancock roll out of Spa at 140 apiece. Miller has the outside line.

Benham finishes Spa at 120. Bauska does the same at 160 tucks into the hole between the black and orange machines.

At 140, Brandt sits on the right side panel of the #44. Peeples and Brown finish out Spa, each at 160, with the former getting a bumper.

Turn 5 Deadline: Monday, April 15th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 15 Apr 2019, 10:27 am

The leaders create some separation while the large chase pack in the back navigates Catalunya with no serious issues.

Turn 5 Summary

Baker drops the hammer at 180 as he approaches Silverstone. Harley, at 160, pulls even with the FedEx Toyota with the coveted double slip.

Fritz falls back a car length at 160. Swaine keeps his demoralized engine out of the red at 140.

Marvin finishes out Catalunya at 140 with wear already paid.

Miller attacks Catalunya on the outside line, dropping a wear at 120. Hancock goes inside line at 80 for free.

Bauska stays on the bumper of the black machine at 100 and the slip. Benham rockets into Catalunya at 140 but with his primary path blocked, burns two wear on the outer rail 100's.

Brandt, at 120, finds a home on the outer line for a wear. Peeples follows the green car into the corner at 120, tossing in a wear chip. He has no place to use the slip.

Brown brings up the rear at 120 and grabs the outside line for Catalunya.

Turn 6 Deadline: Wednesday, April 17th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 17 Apr 2019, 6:01 am

The leaders navigate Silverstone while the big engines in the back make their presence felt.

Turn 6 Summary

Baker drops to 140 and clips a precious tire on one of the Silverstone lines. Harley, at 120, runs the same racing line for free. Fritz burns 2 wear at 160 as he gets bumped to the outer rail. He gets hung up but that is of little concern as he's already topping out his engine.

Swaine rolls towards Silverstone at a sedate 140. Marvin, at 160, runs up on the bumper of the McDonald's Chevy.

Miller leads the big chase pack at 160.

Bauska gets initiative at 160 and pulls even with the Intimidator on the bonus. Hancock gives the engine all it has to get to 140.

Benham drops the hammer to 180 and slides in behind the #3 car. Brandt keeps the pace at 160 and the slip.

Peeples is the big mover this turn at 180 and the double bonus. He finds daylight through the traffic and creates a 3-wide into Silverstone. Brown saves his wear at 100 on the Catalunya line. He's got plenty of clean air to work with back there.

Turn 7 Deadline: Friday, April 19th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 18 Apr 2019, 2:02 pm

The dice gods chose not to bless the race leader...

Turn 7 Results

Baker pushes his engine to 200 (naked 10) but he red lines the engine and it coughs up some smoke. Harley, at 180, also needs the dice gods' blessings and with a 2 skill contribution he makes it easily (modified 5). Fritz finishes out Silverstone at 160.

Swaine rolls through the outer line in Silverstone at 140 for a wear. Marvin, also at 140, dives to the inside line and scrapes off 2 tires. He passes the #1 car with the bonus.

Miller clips 2 tires on the outer Silverstone line. With his primary option blocked at 160, Bauska late brakes to 140 (1 wear) before running the inside line for 2 wear. Peeples, last to move from his row at 160, careens around the outer rail and deposits 2 wear.

Benham dumps a tire on the outside Silverstone line at 140 and the bonus. Brandt pulls up to Silverstone on the inner line at 120 and the slip.

Hancock grabs the outer line at 140. Brown makes up some ground as he drops the hammer to 180 on the straight.

Turn 8 Deadline: Monday, April 22nd @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)

I forgot to mark off Harley's 2 skill - his skill bank is empty. I'll correct next turn.
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Post 22 Apr 2019, 5:14 am

No car parts this turn but I did get to test out the new NPR rules.

Turn 8 Summary

Baker heads towards RROC at 160. Harley pulls even at 160 and the bonus.

Fritz and Marvin also follow at 160, each in their own pockets of clean air.

Swaine is content not to push his roughed up engine. He maintains 140 and sits in the middle lane.

Bauska goes to the dice cup at 180 w/ 2s (modified 3). He grabs the tailpipe on the #1 car although that may not offer much promise. Miller pushes to 180 w/ 1s (modified 6) and takes inside position.

Peeples finishes out Silverstone at 160. Benham completes the corner at 140 and tucks in behind the #7 machine.

Brandt rounds Silverstone on the inside line at 100 for free. Hancock takes an RM plot. That runs him through Silverstone on the line at 120 for free with a 1 wear NPR penalty.

Brown clears Silverstone at 140 on the line for a wear.

Turn 9 Deadline: Wednesday, April 24th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 23 Apr 2019, 5:14 am

With all plots in, we get an early jump on Turn 9. The hard deadline for T10 will remain on Friday.

Turn 9 Summary

Baker & Harley take turns on the outer rail of RROC at 120 each. Fritz, at 160, drops 2 wear in RROC and has contact with the race leaders.

Marvin strolls down the straightaway at 160. Swaine continues his torturous plod at 140.

Miller & Bauska, both at 160, set up a 3-wide on the RROC approach.

Peeples, at 180, opts to cede position and get behind the #51 car. Benham, at 180 and the bonus (one space only - no room to use both), tucks in behind the #1 car.

Brandt, Hancock, and Brown plot 180, 160, & 180 respectively and are evenly spread out in the back.

Turn 10 Deadline: Friday, April 26th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
Early adjudication possible w/ all plots in.
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Post 24 Apr 2019, 5:34 am

Some jostling for position through RROC sets up some favorable slips.

Turn 10 Summary

Baker & Harley move towards Estoril at 160 each. Fritz sets up a 3-wide going into Estoril at 160 and the bonus.

Marvin clips 2 tires in the RROC 120's at 160 and continues in his own private air pocket.

Swaine, at 140, burns a wear in the RROC 120's. Miller runs the outer rail for free at 120. Bauska knocks down a wear at 120 on the inner rail and moves up two positions.

Fritz, at 140 and the bonus, scrapes off 2 wear through the middle 100 lane before weaving around the red #1 machine. He's the big gainer, up 3 positions. Peeples, also at 140, drops 2 tires in RROC as he follows the orange racer.

Brandt pulls up to RROC in the middle lane at 160. Hancock continues towards the corner at 160. Brown catches the bumper of the #96 at 180. Contact at last!

Turn 11 Deadline: Friday, April 26th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 25 Apr 2019, 5:07 am

The dice gods are wrathful and the main chase pack gets shuffled again.

Turn 11 Summary

Fritz gets the initiative at 160. He scrubs off 2 tires on the faster Estoril line and takes the race lead! Baker plots 140 then late brakes before the corner (naked 7). He runs the outside line for free at 120. At 120, Harley clips a tire on the slower Estoril line.

Marvin pulls up to Estoril on the fast line at 160.

Benham leaves some horses in the barn at 160.

Bauska drops the hammer to 180 w/ 1s (modified 10) but he must've dropped it on the engine as it coughs up some smoke. He re-plots to 160 and loses initiative.

Peeples, at 180, slides in alongside the orange machine. Bauska can now take his move at 160. Swaine moves last out of the row at 140 and keeps the pace with the bonus.

At 160 and the big double bonus, Miller moves up a few positions to create another three-wide going into Estoril.

Brandt conserves wear at 120 on the RROC outer rail. Hancock burns 2 wear in RROC at 160 and pulls astride the green racer. Brown loses contact again at 100 and the bonus.

Turn 12 Deadline: Monday, April 29th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
I will adjudicate one more turn this week with all plots in by tomorrow.
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Post 26 Apr 2019, 6:00 am

The leaders lead, the chase pack chases, and the back markers mark the back...

Turn 12 Summary

Fritz rolls into Castellet on the outside line for 2 wear at 140. Harley sets up the inside line at 140. Baker grabs the outer line at 140 and the bonus.

Marvin takes the faster Estoril line for free at 120. He's finally getting some company.

Peeples has initiative at 140. He clips 2 tires on the slower Estoril line. Benham is next at 120 and runs the outside line for free. Miller, also at 120, burns a wear on the inner Estoril line.

Bauska goes to his tertiary route at 140 and scrapes off 2 tires in the 100's. Swaine's primaries are also occupied at 140, putting him on the outer rail for a wear.

Brandt pulls up to Estoril at 180 on the inside line. Hancock, at 160, maintains the middle lane. Brown reconnects with the #96 at 180.

Turn 13 Deadline: Monday, April 29th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
No early adjudications. Enjoy the weekend!
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Post 29 Apr 2019, 5:38 am

The primary chase pack is jammed up in front of Castellet...

Turn 13 Summary

Fritz finishes out Castellet at 140 with wear already paid. Harley runs the innermost Castellet line at 100 for a wear. Baker runs the outer line at 100 for free.

Marvin clips a tire at 120 to clear Castellet on the outermost line. Peeples burns 2 wear to clear Castellet on the inside line at 120.

Miller sets up Castellet at 120 on the outside line. Bauska takes the inside line at 140 while Benham is left with the inside lane in front of Castellet, also at 140.

Swaine takes an RM plot (1w) at 140 and sets up behind the #3 racer.

Brandt exceeds his braking ability at 100 for a wear. He runs the innermost Estoril line for free. Both Hancock and Brown take the same line at 100 for free as well.

Turn 14 Deadline: Wednesday, May 1st @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
Trigger option in effect this week.