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Post 03 Dec 2018, 6:48 am

A few more cars get into the Konya/Antalya complex but now a bunch more are ready to pile in...

Turn 12 Summary

Swaine slows to 80 and takes Antalya on the line for free.

Ling comes into Konya hot at 120. He runs the 80's for 2 wear then the Antalya line for 2 more. Beckman takes a more prudent 80 (na ga do it) into Konya on the line for free.

Welage pulls up to Konya on the line at 120. Tatum, also at 120, takes the inside position.

Rae catches up to some traffic at 160 and sets up Konya on the line.

Kennard & Rando trade paint down the straight at 160 apiece. Long makes it three wide at 160 and the bonus.

Marvin drops the hammer to 180 and his engine decides to comply with the request (bal -1, eng +4; 8 = pass). Incorpora pulls into his exhaust at 160.

Brandt keeps up at 160.

Turn 13 Deadline: Wednesday, December 5th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 04 Dec 2018, 3:55 pm

I think my brakes should be cooler. Still.
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Post 05 Dec 2018, 6:35 am

Lots of fun stuff this turn!

Note: I corrected Rando's chart. I had meant to cool his brakes last turn (belatedly) but instead reduced his engine mod by 1. All fixed now. From a PBEM perspective this system is a bit harder on the RM for tracking stuff.

Turn 13 Summary

Swaine pushes his engine to hit 140 across the S/F line (bal+3; eng+1; 11=pass). Brakes cool at the time trap. Note that the engine mod can go negative with another push.

Ling finishes out Antalya at 120. Beckman burns 2 tires at 100 through the Antalya 60's.

Tatum completes the corner complex at 80 for 1 wear (60 then line). Welage does the same in opposite fashion (line, 60/80).

Rae, at 100, rolls to the outside in Konya for a wear before taking the Antalya line for another.

Kennard comes in hot on Konya at 140. He runs the outer rail for 2 wear and a chance roll (bal+3; 11 = pass). He has no problem keeping control of the wheel. Note the loss of 1 balance for the roll.

Rando gets his preferred route on the Konya line at 120 for 2 tires. Long drops a tire on the Konya line at 100.

Marvin pulls up to Konya on the line at 140. Incorpora takes inside position on the #78 at 140 and the bonus. Brandt brings up the rear at 160.

Turn 14 Deadline: Friday, December 7th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 07 Dec 2018, 6:55 am

A slew of wear chips are anted up by the back markers, some of it probably not intentional.

Turn 14 Summary

Swaine, running on close to bald tires, drops into the outer lane of Istanbul at 100 for free. Ling pulls up to Istanbul in the middle at 140. Beckman moseys across the S/F line at 140.

Tatum and Welage fly out of Antalya at 140 each, trading paint the whole way.

Rae finishes out the Antalya line at 100.

Rando rounds the Antalya 80's at 120 for 2 wear before grabbing the wing on the #7 machine. Kennard clips 2 tires on the Antalya line at 120 to pull up alongside the red & black Chevy.

Long burns a wear on the Antalya 80's at 100.

Marvin has initiative at 100. He drops a wear in the Konya 80's before shedding another on the Antalya line. Incorpora over brakes to 80 (1w). He loses a tire in the Konya 60 and another in the Antalya 60.

Brandt over brakes to 80 (1w) before running the Konya line for free.

Turn 15 Deadline: Monday, December 10th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 10 Dec 2018, 7:57 am

Short write-up today...

Turn 15 Summary

Swaine continues at 100. Ling pulls in behind, 100 on the outer rail.

Beckman drops 1 at 80 through 60 spot.

Tatum burns 2 wear, outer rail Istanbul at 140. Welage pulls up at 100.

Rae, at 160, takes outside lane. Kennard gets inside at 160.

Rando can't use slip at 160. Cools brakes.

Long down straight at 160.

Marvin stays on tail at 140 plus bonus. Incorpora tucks in behind Marvin at 140.

Brandt clips a wear at 80 in 60's.

Turn 16 Deadline: Wednesday, December 12th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 11 Dec 2018, 6:25 pm

All plots in so we get an early trigger. I will retain the Friday deadline for T17 but if all plots in by Thursday, I can go then.

Turn 16 Summary

Swaine grabs the Ankara line at 100. Ling pulls up next to the red machine at 120.

Beckman rolls towards Ankara at 140 to set up the line. Tatum finishes out Istanbul at 140.

At 140 and the initiative, Rae burns 2 tires in the Istanbul 100's. Kennard drops 2 wear in the Istanbul 80's at 120.

Welage rolls around Istanbul on the outer rail for free at 100. Rando plots 120 then grabs the dice cup to late brake to 100 (bal +3, bk -1, bk +2; 15 = pass). He rides the Istanbul 100's for free and catches the #27 with the bonus.

Long clips a tire in the Istanbul 80's at 100. Marvin scrapes off 2 wear at 100 in the 60's.

Incorpora pulls up to Istanbul in the middle lane at 100. Brandt hits the gas pedal to cross the S/F line at 140.

Turn 17 Deadline: Friday, December 14th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 13 Dec 2018, 9:01 am

Ankara is putting some punishment on the tires. Over half the field is in the single digits with most of two laps remaining.

Turn 17 Summary

Swaine knocks down one of his remaining tires at 80 on the Ankara line. Ling rolls through the 80's for a wear and blocks the line.

Beckman burns 2 tires with the 40/60 combo at 80. He nabs a position from the #88 car. Tatum clips a tire on the Ankara line at 80.

Kennard takes the initiative at 120 before late braking to 100 (bal +2, brk +2; 12 = pass). He rolls into Ankara on the line for 2 wear. At 100, Rae is pushed to the Ankara 60's, also for 2 wear.

Welage addresses Ankara on the line at 120. Rando, at 100, opts for the inside lane over the line.

Long gets initiative at 140 and is pleased to find an open racing line. Marvin pulls in behind the McDonald's Chevy at 120.

Incorpora scrapes off 2 wear at 120 in the Istanbul 80's. Brandt is docked a wear in the Istanbul 80's at 100 but he's got plenty to spare.

Turn 18 Deadline: Monday, December 17th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
Weekend deadlines are being avoided so the official deadline is Monday. Having said that, I will adjudicate if all plots are in before then.
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Post 17 Dec 2018, 6:12 am

A new race leader emerges...

Turn 18 Summary

Swaine pulls up to Izmir on the line at 120.

Beckman takes inside position and the lead at 140. Ling tucks in behind the blue machine at 120.

Tatum, at 120 and the bonus, grabs the wing of the red #25. Kennard increases speed to 120 but can't quite close with the lead pack.

Rae finishes out Ankara at 100. Welage clips a tire on the Ankara line at 80.

Rando burns a wear in the Ankara 60's at 80 and blocks the line. Long, with the line blocked, follows the #1 car for a wear at 80.

Nor can Marvin use the line as he gets hung in the 60's for a wear at 80. Incorpora does find the Ankara line, costing 2 wear at 100.

Brandt addresses Ankara on the line at 140.

Turn 19 Deadline: Wednesday, December 19th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 18 Dec 2018, 7:06 am

The cars wind through the narrow track without incident.

Turn 19 Summary

Beckman burns 2 wear at 120 on the outer rail of Izmir. He has the Bursa line. Swaine runs the Izmir line for free at 80 before tucking in on the wing of the #24.

Ling takes the Izmir line for free at 80 (no slip requested). Tatum, also at 80, runs the outer rail for free and has the bumper on the Armour Chevy.

Kennard rolls into Izmir on the line for free at 80 while cooling his brakes at the time trap.

Rae hustles into Izmir for 2 wear at 120. He sits on the outer lane. Welage addresses Izmir on the line at 120.

Long has initiative at 140. Rando pulls in on his tailpipe at 120.

Both Incorpora and Marvin miss opportunities to increase speed mid-corner. Incorpora continues at 100 while Marvin stands pat at 80.

Brandt clips a tire at 80 on the Ankara line. He still has twice as much wear as the next highest car.

Turn 20 Deadline: Thursday, December 20th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 19 Dec 2018, 10:58 am

The cars remain orderly through the narrow section of track.

Turn 20 Summary

Beckman runs the Bursa and Adana lines for free at 120. Swaine, also at 120, gets the Bursa line then uses the bonus to punch into Adana on the outer rail.

Ling takes Bursa on the line at 120. Tatum eschews the Bursa line to take the outer rail and with the slip crawls right back up on Ling's bumper.

Kennard and Rae find themselves on the Bursa line at 120 each.

Welage drops to 80, taking the Izmir line for free before nabbing the Bursa line.

Long and Rando take turns running the Izmir line at 80.

Incorpora pulls into Izmir on the line at 100 for a wear. Marvin follows the black machine right up to the corner.

Brandt not only makes contact with the field at 140 but gains a position.

Turn 21 Deadline: Friday, December 21st @ 12 noon EST (5 p.m. GMT)
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Post 20 Dec 2018, 5:21 pm

Not much movement in the standings...

Turn 21 Summary

Beckman clips a tire in the Gaziantep line at 140. Swaine prepares the Gaziantep line after increasing speed to 140.

Ling runs the Adana line for free at 140 before grabbing the bumper on the red machine. Tatum stays attached to the wing of the #88, also at 140.

Kennard continues Bursa at 120 and takes Adana for free through the 120 spot. Rae also finishes out Bursa at 120 but sticks to the Adana line.

Welage and Long take the Bursa line for free, in succession, at 120.

Rando rolls to the outer rail of Bursa at 120 and the bonus to stay on the tailpipe of the Subway Toyota. Incorpora takes Bursa on the line at 120.

Brandt burns 2 tires in the Izmir 80's and grabs the Bursa line. Marvin drops 2 wear on the Izmir line at 120 and scoots in front of the Pennzoil car, taking Bursa on the outer rail for free.

Turn 22 Deadline: Saturday, December 22nd @ 4 p.m. EST (12 midnight GMT)
Turn 23 Deadline: Monday, December 24th
Turn 24 Deadline: Thursday, December 27th
There may be some mushiness in the above deadlines and into January. I'll be in Chicago from the 26th through the 30th before setting off to a conference early January.
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Post 22 Dec 2018, 8:22 am

The race remains fairly quiet as the lead pack heads into the back stretch.

Turn 22 Summary

Beckman finishes Gaziantep at 140. Swaine rolls through Gaziantep on the line at 120 for free.

Ling stays on the bumper of the Marines Ford, also at 120 (eschewing the slip... this turn). Tatum pulls up next to the #88 Chevy at 120 and the bonus.

Kennard runs the Gaziantep line at 120 and gets daylight next turn. Rae runs in right behind the white Ford, also at 120.

Welage takes the Adana line at 140 for free. He has the Gaz. line. Long gains a position at 140 on the Adana line and the bonus.

Rando switches bumpers at 140 (Adana line) and the slip. Incorpora finishes out Bursa at 120 before rolling through Adana.

Marvin, at 120, takes the inner rail of Adana. Brandt burns a wear at 140 on the Bursa line before running the outer rail in Adana.

Turn 23 Deadline: Monday, December 24th @ 4 p.m. EST (9 p.m. GMT)
Turn 24 Deadline: Wednesday, December 27th, time TBD.
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Post 24 Dec 2018, 10:19 am

The field has separated into three fairly discrete packs...

Turn 23 Summary

At 140, Beckman's engine has allowed the primary chase pack to pull into his exhaust. Swaine idles some of his horses and grabs the tailpipe of the blue machine at 160.

Ling pulls up on the numbers of the red Ford at 160 and the bonus. At 160, Tatum sits on the wing of the #25.

Kennard pulls out of Gaziantep at 160 and is the only car not in traffic. Rae ups his speed to 140 in the increasing speed segment of Gaziantep.

Long burns 2 tires through Gaziantep at 140. He has the bumper of the Accell Chevy. Welage drops a wear on the Gaziantep line at 140 to stay even with the green machine.

Rando runs the Gaziantep line at 120 and utilizes the draft to stay with the pack. He opts to stick with the #27. Incorpora conserves wear at 120 on the Gaziantep line.

Brandt has the initiative at 160. He rolls into Gaziantep on the outer rail at 160 for 2 wear. Marvin, at 140, takes the line for a wear and is able to maintain his position on the #22.

Turn 24 Deadline: Thursday, December 27th @ 9 a.m. EST (2 p.m. GMT)
There will be no early trigger. Enjoy the holiday!
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Post 27 Dec 2018, 10:17 am

Position battles on the back stretch...

Turn 24 Summary

Beckman continues at 140. Ling has the initiative at 160 to pull alongside the blue racer.

Swaine moves next at 140 and the bonus and sets up a 3-wide going into Konya. Tatum gets the slip at 140 and tucks in behind the tan Chevy.

Kennard drops the hammer to 180 (bal +2; eng +1: 8 = pass) and still has a cushion around him. Rae rolls down the straight at 160.

Welage pushes his engine to 180 and gets the initiative (bal +1; eng +4: 8 = pass). He sits on the side panel of the #7. Long at 160 and the bonus, makes it a 3-wide on the long stretch.

Rando keeps ups with his mini-pack at 160 and the slip (no room to use the double). Incorpora pulls into the back stretch at 160.

Marvin and Brandt each finish out Gaziantep at 160 with the former getting a bumper.

Both Kennard and Rando cool their brakes at the time trap.

Turn 25 Deadline: Saturday, December 29th @ 9 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 28 Dec 2018, 10:42 pm

A big wear dump from the leaders and some braking in the peleton.

Turn 25 Summary

At 120, Beckman dumps 2 wear in the Konya 80's followed by 2 more on the Antalya line. Ling. also at 120, goes opposite - 2 wear on the Konya line and 2 in the Antalya 80's.

Swaine goes last at out of his row at 120 before late braking in front of the corner (bal +3, brk +2: 14 = pass). He takes the Konya 80's for 1 tire. Tatum, at 80, rolls through Konya on the line for free and also gets the bonus.

Kennard hard brakes to 100 on the dice (bal +2, brk +2: 14 = pass). He takes the line. Rae, at 160 takes the outer lane next to the #6.

Welage moves next out of the 3-wide at 160 and settles for the inside lane. Long, also at 160, finds no room at the inn. He late brakes with a wear and takes the line.

Rando pulls to the inside of the green racer at 140 and the slip. Incorpora rolls through the kink at 160.

Brandt gets the initiative at 160 and tucks in behind the black machine. Marvin plots 140 and receives the bonus.

Turn 26 Deadline: Tuesday, January 1st @ 9 a.m. EST (2 p.m. GMT)
Very busy through the end of the year but if all plots are in I may be able to squeeze another turn out.