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Post 04 Mar 2019, 6:22 am

No changes in relative position this turn while two more cars get the white flag.

Turn 23 Summary

Peeples burns a wear at 100 through the Senna 80's. Burnett also drops a wear at 100 on the same route.

Simmerman clips a tire in Senna as he rolls into the corner at 120. Harrington stays on his heels at 120, no wear expended in Senna... yet.

Scarpino scrapes off two wear on the Wall of Champions line at 120. Weisen, at 100, tosses two wear in the 60's.

Ingraham pulls up to the Wall, on the line, at 120. Bernhardt, at 140, grabs the bumper on the #78.

Harley uses his big engine to hit 160 on the Casino straight.

Bertaiola pushes his stressed engine to 100 (naked 8). Lind takes a fairly innocuous NPR to finish out Epingle at 80. A busy Prezcon weekend may have contributed to Michael's omission.

Mater makes an appearance to haul Hoyt's smoking wreck to the paddock while the driver gets checked out by the medics.

Turn 24 Deadline: Wednesday, March 6th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 06 Mar 2019, 6:14 am

Half the field is now in the final lap.

Turn 24 Summary

Peeples runs the C3/C4 complex for free at 100. Burnett, also at 100, stays with the race leader.

Simmerman stays on the outside of Senna at 120. Harrington drops to 80 and dumps a wear on the inner rail in Senna. He has the bumper of the yellow machine.

Scarpino rolls into Senna at 120 for a wear. Weisen hits the first row in Senna at 120 for free.

Ingraham clips a tire on the Wall of Champions line at 100. Bernhardt does the same to keep the pace.

Harley pulls up to the Wall at 140 on the line. Bertaiola and Lind both roll down the Casino straight at a sedate 120.

Hoyt gets a clean bill of health from the medical tent. He settles in to watch the rest of the race with cold beverage in hand.

Turn 25 Deadline: Friday, March 8th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 08 Mar 2019, 6:01 am

A quiet turn with battles looming?

Turn 25 Summary

Peeples conserves wear on the Concorde line at 80. Burnett wisely plots 80 as well and enters Concorde on the line.

Simmerman runs the C3/C4 complex at 100 for free. Harrington does the same to keep the pace with the #22.

Scarpino decelerates to 100, finishing out Senna in the 80's (wear already paid) before clearing C3. Weisen, at 80, burns a tire in the Senna 60.

Ingraham flies into Senna at 120 and clips a tire as the corner speed drops to 100. Bernhardt also comes in at 120 but expends no wear yet.

Harley runs the Wall on the line for free at 80. Bertaiola address the Wall on the line at 140. Lind takes an RM plot of 100 (2nd NPR of the race & lap).

Turn 26 Deadline: Monday, March 11th @ 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. GMT)
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Post 11 Mar 2019, 5:09 am

A bold move in the back creates some interest this turn...

Turn 26 Summary

Peeples pushes his engine to 120 w/ his big chip (auto-pass) and has the next line. Burnett increases speed to 100 as he clears Concorde.

Simmerman and Harrington find the other side of Concorde at 80 each for free on the line.

Scarpino preps Concorde on the line at 100. Simmerman takes down the C3/C4 complex at 100.

Ingraham drops to 100 through the Senna 80's with already paid wear. Bernhardt continues at 120. He dives to the inside rail with two wear and a chance roll using his red chip (modified 4). He then burns another wear in the C3 100 to move up the leaderboard.

Harley stops in front of Senna at 120. Bertaiola clips a tire on the Wall of Champions line at 100. Lind drops 2 wear on the same line at 120.

Turn 27 Deadline: Wednesday, March 12th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 13 Mar 2019, 7:35 am

All cars are in Lap 3 with some one-on-one racing for position in the middle...

Turn 27 Summary

Peeples drops a wear on the C8 line at 120 but he's still got a good amount of tire left. Burnett, in conservation mode, runs the line at 100 for free.

Scarpino clips two tires in Concorde on the line at 120. Weisen burns one on the Concorde line at 100.

Bernhardt rolls through C4 at 100 and grabs the Concorde line. Ingraham scrapes off two wear at 120, one each in C3 & C4, and pulls up to the #43 on the inside.

With bald tires, Harley pokes his way through Senna at 80 for free and gets hung up in the process.

Bertaiola pulls into Senna at 100. Lind, at 140, sits just outside of the corner.

Turn 28 Deadline: Friday, March 15th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 13 Mar 2019, 11:49 am

Peeples extends his lead by about 0.5 seconds on lap 2
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Post 15 Mar 2019, 5:10 am

I can't recall ever seeing cars strung out on a track like this before...

Turn 28 Summary

Peeples, at 140, addresses the Hairpin on the inside line with all options still open. Burnett cruises towards the Hairpin at his max speed of 140.

Simmerman knocks down a wear in C8 at 120 on the line. Harrington runs the C8 line for free at 100 and keeps the pace with the bonus.

Scarpino clears C8 at 100 on the line. Weisen pull up to C8 on the line at 120.

Ingraham takes the Concorde 80's for a wear at 100 then parks on the line. With the line blocked, Bernhardt takes his 100 through the 80's for a wear while regaining position. The battle continues!

Harley continues through Senna at 80 and clears C3. Bertaiola drops to 80 and bumps a wear in the Senna 60. Lind, at 100, clips a tire in the Senna 80's.

Turn 29 Deadline: Monday, March 18th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 18 Mar 2019, 5:21 am

The leader clears the hairpin with his under-powered machine while several cars stack up on the approach.

Turn 29 Summary

Peeples clips 2 tires on the outer line of the Hairpin at 120. Burnett sets up the Hairpin on the outside at 100.

Simmerman and Harrington line up on the middle line at 120 each.

Scarpino, at 160, catches up to the next car on the approach. Weisen runs C8 on the line for free at 100.

Bernhardt protects his position by plotting 140. He late brakes to 120 w/ 1s (modified 5) before taking the C8 line for 1 wear. Ingraham sets up the C8 line at 100.

Harley addresses the Concorde line at 100. Bertaiola clears the C3/C4 complex at 100. Lind runs C3 at 100.

Hoyt is looking a little wobbly after quaffing several Molson's in the pits.

Turn 30 Deadline: Wednesday, March 20th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 20 Mar 2019, 6:09 am

The Hairpin takes out the Miller Lite #2 car!

Turn 30 Summary

Peeples rolls down the Casino at 140. Burnett is now on bald tires, dropping his last wear in the Hairpin at 100.

Simmerman bumps off 2 tires at 100 through the middle line. He has the bumper of the green machine. Harrington burns a wear on the outer Hairpin line at 100 and gets hung up.

At 120, Scarpino's route is blocked. With no alternatives provided, he goes to his personal defaults which say to roll the dice on the chance table as he attempts the inside line (naked 12). Egads - boxcars!

Weisen uses his big engine to race towards the Hairpin at 180.

Bernhardt finishes out C8 at 120. Ingraham takes C8 for free at 100 on the line.

Harley runs the Concorde line for free at 80. Bertaiola clips a tire on the Concorde line at 100. Lind enters Concorde, on the line, at 80.

Turn 31 Deadline: Friday, March 22nd @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 20 Mar 2019, 6:19 am

Bernhardt covered the field the final time through sector 1
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Post 22 Mar 2019, 5:21 am

The podium is looking firm with Peeples already giving a victory wave to the crowd. Simmerman should be able to push past Burnett with his wear advantage for 2nd and the series championship. Any drama that remains are in the two-by-two battles for 4th and 6th. The promotion schedule looks solid as well, with the podium finishers and Ingraham advancing to C3. Harley would need to pass three cars to bump Peeples, something that does not seem likely to happen barring more crashes.

Turn 31 Summary

Peeples rolls past the Casino at 140, on his way to his first Redscape victory.

Burnett punches up to his max speed at 140. Simmerman, also at 140 and with the bonus, pulls up on the numbers of the Subway Toyota.

Harrington finishes out the Hairpin at 100. Weisen clips 2 tires on the outer Hairpin line at 120. He has the bumper of the Wade Foundation Ford.

Bernhardt addresses the Hairpin on the outside line at 140. At 160, Ingraham pulls up into the exhaust of the baby blue Smithfield machine.

Harley, at 100, grabs the C8 line. Bertaiola runs to the inside of the Richmond Chevy at 120.

Lind misses his chance to increase speed in the Concorde; he stays at 80.

Mater makes another appearance while Federico wipes the soot from his face and joins Mike in the pits. A shot and a beer for both before popping another bottle of bubbly.

Turn 32 Deadline: Monday, March 25th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 25 Mar 2019, 5:27 am

Barring a mis-plot, we will have a victor next turn. The back markers will extend our race for another few weeks, though!

Turn 32 Summary

Peeples scrapes off his last bit of rubber in the Wall of Champions. He takes the line for free and is poised to cross the finish line next turn.

Simmerman has the initiative at 160. He takes the lead for the series championship and is not likely to give it up. With no wear left, Burnett slows it down to 120 with the Wall in sight. He will have some company next turn.

Harrington rolls past the Casino at 160. Weisen pushes his big engine to 200 w/ 2s (modified 5). The crowd roars with approval as he passes the purple car then does him the favor of putting him in a slip position.

Bernhardt clips a tire on the Hairpin line at 100. He's got one left for the Wall. Ingraham drops a wear on the same racing line, also at 100. This battle pits a bigger engine against more tread.

Harley has the initiative at 100 and takes C8 for free on the line. Bertaiola runs C8 for free on the 80's at 80. He blocks the line but Harley was already through.

Lind knocks down one of his wear at 120 on the C8 line. He has 5 wear for 2 corners. I'm sure he'll find a way to use them for good purpose!

Turn 33 Deadline: Wednesday, March 27th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 27 Mar 2019, 5:27 am

Peeples brings home the checkered flag, drama free!

Turn 33 Summary

Peeples cruises across the finish line at 140. Congratulations!

Simmerman rolls towards the Wall at 140 then late brakes before reaching it. He takes the line for 2 wear and is poised for 2nd place. Burnett, with bald tires, pulls up to the chicane at 80 on the line.

Weisen, at 120, sits on the inside lane. Harrington creates a Subway sandwich at 140.

Bernhardt pushes his engine to 180 with 2s (modified 9) and needing every one of those skill chips. Ingraham goes to the dice cup on the ACC with his last chip (modified 6) then again for top speed (naked 3). He has the bumper of the baby blue Smithfield car.

Harley grabs the outer line for Epingle at 160. Bertaiola plots 140 but his beleaguered engine will only allow 120 with a push using 2s (modified 3). Lind pulls up on the numbers of the #96 at 160.

Turn 34 Deadline: Friday, March 29th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 29 Mar 2019, 7:27 am

The C4 Series Champion crosses the line with a battle for the last podium spot brewing behind him.

Turn 34 Results

Simmerman crosses the finish line at 120 for 2nd place and the C4 Championship! On to C3 and the Redscape Race of Champions.

Weisen burns his last two tires in the chicane at 100. Harrington goes next, also at 100 and dropping two wear. The Senna curve does come into play on your final turn so keep that in mind as you plot.

Burnett, with his promotion locked in and nothing to gain, plays it safe at 80 in the Wall of Champions.

Bernhardt pulls up the Wall on the line at 160. Ingraham, at 160 and the slip (per personal defaults) runs up on the inside of the #43.

Harley plots 100 then late brakes in front of the hairpin (naked 4). He runs the outside line for free.

Lind has the initiative at 160. He late brakes in front of the corner to 120 w/ 1 wear and 2s on the brake table (modified 4). Two wear come off his tires in the corner. Bertaiola, at 100, goes all the way inside in Epingle for 2 wear and a chance roll with his big chip (modified 3).

Turn 35 Deadline: Monday, April 1st @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 29 Mar 2019, 11:52 am

Scarpino made up some time through sector 2
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