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Post 06 Mar 2019, 12:39 pm

The leaders navigate the 3-4 corner complex as fights remerge in the back.

Turn 25 is due Friday at Noontime Eastern

Justin maintains 100 as he runs the inside of Corner 4 and lines up for the line for Concorde.

Bruce Rae slows to 100 and follows Justin through the 3-4 Complex as he pulls onto the line behind him.

Jack slows to 80 as he runs the inside line through Virage Senna on already payed wear before pulling into the inside of Corner 3.

Bruce Munies slows to 100 and burns 2 tires on the inside of Virage Senna before pulling up behind Jack at the entrance of Corner 3.

Joshua maintains 120 as he burns 2 tires running the middle lane through Virage Senna

Franklin slows to 100 and tucks inside in the first bend of Virage Senna.

Sean maintains 120 and pulls outside of Franklin in Virage Senna at the cost of 2 Wear.

Tony pulls up to Virage Senna at 140.

Chris spends 2 wear as he shoots the line though the Wall of Champions Chicane.
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Post 09 Mar 2019, 11:36 am

The field stays in lock step as they naviate through the front end of the course

Turn 26 is due Monday at 9pm Eastern

Bruce Rae stays on Justin's tail as the two navigate Concorde at 80

Jack, Bruce Munies and Joshua each roll through the 3-4 Complex at 100 as they set for Concorde.

Sean pulls ahead of Franklin as he maintains 120 and runs outside through the back end of Virage Senna

Franklin slows to 80 and runs the middle lane of Virage Senna, pulling behind Sean.

Tony slows to 120 and runs the middle lane of Virage Senna, pulling to the outside of Franklin for 2 Wear.

Chris accelerates to 140 and runs outside as he enters Virage Senna for 2 Wear.
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Post 09 Mar 2019, 11:42 am

Rae led the lap by less than 1 second.
Montreal C3 summary.png
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Post 11 Mar 2019, 8:59 pm

Turn 27 is Due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern

Justin accelerates to 100 as he lines up for Corner 6.

Bruce Rae begins a new challenge for the lead as he pulls inside of Justin at 120.

Jack eases his way through concorde at 80 running the line.

Bruce Munies dives into the inside of Concorde at 100, burning 2 wear with Jack on the line, and pulling to his inside.

Joshua maintains 100 and runs the inside through corner 4 and the line through Concorde for 1 Wear.

Sean maintains 120 and runs the outside lanes through 3 and 4.

Franklin accelerates to 120 and runs the outside of 3 before tucking inside at 4, pulling inside of Sean.

Tony maintains 120 in hopes of sneaking to the line. Unfortunently he finds a wall of car ahead of him and is forces to run 3 and 4 outside to slow down.

Chris rolls out of Virage Senna at 100 before cutting inside of corner 3.
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Post 13 Mar 2019, 10:47 pm

So it came to my attention that Franklin did request a slip from Sean. This changes things a bit for the back group.

1. Franklin would be a space ahead, on the line.
2. With the inside not blocked, Tony would be able to do his secondary move, running outside at 3 and then inside at 4 for 1 Wear.

Updated Graphic is below. Due to that I will be at events starting tommarow till late and that I do have moves from everyone I am not going to set a time deadline. Simply moves will lock once the turn has processed. Apologies for the error and delays!
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Post 14 Mar 2019, 10:04 pm

Choas at the rear of the field!

RM Note:

For anyone looking at the standings tiebreakers are as follows.

#1 Best Result
#2 Second Best Result
#3 Most Recent Result.

By that, Bruce Rae takes first tie breaker being currently in the Win, and Bruce Munies takes third tiebreak for a currently better placement in Montreal.

Turn 28 is Due Saturday at 9pm Eastern. The turn will very likely be processed late, but moves will not be accepted after the deadline.

Bruce Rae pulls a crossover as he runs the inside lane of Corner 8 at 100 for 1 Wear

Justin keeps up with Bruce at 100 as he runs the line through the line for Corner 8 and stays to Bruce's outside.

Bruce Munies pulls away from Jack as he bolts down the line into Corner 8 at 120 for 1 Wear.

Jack maintains 100 and runs up to the line of Corner 8.

Joshua accelerates to 140 and pulls to the inside of Jack.

Franklin takes the conservative approach to Concorde as he runs the line for 80 and blocks it to the two behind him.

Seeing Franklin slowing, Sean attempts to take the long way into Concorde, flying into the corner at 140 along the outside. Unfortunately he misjudges his entry and sends the car into a tailspin, spinning out in the turn! (Chance 11-3=8, Spin.)

Tony rolls up to the corner at 120 before seeing the spinning car out in front of him. Slamming the breaks to 100 for 1 wear to avoid Sean, he maneuvers the car through the inside of the corner at the cost of 2 wear, before pulling up alongside Franklin as he clears.

Chris maintains 100 as he approaches the choas, and runs through the inside of Corner 4 for free
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Post 15 Mar 2019, 2:57 am

The 3 fastest separated by only 1.003 mph the final time through sector 1.
Montreal C3 summary.png
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Post 16 Mar 2019, 10:24 pm

Turn 29 is due Monday at 9PM Eastern

Bruce Rae crosses back over on Justin as they pull twoards epingle and attempts to gain a lead by pushing for 160. Unfortunently pop and a drop in revs signals to him that he mis-shifted and damaged his transmission, causing him only to make 140. (Acc 10, -20 ACC, -20 Plot). He runs down the middle to pull to the inside line for Epingle.

Justin keeps neck and neck with Bruce at 140, pulling towards his outside.

Bruce Munies maintains 120 as he clears the corner and runs inside.

Joshua slows to 120 and runs Corner 8 along the inside for 2 Wear, before pulling in behind Bruce Munies

Bruce follows Joshua through on the line at 120, before pulling as far inside as possible.

Tony keeps up his Torrid pace as he accelertates to 140 and pushes into Corner 8 along the line for 2 Wear.

Franklin settles for approaching the corner as he hits the line at its entrance at 120.

The Radio coming from Sean's team is of anger. It seems in trying to restart, the driver shifting wrong and wrecked his gearbox. He now has to sit tight until the marshalls can pull him off track. (4th NPR, Exceeded limit, Out of Race)

Chris pushes along the Concorde line at 120, costing him 2 Wear.
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Post 18 Mar 2019, 7:06 pm

Turn 30 is due Wendesday at 9PM Eastern

Justin slows to 120 and outraces Bruce Rae into the corner, retaking the lead as he runs the outside Epingle Line at 120.

Bruce Rae decides to not push it as hard and instead ducks in behind Justin on the outside line at 100 for 1 Wear.

Bruce Munies cruises up to Epingle at 140, taking the outside line.

Joshua uses the slip off Bruce to pull up beside him at 140 taking the inside line.

Jack accelerates to 120 and rolls down the straight.

Tony maintains 140 as he clears Corner 8 and rolls down the straight.

Franklin slows to 100 and runs the line through Corner 8 before sliding middle.

Chris maintains 120 and runs the line through Corner 8 for 1 Wear.
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Post 20 Mar 2019, 8:54 pm

Turn 31 is Due Friday at 9PM Eastern

Justin accelerates out of the corner at 160 and blasts down the straight.

Bruce Rae follows him out at 120, gaining a little extra off his slipstream.

Bruce Munies pulls back ahead of Joshua, going 120 as he runs the outside line through Epingle for 2 Wear

Joshua keeps pace with Bruce as he runs 100 through the inside line of Epingle for 2 Wear.

Jack decides to be brave. Racing into the corner at 100, he wrestles his car through on the middle line and is able to carve his way powerfully into the corner on his worn down tires, spending his last point of wear.(4-3=1, Success)

Tony goes 120 and pulls to the outside line.

Franklin pushes his engine to 180(4-2=2 Success) and blazes up beside Tony on the inside line.

Chris swiftly shifts up gear to 160 and barrels down the straight twoards Epingle.
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Post 21 Mar 2019, 5:00 am

Quite a spread of speeds through sector 2
Montreal C3 summary.png
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Post 23 Mar 2019, 12:56 am

RM: Apologies for the delays. No deadline movement though due to enough time.

Justin tampers his speed a bit, rolling down the straight at 140. Bruce Rae shadows him as best he can at the same speed.

Bruce Munies out drags Joshua down the straight at 160, with Joshua deciding not to risk is beleaguered engine and follow him at 140, pulling into his slipstream.

Jack rolls out of Epingle at 100 and pulls inside.

Franklin and Tony roll through Epingle at 100 and 120 respetively, each spending 2 Wear with Franklin locking his breaks to make sure he can make it through (5, Success)

Chris also slams the breakes as well spending 2 wear as he runs the inside line (9-2=7, Success).
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Post 25 Mar 2019, 8:30 pm

Turn 33 is due Wendesday at 9pm Eastern.

Justin maintains 100 and he burns his last wear through the Chicane and sets up for the finish, no challenges in view!

Behind him, the competition for Championship and Promotion heats up, as with no tires left, Bruce Rae must slow to 100 to set up for the Wall of Champions. He is met by Bruce Munies and Joshua, going 160 each, with Joshua having the slip. Bruce Munies slides inside of him, and Joshua outside, leading to a 3 wide dash toward the chicane!

Jack pushes his engine to make it to 140 and succeeds (6-1=6, Success).

Franklin also pushes for every one he can out of his engine and is able to get it one more time. Blazing down the track at 180, he pulls up to the outside of Jack.

Tony watches Franklin go and he deftly shifts upward to 160 (Top Auto Success) and pulls in behind Jack.

Chris hurries down the straight at 140
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Post 27 Mar 2019, 8:20 pm

Turn 34 is Due Friday at 9pm Eastern for everyone except Justin whos finished.

Justin goes 140 and crosses the line to win the race with fan fare, pulling down the middle for style!

Having the optimal line, Bruce Rae splits the other two at 100 and runs the line through the Wall of Champions Chicane for his last wear, the line in sight.

With nothing left to spare on his tires, Bruce Munies attempts to slam the breaks to be able to make the Wall of Champions chicane. Unfortunently he overcooks it, and spins out in front of the corner! (10, FAIL -20 DEC, SPIN due to no wear remaning)

Joshua slams his breaks to slow to 80 to make the Wall of Champions chicane, burning his last tire, before padding them agian and with a good response is able to slow to 60 (10-2=8 SUCCESS), and pulls through the chicane before tucking inside. He sees the finish line ahead of him, and thanks to Bruce's Misfortune, the Championship!

Franklin out paces Jack and rolls down to the line for the Wall of Champions chance, pulling to Bruce Munies' outside in the process.

Jack pushes his car to 120 and tucks in behind Franklin on the line for the Wall.

Tony maintains 140 and rolls up to the corner, tucking in behind Bruce and inside of Jack

Chris blazes down the straight at 160, closing on the group ahead of him.
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Post 29 Mar 2019, 8:16 pm

RM Notes: Alrighty it's very much shaping up that Monday will be the last turn. I hope you all have enjoyed this season and are able to enjoy the next!

Agian to reinterate as it will affect promotion, the tie breakers go: Best result, Second Best Result, Most Recent Result. Due to this, Bruce Rae has the tiebreaker over Bruce Munies as he finished second at Montreal.

Turn 35 is Due Monday at 9pm Eastern for all drivers outside of the Podium

Bruce Rae crosses the line at 100 and eases his way into Virage as he finished 2nd.

Joshua nurses his engine across the line at 100 and finishes in 3rd, the champioship in hand!

Franklin rolls through the Wall of Champions Chicane at 120, dashing away from the spun out Bruce Munies for 2 Wear, the line just ahead. With the pass, Franklin finds himself 1 point to the good for Promotion.

Bruce Munies reorients himself and restarts his car at 60. Manuvering through the wall of champions chicane, he slides to the inside.

Tony squeezes through the wall of Champions chicane at 100 for 2 wear, before passing Bruce Munies and tucks up in front of him.

Jack pulls up to the chicane on the line at 100, before slamming the breaks. He gets a good response from them at 80(5-2=3, Success) and angles his way through the line, ending outside of Bruce Munies.

Chris tries to overbreak to slow to the corner. Unfortunently the sound of grinding beaks tell him they stuggled as he smokes his tires locking up, costing him a wear (12-1=11, Fail -20 Dec, 1 Wear). He wrestles the car under control as he slows to 100, and eases the car through the line of the Wall of Champions Chicane for his last wear point.