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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
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Joined: 22 Sep 2014, 6:07 pm

Post 01 Apr 2019, 7:34 pm

The Race to the line comes with no changes as all the remaining cars make the finish. Jack gets a little extra from his engine (2, Success) and makes sure he keeps Chris behind him as they cross the line.

RM Note: Bruce you wrote 60 accelerate to 160, being you are going 60 I took your accel as what you meant at 120, due to 160 would be been a auto crash XP.

Chris, you asked for a test, but you didn't post a speed outside of what I thought was 120, so I ran it at that. If you were meaning 160, note that would of been either an auto crash(which is a DNF), or a late break test, neither of which would have improved your position.

With that said, thanks everyone who stuck around this season, was fun to work with you, especially this last race! As noted before the champion of Circuit 3 for the year is Joshua with 48 points after securing a podium in each of the races! Congrats.

As for final promotion results, it was a tight one, but the four being Promoted to Circuit 2 are: Joshua, Justin, Franklin, and Bruce Rae(by tiebreaker). Congrats to all and good luck!

The end of the season also means Sean Hudson will be relegrated to Circuit 4. Good luck to you in this and may you have luck to return to the circuit next season!

To Bruce Munies, Tony, and Chris and Jack, as you will be returning next season, your car colors are retained, unless you wish to switch cars, and I will be contacting you about next season, and possible defaults for races once a full roster is known for Season 6.

With that, I hope you are have enjoyed this series and good luck in the next!

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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
Posts: 3170
Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm

Post 02 Apr 2019, 4:54 am

Swaine ended up with a solid win.
Montreal C3 summary.png
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NASCAR Driver (Pro V)
Posts: 3170
Joined: 22 Nov 2014, 4:13 pm

Post 15 Apr 2019, 12:44 pm

The Montreal full field results and the season full field results. No driver pointed in all 3 races and only 7 pointed in 2.
Race 3 full field.png
Full Field Points.png