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Post 05 Oct 2018, 11:57 am

Turn 7 leaders breaking away...
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Post 06 Oct 2018, 7:06 am

Only one car over 100mph average
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Post 09 Oct 2018, 5:08 am

Please excuse the delay. Exhausted after camping trip over the long weekend.

Turn 8 Summary

Both Simmerman & Harley drop to 60 to take C8 for free.

Burnett shoots into C8 on the line at 100 for 2 wear. Scarpino pulls up to C8 on the line at 100.

Harrington, at 120, has the middle lane in front of C8. Ingraham, at 100, tucks in behind the #2 racer on the line.

Peeples rolls down the mini-straight at 100. Hoyt comes out of C7 at 120 and finds a hole between the #7 & #78 cars.

Weisen finishes out C7 at 80. Lind takes C7 at 60 for free on the outer rail.

Turn 9 Deadline: Thursday, October 11th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
Early adjudication possible if all plots are in.
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Post 10 Oct 2018, 3:49 pm

Turn 8 track...
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Post 11 Oct 2018, 6:07 am

Most of the field leaves some rubber on the track...

Turn 9 Summary

Simmerman burns 2 tires in the C10 60's before rounding C11 on the inner rail. It's good to have clean air!

Harley tosses a wear into C10 at 80 through the 60's. Burnett pulls up on the numbers of the yellow machine after clipping 2 tires in the C10 60's at 100.

Harrington, at 80, runs the outer rail in C8 for a wear then dives to the inner rail before C10. Scarpino dumps a wear on the C8 line at 80 and, with the purple Ford in the way, settles for the outside in C10.

Peeples scrapes off 2 tires in the C8 60's at 100 before running to the outer rail in front of C10. Ingraham moves next at 80 but with no room to use the line, he drops a wear in the C8 60's. Hoyt eases up to 60 and takes the C8 40 for a wear.

Weisen pulls up to C8 on the line at 80. Lind pushes his engine to 140 w/ 2s (modified 4) but with the preferred line occupied, takes the inner rail by default. Uh oh...

Turn 10 Deadline: Saturday, October 13th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
Trigger option in effect.
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Post 13 Oct 2018, 6:05 am

Lind spins and Weisen, once again, is in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Turn 10 Summary

Simmerman hits the 140's in C12 at speed and has many options for C13.

At 140, Harley clips a tire on the C11 line before taking the 140's in C12. Burnett clears C11 for free on the line at 120. He also gets the car through C12 on the inner rail.

At 80, Scarpino drops a tire in the C10 60 and has the C11 line. Harrington burns a wear in the C9/10 60's at 80.

Peeples opts to save wear through the C9/10 complex at 80 on the outer rail.

Both Ingraham & Hoyt run the C9/10 60's for a wear at 80 while maintaining relative position.

Lind drops to 100 and goes to the dice cup w/ 2s for the chance roll and 2 wear in the C8 40's (modified 9). While he avoids the worst outcome, he loses control of the machine in a spinout. Weisen, at 60 and finding his line blocked, rounds C8 in the 60's lane for free.

T11 Deadline: Monday, October 15th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 13 Oct 2018, 8:35 am

Turn 10 - the field is opening.
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Post 15 Oct 2018, 5:13 am

The leaders are into the big banked turn and headed for lap 2!

Turn 11 Summary

Simmerman opts for the outside arrow in C13 at 160 for free. Harley goes inside arrow for 2 wear at 160. Burnett tosses in a chip to cover the middle arrow at 160.

Harrington drops a wear in C11 at 120 before running C12 for free. Scarpino takes the C11 line for free then pulls into the exhaust of the #32 car.

Ingraham, at 120, races around C11 on the line and settles in on the wing of the Miller Lite Ford. Hoyt takes an RM plot of 100. The distracted driving puts him on the outer rail at 100 then to the middle, leaving the line open.

Peeples, at 120, takes the C11 line then scoots by the NAPA car. Weisen scampers through the C9/10 complex at 80 through the middle for a wear. Lind recovers from his spin at 20.

Turn 12 Deadline: Wednesday, October 17th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 17 Oct 2018, 5:03 am

The lead pack is in lap 2 while the chase pack rounds the banked curve in hot pursuit!

Turn 12 Summary

Simmerman crosses the S/F line at 160 and shakes a potential tail by moving towards the outside. Harley puts his nose across the S/F line at 160 but can't find the tail on the leader. Burnett comes out of the big curve at 160 as well, locking in on the bumper of the #27.

Harrington clips a tire at 140 on the on the inner rail of C13. Scarpino drops the hammer to 180. He takes the outside line on the big, sweeping corner for a wear and will be rocketing out next turn. Ingraham, at 140 and with the coveted double bonus, runs the middle line in C13 for free.

Peeples takes it easy through C12 at 120 for free. Hoyt rams his car through the C12 120 at 160, dropping two wear for the privilege. He sets up C13 on the inside line.

Weisen runs the C11 line for free at 120 before finishing off C12 on the inner rail. Lind takes the C9/10 complex for free through the 60's at speed.

Turn 13 Deadline: Friday, October 19th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 19 Oct 2018, 5:01 am

Just some good, old-fashioned high speed racing on the oval portion of the track.

Turn 13 Summary

Simmerman, Harley, and Burnett line up along the green line in front of C1 at 160.

Harrington drops the hammer to fly down the big straight at 180. Scarpino comes out of the final corner at 180 and tucks in behind the E.J. Wade Ford. Both are now in lap 2.

Ingraham finishes out C13 at 140 and loses contact with his high-speed brethren.

Hoyt runs the inside lane in C13 at 120 for free. Peeples follows the same line at 140 and cuts a tire loose to pull even with the NAPA Chevy.

Weisen makes an effort to catch up, burning 2 tires in C13 at 160. Lind has the track to himself at 120 on the C11 line.

Turn 14 Deadline: Monday, October 22nd @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 19 Oct 2018, 4:54 pm

The sector 2 numbers. No one over 100mph average for the sector.
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Post 20 Oct 2018, 9:20 am

The field....
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Post 22 Oct 2018, 7:40 am

Turn 14 Results.

Simmerman goes green at 120 for 2 wear.

Harley follows the C1 green line, burning a tire at 100. Burnett, at 120, drops 2 wear in C1 and is now running side-by-side with the #27.

Harrington pulls up to C1 on the green line at 140. Scarpino, at 160, opts for the red line and has inside position.

Ingraham grabs the green line at 160. Hoyt races across the S/F line at 160. Peeples tucks in behind the blue machine at 140.

Weisen finishes out the high-speed corner at 160. Lind drops the hammer to 180. He clips 2 tires in the C12 140's before pulling up to C13 on the middle racing line.

Turn 15 Deadline: Wednesday, October 24th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT).
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Post 24 Oct 2018, 5:12 am

Steady as she goes...

Turn 15 Summary

Simmerman dumps a wear in C4 at 100.

Burnett has the initiative at 100 and burns a tire in C4 to maintain the distance from the leader. Harley settles into C4 at 80 for free.

Scarpino knocks down 2 wear at 100 on the C2 red line. Harrington, on the green at 100, tosses in a wear to stay even with the #2 car.

Ingraham starts to unload his wear. He contributes 2 tire tokens on the green C2 line at 120.

Hoyt dashes into C2 on the green line at 120 and throws in 2 wear for the privilege. Peeples forgets that he has busted brakes and plots 100. The over-braking cost a wear but at least he gets a slip out of it.

Weisen, at 160, grabs the green line. Lind clips 2 tires in C13 at 180 (middle red line).

Turn 16 Deadline: Friday, October 26th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 26 Oct 2018, 7:56 am

A very orderly procession through the first half of the infield...

Turn 16 Summary

Simmerman runs the C6 line for free at 80. Burnett does the same as he continues to stalk the leader. Harley, at 100, is pushed to the outer rail of C6 for a wear.

Scarpino clips a tire in C4 at 100. Harrington, at 80, tucks in behind the Miller Lite Ford.

Ingraham also clears C4 at 80. Hoyt finishes out C1 at 120 with wear already paid.

Peeples slows it down to 80 as he takes the C1 green line for free. Weisen is now spending wear like it's going out of style... he drops 2 on the green line and moves past the red and black machine.

Lind preps the C1 green line at 160.

Turn 17 Deadline: Monday, October 29th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)