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Post 17 Sep 2018, 5:10 am

Builds are in!

Not too much duplication for this race with just two pairs (Burnett/Harley & Scarpino/Harrington). There are four big engines at 180 and two 140 putt-putts. Two cars are presumably racing from the front with 100 SS and three from the back at 20 SS.

Starting bid deadline: Wednesday, September 19th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 19 Sep 2018, 6:04 am

The grid is set and Harley takes the pole! There are four ties with a nice spread,. Nothing too unusual here (100's near the front, a couple of 20's at the back) except Ingraham's 20 SS car sitting in 5th.

Turn 1 Deadline: Friday, September 21st @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 21 Sep 2018, 6:33 am

The dice gods have spoken: "Nobody is going 100 today!"

Turn 1 Summary

Galullo tests his start with 2s (modified 9). He can't find the right gear and must settle in at 80. Harley, at 60, pulls in behind the LordCo racer.

Peeples goes to the dice for 120 w/ 2s (modified 10). He also has trouble with his gears and sits alongside the Richmond Chevy. Simmerman successfully pushes to 80 w/ 2s (modified 5) to create a 3-wide going into Corner 1.

Harrington has the initiative with a push of 80 to his SS and modified by 2s (modified 4). He tucks in behind the #27. Ingraham grabs the dice cup for a 40 with 2s (modified 4) and stays on the rail.

Out of row 4, both Weisen and Burnett toss in 1s to push their starts (modified 5 & 8 respectively). They move up together with Weisen getting the tailpipe of the E.J. Wade Ford.

Scarpino takes to the dice with 2s at 80 (modified 6) and finds the spoiler of the Subway Toyota. Francis, at 60, comes in behind the black #78 racer.

Hoyt plots 40 on the start speed chart (naked 7). Lind plays it safe at 20 and moves towards the rail.

Turn 2 Deadline: Monday, September 24th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 22 Sep 2018, 9:09 pm

The race begins. Enjoy.
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Post 23 Sep 2018, 9:01 pm

Awesome Jerome!
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Post 24 Sep 2018, 5:21 am

The lead car gets into Corner 1 with the pack fighting for racing lines.

Turn 2 Summary

Galullo runs into Corner 1 at 120 on the green line for 2 tires. Harley, also at 120, eschews the lines and takes the slip into the outer rail.

Peeples grabs the green line at 120 and Simmerman takes the red, also at 120. Harrington opts for the green line at 120.

Burnett has the initiative at 140 and tucks in behind the #7 Chevy on the red line. Weisen, at 120, grabs the tailpipe on the purple Ford.

Scarpino races his machine down the straight at 140 and with the slip, moves up several positions. He has the inner rail but no line. Ingraham, at 100 and the bonus, sits on the red line with access to the green.

Francis forgets he's racing and drifts out to the rail at 100 with an RM plot.

Hoyt gets his car up to 100 while LInd gives it all he's got at 80.

Turn 3 Deadline: Wednesday, September 26th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 25 Sep 2018, 6:23 pm

Turn 2 action....
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Post 26 Sep 2018, 5:37 am

Harley will take the title of Most Despised CFR Driver after this turn. Stephen, the dice gods were out to get you today. I hope you can turn it around.

This was a very tricky adjudication so please advise if you think you see any errors.

Turn 3 Summary

Galullo finishes out Corner 1 at 120. Harley drops to 60 and causes all kinds of headaches behind him.

Peeples has the initiative at 120. With a blocked line, he burns a wear to go 100 on the outer rail. He attempts a pass on the blocking #27 w/ his big chip (modified 9 - ouch). He must brake down to 60 using another wear and a dice roll. With no skill left he must roll without (naked 10). The failed roll costs him another wear and some damaged brakes. Truthfully, I don't think I've ever seen a driver get so screwed over than this.

Simmerman's red line is all clear for him to traverse it for 2 wear. Harrington has the initiative at 120 but must brake down to 80 (2 wear) so that he can punch through the inside 40 (2 more wear).

Burnett is next at 100. He runs the red line for 2 wear. His personal defaults dictate a forced pass on the #32 (naked 5). He finds both success and the tailpipe of the yellow machine. Scarpino, at 80, has no place to go. He burns a wear to brake to 60 then drops another in the middle lane.

With his preferred path blocked, Weisen brakes from 100 down to 80 using a wear. He then rumbles to the outer rail for another tire. At 100, Ingraham finds no room a the inn. He brakes to 80 with a wear before taking the green line for free.

Francis can't find the steering wheel and takes another RM plot at 80 and is on the verge of seeing the black flag.

Hoyt, at 140, hooks up with the green racing line. Lind, also at 140, opts for the red line.

Turn 4 Deadline: Friday, September 28th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 27 Sep 2018, 5:44 pm

Turn 3....
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Post 28 Sep 2018, 5:13 am

The cars form a more orderly procession this turn...

Turn 4 Summary

Galullo can't find the right gear (RM plot) and veers off to the outer rail in Corner 4 at 80 for free. Simmerman clips a tire at 100 through the inside of Corner 4 and now sits on the lead.

[edit] Galullo has chosen to retire from the race.

Burnett eases down to 80 and into Corner 4 for free. Harley careens through Corner 4 on the outer rail at 120 for 2 wear. Harrington pulls up the corner at 100.

At 100, Scarpino sits astride the numbers of the purple racer. With no place to use the bonus, Peeples tucks in behind the #32 at 80.

Weisen finishes out Corner 1 at 80 before grabbing the bumper on the red & black Chevy. Ingraham continues at 80 to pull even with the orange machine.

Hoyt runs Corner 1 on the green line for free. Lind knocks down 2 wear on the Corner 1 red line at 100.

The black flag comes out for Francis with his 3rd NPR of the lap. He will also be pulled from the series under a temporary league ban for his consecutive DQ's.
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Post 28 Sep 2018, 10:25 am

Turn 4....
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Post 01 Oct 2018, 4:58 am

A quiet turn through the infield...

Turn 5 Summary

Simmerman clips a tire in Corner 6, on the line, at 100. Harley has the initiative at 120. He drops 2 wear on the Corner 6 line. Burnett rolls into Corner 6 at 100 for 1 wear.

Harrington and Scarpino take turns through Corner 4 at 100 each. Harrington has the line w/ Scarpino on the inside.

Peeples runs Corner 4 for free at 80. Ingraham earns the initiative at 100 and burns a tire in Corner 4 before pulling alongside the #7. Weisen, at 80, stays on the bumper of the red machine.

Hoyt clears Corner 4 at 80. Lind pulls up to Corner 4 at 80.

Turn 6 Deadline: Wednesday, October 3rd @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 03 Oct 2018, 5:02 am

I'm shortening these incredibly generic corner descriptions to C6, C7, etc...

Turn 6 Summary

Simmerman burns a tire through the C7 60's at 80. Harley, at 60, makes the tight turn just past the 40 spot for a wear. At 80, Burnett scrapes off a wear in the C7 60's.

Scarpino runs C6 on the inner rail at 80 for a wear. At 80, Harrington could have taken his car into C7 but with no instructions for that corner, the RM will not spend his wear. He rolls to the outside of C6 for free.

Ingraham grabs the initiative at 100 and clips a tire on the C6 line. Peeples, at 80, runs the same line for free and drops a spot.

Weisen pulls into C6 on the line at 80. Hoyt, at 100, deposits a wear on his way to the outer rail of C6. Lind slow plots C4 at 60 (both lanes are 80, Michael!).

Turn 7 Deadline: Friday, October 5th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 04 Oct 2018, 4:44 pm

Turn 6
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Post 05 Oct 2018, 5:58 am

The chase pack leaves some rubber in Corner 7...

Turn 7 Summary

Simmerman approaches C8 on the line at 120. Harley does the same and sits on the wing of the Pennzoil machine.

Burnett finishes out C7 at 80. Scarpino clips a tire in C7 at 80 and stays on the tailpipe of the #19.

Harrington and Ingraham take turns through the C7 60's at 80 for a wear apiece.

Peeples knocks off two tires on the inner rail of C7 and makes it a 3-wide sprint to C8. Weisen runs into C7 on the 60's for a wear.

Hoyt continues through C6 at 100. He careens through the tight C7 corner, scraping off two tires and a -2 dice roll on the chance table (modified 1). He has no problem keeping the car on the track and settles on the bumper of the Accell Chevy.

Lind brings up the rear at 100 and deposits a tire for the privilege of running the C6 line.

Turn 8 Deadline: Monday, October 8th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
Expect up to a 24-hour delay. Next week's deadlines will be modified to accommodate if needed.