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Post 15 Aug 2018, 3:33 pm

And lap 2 comes to an end but not peacefully.

Turn 30 summary:
Rae and Tatum both reach for the dice. Rae with a naked acceleration roll (9) gets to 160. Tatum attempts 180mph starting with a one skill acceleration roll, which fails (modified 10). So he also moves 160. The two match moves and finish 1-2.

Ling has a comfortable third place finish. Ales plots 120 and throws in his 3-skill chip on the chance roll (modified 5). Adding his remaining wear, he covers the 80s and drops inside. Brandt also used his last wear to run the 80s at 100 and drops in behind Ales.

RM note: Given the upcoming corner, there is no way that Brandt can take the spot back so I am declaring the lap over. I will send a separate email later detailing the lap 3 set-up situations.

Next deadline: adjustment and repair orders due Friday, Aug 17 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 30.png
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Post 18 Aug 2018, 4:42 am

Polcen will be looking for a new crew after this!

No drivers make adjustments.
Tatum attempts to repair his acceleration. 3 = repaired
Polcen attempts to repair crash damage. 6, 6 = no repair
(Note: this reduction in top speed is aerodynamic from the crash, not actual engine damage.)

I apologize for the confusion. As it turned out, with no one making adjustments, the reset was actually easy, it just took us some work to get there. I think the idea of making adjustments is a good one. I just have to find some way to simplify the process. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Here is the starting grid for lap 3.

Next deadline: turn 32 due Monday, Aug 20 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 31.png
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Post 20 Aug 2018, 3:32 pm

Four drivers push the start, but only three are happy with the results.

Turn 32 summary:
Brandt's engine man shakes his head as a puff of smoke from the pipes signals he tried getting the engine to do too much (two skill, modified 9). He can only manage a 40mph start. Ales' engine, on the other hand, happily obliges him with an 80 start (two skill, modified 8).

Rae also pounds the gas and his car responds getting him quickly to 120 as he sets up for the line into the first corner. Ling's machine gives him no trouble flying off the line (two skill, modified 3) and into P1 on the inside.

Tatum and Polcen are both satisfied to keep the revs in the green as they match 100mph moves, both picking up a spot from Brandt.

Next deadline: turn 33 due Wednesday, Aug 22 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 32.png
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Post 22 Aug 2018, 3:33 pm

Curva 1 claims some rubber but no victims.

Turn 33 summary:
Ling comes off his inside position running all the way outside around the corner at 160 scrubbing off two wear. He then dives back to the inside. Rae also does 160 around the racing line and keeps within a half of a car length of Ling.

Ales follows Ling around the outside at 140 leaving one wear in the 120s. Polcen asks his injured power plant for a 140 move and it obliges (naked 5). He runs the racing line for free.

Tatum rounds the outside 120s at speed and a slip allowing him to finish inside Polcen to maintain P4. Brandt hits the 100s at speed and he gets a slip from Tatum but loses touch in the corner.

Next deadline: turn 34 due Friday, Aug 24 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 33.png
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Post 24 Aug 2018, 4:06 pm

Ling runs hard to hold on to the lead

Turn 34 summary:
Ling hits the outside of Curva 3 at 120 scrubbing off two wear. Rae brakes to 100 and is ready to take the same corner. Ales does 120 and sets up on the outside of Rae.

Tatum does 140 and takes the outside around Curva 2 to catch Rae's wing. Polcen does 120 around the inside of the 2nd curve to stay even with Tatum. Brandt is locked at 100 but he's keeping the pack in sight.

Next deadline: turn 35 due Monday, Aug 27 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 34.png
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Post 27 Aug 2018, 3:30 pm

Ling's lead looks comfortable for now.

Turn 35 summary:
Ling clears Curva VIP with a 100 move, dropping two wear. But there's an awful lot of wear chasing him as he drops to one remaining. Rae does 80 through both 60s scrubbing off one wear in each. Ales does 80 around the outside for free.

Tatum uses his inside advantage to move first, taking the 60s at 80, dropping one wear and latching onto Rae's wing. Polcen also plots 80 and is forced to the outside, but at least he clears the corner. Brandt flies into Curva 3 at 120 squealing two wear on the asphalt but catching the pack.

Next deadline: turn 36 due Wednesday, Aug 29 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 35.png
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Post 29 Aug 2018, 3:12 pm

If Rae and Ling finish 1, 2, the lap leader will also be the champion. Rae is 4 spaces back with a 3 wear advantage. Can he make the pass? Or will someone get in the mix and play spoiler?

Turn 36 summary:
Ling runs half of the straightaway at 120, leaving room for his brakes to get him slowed before the next corner. Rae finishes Curva VIP at 80 and keeps the leader in sight. Ales sheds two wear in the 60s at 100 to move even with Rae.

Tatum (the real Tatum) shoots the 60s at 80 for one wear and keeps on Ales' tailpipe. Polcen drops one wear in the 60s at 80 to clear the corner. Brandt also clears the corner on the inside at 80 scrubbing off two wear.

Next deadline: turn 37 due Friday, Aug 31 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC

Note: Monday, Sep 3 is a holiday in the US (and maybe other places). The plan is to have turn 38 due Monday. If someone will be away or otherwise unable to make that deadline please let me know.
turn 36.png
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Post 31 Aug 2018, 3:32 pm

A failed dice roll near the front shuffles the pack and the points.

Turn 37 summary:
Ling slows to 100 to approach the Parabolica Interior in the middle lane. Rae pushes his acceleration to reach 160 but his engine refuses the request (naked 10). He replots to 140 and loses two positions. Ales maxes his acceleration to 160 and slips into P2.

Tatum tests his acceleration with 1 skill (modified 8) and is able to go 160 keeping even with Ales. Polcen pushes his engine's top speed to 140 (two skill, modified 4) and, with Rae's failure, he's able to latch onto the red car's wing. Brandt also comes off of Curva VIP at 140 to keep pace with Polcen.

Here's how (I think) it lines up for the championship:
If Ling, Tatum or Rae wins the lap, they are the champion.
If Ales wins the lap he needs either Polcen or Brandt to finish P2, Tatum to finish P4 or worse and Ling to finish P5 or worse.
If the above does not happen for Ales or Polcen or Brandt wins the lap, the highest finisher out of Ling, Tatum or Rae will be the champion.

Next deadline: turn 38 due Monday, Sep 3 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 37.png
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Post 04 Sep 2018, 4:07 am

Things get tight.

Turn 38 summary:
Ling spends his last wear in the 80s at 100. Ales runs the 80s at 120 scrubbing off two wear and pulling even with the leader. Tatum starts at 120 then brakes to 100 (modified 4) sitting on the final 100 space.

Rae drops to 80 and takes the inside route through the 60s for one wear. Polcen slows only slightly to 120 and hits the 80s dropping two wear. Brandt runs into the 80s at 100 shedding one wear.

Next deadline: turn 39 due Wednesday, Sep 5 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 38.png
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Post 05 Sep 2018, 3:21 pm

Rae makes a bold move for the lead!

Turn 39 summary:
Ales jumps out at 120 then brakes to 100 (naked 7) to grab the lead, settling on the inside before the corner. Ling, who has lead most of the race, finally drops a spot at 100 on the outside. Rae sees an opportunity and does 120, looking for a slip. Since Ales started at 120 he gets it! Now he tries an unblocked forced pass on Ales (naked 8) and succeeds!! However, he is now +60 in the corner, scrubbing off two wear but a naked chance roll of 7 brings the red car sliding to a stop and facing the infield.

Tatum avoids trouble by pacing at 100 with plenty of wear left. Polcen and Brandt do the same, although Brandt has half the remaining rubber that the other two do.

Next deadline: turn 40 due Friday, Sep 7 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 39.png
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Post 07 Sep 2018, 3:29 pm

A spin and a ton of rubber laid down this turn.

Turn 40 summary:
Rae gets pointed in the proper direction and starts moving at 40. Ales runs the inside of Orelho at 100 scrubbing off two wear. Ling tries for 80 around the outside (naked 7) but his bald tires won't hold.

Tatum shoots into the points lead at 100, shedding two wear on the inside. Polcen also drops two wear on the inside and keeps on Tatum's wing. Brandt follows suit running his tires bald on the inside lane at 100.

Next deadline: turn 41 due Monday, Sep 10 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 40.png
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Post 09 Sep 2018, 1:27 pm

It's not over yet as the pack jockeys to negotiate the last corner.

Turn 41 summary:
Ales runs the Esses line at 100 and keeps inside in the Parabolica. Tatum also does 100 on the Esses line keeping on Ales' wing. Polcen gets the initiative with a 140 plot then a late brake to 120 (naked 8), scrubbing off two wear in the Esses 80 and picking up P2.

Rae asks for a little better acceleration and his engine responds (naked 7) taking him into the corner on the line at 100. Brandt grabs the line behind Rae at 120. Ling gets his machine pointed in the right direction and turns off onto the service road retiring from the competition.

Next deadline: turn 42 due Wednesday, Sep 12 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
turn 41.png
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Post 12 Sep 2018, 3:15 pm

[edited for RM error]

Another spin! The finish is at hand.

Turn 42 summary:
Ales takes the inside of the Parabolica at 100 for free and clears the corner. Tatum sheds his final two wear in the 100s at 140, shifting to the middle lane as he passes Ales. Polcen plots 120 into the 100s but his bald tires fail to stick (naked 9).

Rae comes into the final corner at 120 shedding his final wear and attempting to force his way past the spinning Polcen (naked 8). A successful pass puts him clear of the corner and on Tatum's tail. Brandt takes the Esses line at 100 for free and he also wants the inner lane in the Parabolica but he does not ask for a pass so he moves to the middle lane to clear the spin.

Next deadline: turn 43 due Monday, Sep 17 at 6pm EDT/10pm UTC
NOTE: trigger mode is in effect
turn 42.png
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Post 17 Sep 2018, 4:06 am

A close finish between three drivers.

Turn 43 summary:
Tatum runs his top speed of 160 to finish P1 for the lap. Ales pushes his acceleration and his engine barely holds (naked 9) as he hits 180. Rae gets the slip from Tatum at 160 and makes it a three wide finish.

Brandt is able to accelerate to 120 off of Parabolica to sew up 4th while Polcen recovers from his spin and settles for P5.

Congratulations to Tatum, the RROC III champion, and to all the drivers that competed this year.
turn 43.png