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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 14 Jul 2018, 6:14 am

Turn 45

Good Afternoon,

Next Move due Wednesday at 5 AM EST.

Chris spent 2 wear going 100 on the 60 lane of corner 9.
Mario spent 1 wear going 100 on the 80 lane of corner 9.
Will tests his accel to 80, dice show 4 Success
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 14 Jul 2018, 6:16 am

Turn 46

Good afternoon,

Final turn due Saturday at 5 AM EST.

I have the additional drivers added just to see.

Will goes 100 on the 80 lane, rolling on chance table with no modifiers, dice show 6 Success
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F1 Driver (Pro VI)
Posts: 7921
Joined: 08 Apr 2002, 9:45 am

Post 14 Jul 2018, 10:21 pm

Final Race Results:

1) David
2) Chris
3) Mario
4) Will
5) Jack
6) Brad
7) Justin