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Post 10 Aug 2018, 6:27 am

Two more cars get the white flag and the dice cup heats up...

Turn 25 Summary

Galullo preps the Senna S on the line at 120. Harley gains a bit of pavement on the leader at 160.

Ingraham noses across the S/F line at 160. Burnett keeps the pace at 160.

Lind maxes his acceleration up to 140. Hoyt drops the hammer out of the Junction to 180 w/ two tests, 1sp each (modified 5 & 7 respectively to ACC & TOP).

Buaska loses the grip on his wheel and takes an RM plot at 120, putting him on the inefficient outer rail in Suboda Dos Boxes. Harrington completes the Junction with already paid for wear, gaining a spot on the distracted Dr. Pepper car.

Snouffer clips 2 tires at 120 in the Junction 80's before grabbing the tailpipe on the E.J. Wade Ford. Scarpino saves his wear at 100 on the Junction line. He pulls in behind the red racer to form a mini-conga line.

Simmerman runs the Junction at 120 for a wear. Francis over-accelerates to 100 w/ 1s (modified 2).

Turn 26 Deadline: Monday, August 13th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 10 Aug 2018, 5:14 pm

Speeds a little closer together in sector 2 this lap.
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Post 13 Aug 2018, 9:15 am

Some high speed racing as the chase pack moves up to the pits!

Turn 26 Summary

Galullo knocks down a wear on the Senna S line at 80. Harley keeps up the pressure at 100, clipping 2 wear on the first Senna line.

Ingraham pulls up to the Senna's on the line at 120. Burnett closes the distance at 160 and grabs the line right behind the black Toyota.

Hoyt gets the initiative at 160 and gets his racer into lap 3. Lind continues at 140 and tucks in behind the spoiler of the NAPA Chevy.

Harrington rolls up to the pits at 160. Bauska, also at 160, slides into the exhaust of the purple Ford.

Snouffer drops the hammer to 180 w/ 2s on the top test (modified 5). He passes the #23 to sit astride the #32. Scarpino also pushes to 180 on the Acc table w/ 2s (modified 1). With the coveted double slip, he gains three spots and clean air!

Simmerman maxes his big engine to 180 up through Subida dos Boxes. Francis takes it easy on his tires at 100 through the Junction on the line.

Turn 27 Deadline: Wednesday, August 15th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 15 Aug 2018, 6:34 am

They are stacked & packed in front of the Senna's. As Gatlin's dad once said, "it's like stuffing 10 pounds of #$%^ into a 5 pound bag."

Turn 27 Summary

Galullo wends his way around Curva Do Sol and into the Reta Oposta at 120. Harley runs the 2nd Senna at 100 on the outer rail for free.

Ingraham clips a tire in the first Senna line at 80 and comes out the other side for free. Burnett burns 2 wear on the Senna line before taking the 2nd Senna 100's for free.

Hoyt pulls up to Senna on the inside at 100. Lind eases back to 100 and sets up the Senna line.

Scarpino races up to Senna at 160. He finds a hole but must forego the line to squeeze in. Harrington, also at 160, takes the inside lane in front of the narrowing track.

Snouffer takes the final slot on the 3-wide, also at 160. Bauska eases back the throttle to 140 and with the bonus, grabs the racing line behind the #11.

Simmerman, at 160, looks in awe at the mass of metal on the track in front of him. Francis tests his accelerator with 2s (modified 5) just to keep pace with the pack.

Turn 28 Deadline: Friday, August 17th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 17 Aug 2018, 6:46 am

The secondary chase pack weaves it's way through the Senna S while the leaders jump out to a sizable lead. Can anyone catch the Carolina blue car in the last lap?

Turn 28 Summary

Galullo pulls up to the Lake Descent at 160. Harley rumbles down the back straight at 160.

Ingraham rounds the Sun Curve at 140. Burnett accelerates out of the Senna S at 160 to catch the side panel on the #78.

Hoyt, at 80, drops a wear in the Senna 60's before occupying the 80 spot. Scarpino burns a wear on over-braking to 80, takes the inner rail for 2 wear (he was not on the line) then pops to the outer rail 100's.

Harrington clips 2 tires in the Senna 60's at 100 before getting hung up in the 100's. Snouffer, also at 100, has no room for his car. He late brakes with a wear to 80, burns another in the Senna 60's, and settles in on the secondary racing line (per personal defaults).

Lind slows to 60 and opts for the outer rail in the top half of the Senna S for free. Bauska over-brakes to 60, using his last skill chip on the dice roll (modified 6). He gladly takes the line for free.

Simmerman pulls up to the Senna S on the line at 100. Francis represents the last car to enter the final lap at 160.

Turn 29 Deadline: Monday, August 20th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 17 Aug 2018, 2:33 pm

Galullo's lead about the same for lap 2.
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Post 20 Aug 2018, 7:08 am

The Fruit Barrel Ford makes a last ditch effort to get back in the race but with a spin in the Senna S his fate is decided. He could still move up the leader board if other cars crash out or end up in the kitty litter.

Turn 29 Summary

Galullo clips a tire at 120 in the Lake Descent 100's. Harley burns a wear at 100 in the 80's and only has one tire left for the race.

Ingraham and Burnett trade paint down the Reta Oposta and flip spots in front of the Lake Descent.

Hoyt and Scarpino pull out of Senna at 140 apiece.

Harrington finishes out the Senna at 100. Snouffer runs the 2nd Senna line at 100 for free and is ready to challenge the #32 car.

Bauska loses his grip on the wheel at 100 and bobbles his car to the outside 100's for free (RM plot). Lind hops onto the 2nd Senna line for free at 100 before tucking in behind the purple racer.

Simmerman drops to 80 and scrapes off a wear on the Senna line before taking the next 80 for free. He has the tailpipe on the distracted Dr. Pepper Toyota. Francis brakes down to 100 w/ 1sp (modified 4) then careens into Senna on the line for a wear and a chance roll, using his big chip (modified 7). He spins out in the corner while listening to earful from his crew chief over the com.

Turn 30 Deadline: Wednesday, August 22nd @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 22 Aug 2018, 10:17 am

The dice gods continue their unfriendly treatment of the racers...

Turn 30 Summary

Galullo runs the Orange curve at 120 for free. Harley pulls up to Little Orange at 140.

Ingraham has initiative at 140 and drops 2 tires in the Lake Descent. Burnett, at 100, burns a wear in the 80 before pulling into the exhaust of the #78 car.

Hoyt & Scarpino race down the straight at 160 each and maintain relative position.

Snouffer attempts 180 with 2s on the ACC (modified 10). A puff of smoke and some engine damage ensue. He re-plots at 160 which throws initiative back to Harrington, also at 160.

Lind rolls down Reta Oposta at 140 and stays on the bumper of the #32 via the bonus. Bauska maintains position behind the FedEx car at 160.

Simmerman pushes to 160 with 2s (modified 2) and, with the slip, pulls up next to the #23. Francis recovers from his spin at 40.

Turn 31 Deadline: Friday, August 24th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 24 Aug 2018, 5:41 am

Simmerman makes a bold move to move up three positions...

Turn 31 Summary

Galullo burns off two more tires in the Esse at 80. Harley pulls up to the Esse at 80.

Ingraham, at 120, comes alongside the #27 Chevy. Also at 120, Burnett slides in behind the yellow & black racer.

Hoyt clips a tire in the Lake Descent at 120 through the 100's. At 100, Scarpino runs in on the tailpipe of the blue #24.

Snouffer has the initiative at 120. He scrapes off a wear in the Lake Descent 100's. Harrington takes the Lake Descent for free at 100.

Lind, at 100, knocks off a wear in the 80 spot and clogs the corner.

Simmerman goes for it at 140. He attempts a forced pass on the inner rail of the Lake Descent for 2 wear and uses his big chip on the chance roll (modified -1) before modifying the pass roll with 2s (modified 7). He squeezes through the tightest of spaces!

Bauska pulls into the Lake Descent 100's at 120 for his last wear chip. Francis moseys along at 80 to bring up the rear.

Turn 32 Deadline: Monday, August 27th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 27 Aug 2018, 6:03 am

Galullo looks to have some company soon...

Turn 32 Summary

Galullo pulls up to the Duck Bill at 80.

Harley plots 80 with the intent of late braking to 60. You must move at least one space before a late brake so into the Esse he goes at 80 for his last wear and 2s on the chance table (modified 6). He manages to keep his tires on the pavement. The plot does say late brake w/ 1s (modified 3) so he drops to 60 and goes into Pine Tree for free.

Ingraham, at 80, burns 2 tires in the Esse before getting pushed out to the Pine Tree 80's for free. Burnett runs the Esse at 60 for a wear.

Hoyt bottles up Little Orange at 100. Scarpino, at 120, gets shoved to the outside rail.

Both Snouffer and Simmerman bolt into Little Orange at 140 each.

Harrington gets the initiative at 160 and burns off some speed in the kink. At 140, Lind stays alongside the #32.

Bauska finishes out Lake Descent at 120. Francis brings his car up to 120.

Turn 33 Deadline: Wednesday, August 29th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 29 Aug 2018, 5:57 am

The dice gods rear their ugly heads...

Turn 33 Summary

Galullo chips off his last tire at 80 through the Duck Bill 60's. Ingraham is closing in as he knocks off 2 wear in the Duck Bill 40 at 80.

Harley pulls up to the Duck Bill at 60. Burnett scrapes off a wear in the Pine Tree 60's at 80.

Hoyt runs into the Esse at 60 for a wear. Scarpino pulls up to Esse at 60.

Snouffer races into the Esse at 80 on the outer rail, costing 2 wear. Simmerman over-brakes to 60 w/ 1s (modified 5) and pulls up on the side panel of the Miller Lite racer.

Both Harrington & Lind plot 100 with each needing to late brake to 80 due to a crowded track. Harrington defaults to 1 wear while Lind rolls the dice (naked 11). The brake pads smoke, costing a wear and brake damage.

Bauska takes an RM plot at 80. Francis pulls up to Lake Descent at 100.

Turn 34 Deadline: Friday, August 31st @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 29 Aug 2018, 3:22 pm

The top 3 with a pretty good gap on the rest of the field.
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Post 31 Aug 2018, 5:47 am

Galullo led the entire race but knew he couldn't get the win without a chance roll. Bad things can happen on the chance table...

Turn 34 Summary

Galullo races into the Junction on the line at 120. He drops his last skill chip on to the dice roll but it just wasn't enough (modified 10). Fortunately, Doug gets away from his fiery wreck and will live to see another day at Indy. Ingraham pulls up to the Junction at 120 and now has an easy path to victory.

Harley eases his way through the Duck Bill at 40. Burnett scrubs off his last two tires in the Duck Bill at 80 and is looking good for a 2nd place finish.

Hoyt runs the Small Pine Tree at 60 for free. Snouffer continues at 80 and sits on the outer rail in Pine Tree.

Simmerman has the initiative at 60. He clips a tire in the Esse before running into the Pine Tree corner on the inside. Scarpino drops to 40, taking the Esse for free.

Harrington, at 80, burns 2 tires in the Esse then runs the outer rail in Pine Tree. At 60, Lind specifically opts for the outer rail in the Esse for a wear.

Bauska lays up in front of the Esse at 60. Francis plots 100 under the impression he can get to the outside in the Lake Descent. He has no access to that lane and must drop a wear in the 80's.

Turn 35 Deadline: Monday, September 3rd @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
The above will be a soft deadline given the holiday weekend in the U.S. Hard deadline is Tuesday the 4th, same time.
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Post 03 Sep 2018, 6:34 am

Happy Labor Day! I hope you're enjoying the day off, for those that receive it.

Turn 35 Summary

Ingraham knocks down his last wear at 120 on the Junction line. Burnett gets to the Junction exit row at 100 on the line.

Harley pulls up to the Junction line at 100. Hoyt clips his last tire in the Duck Bill 40 at 60.

Snouffer throttles down to 60 and parks in front of the Duck Bill. Simmerman continues at 60 and pulls up next to the red racer.

Harrington stays at 80 but with no room to put his car must brake down to 60 with a wear. Scarpino runs Pine Tree on the inner rail at 60 for free.

Lind takes the outside 80's in Pine Tree for free. Bauska slows for the Esse at 40. Francis brings up the rear at 120.

Mater makes an appearance to take Galullo's banged up racer to the garage. The medical crew reports that Doug suffered minor bruises and scrapes and should be cleared for Indy, subject to a more thorough exam..

Turn 36 Deadline: Wednesday, September 5th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)
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Post 05 Sep 2018, 5:22 am

The checkered flag will come out next turn. We will still have some final positions to determine over the next several turns so keep those plots coming!

Turn 36 Summary

Ingraham drops the hammer to 180 as he prepares to take the checkers. Burnett rolls through the Dos Boxes at 160.

Harley rounds the Junction on the line at 100 for free. Hoyt pulls up to the Junction on the line at 120.

Simmerman gets initiative at 80 and burns his last 2 tires in the Duck Bill. Snouffer drops his last wear at 60 before pulling in behind the yellow racer.

Harrington rolls around the outer rail of the Duck Bill at 100 for his last 2 wear and has the side panel on the McDonald's car. Scarpino runs the Duck Bill 60's for free.

Lind pulls into the Duck Bill 60's at 60. Bauska takes the outside in the Pine Tree at 80.

Francis finds himself in a tough spot. He over brakes to 60 w/ 1s (modified 8) and drops his last skill chip on a chance roll in the Esse (modified 8). Round and round he goes, spinning out of control!

Turn 37 Deadline: Friday, September 7th @ 8 a.m. EST (12 noon GMT)